Independent Shorts Awards


LA-based international film festival /IndependentShortsAwards
Boarding Schools is a song by Lyla June, about overcoming the oppression of boarding schools, and rising above with love and empowerment. For over 150 years, hundreds of thousands of Native children were taken or coerced away from their families and Tribes and forced to attend government- and religious-run Indianboarding schools. Survivors of Indian boarding schools have described physical, sexual, psychological, and spiritual abuse and neglect.... /2024/06/28/boarding-schools/
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3 days ago
A charming little town in the Far West where bounty hunters and outlaws mingle... One often leaves there feet first, welcome to Feetfirst Town. Directed by Paul Parent (France) /2024/06/28/feet-first-town/
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3 days ago
Directed by Paul Parent (France) /2024/06/28/the-agency/
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3 days ago
Zoé exists between starkly contrasting realms: the glittering facade of the virtual world and the raw, unfiltered reality. In the digital sphere, she shines as a celebrated influencer, while in the tangible world, she is an immigrant actress confronting the harsh truths of life and self. Zoé's journey through these opposing landscapes is a relentless pursuit of the elusive essence of true happiness. Directed by Sisy M Gomez Peña (USA) /2024/06/28/trust-the-process/
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3 days ago
A father navigates his daughter's fear while wrestling with his own. Directed by Jef Ross Doebler (USA) /2024/06/28/goodnight-darling/
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3 days ago
The ‘Ange and Addi Show,’ follows the office lives of cleaning and restoration sales reps, Ange (the girly girl), Addi (the tomboy) and Jax (the weary sidekick). The show is a narrative web series for Public Corporation, Legend Brands. This unique marketing asset was developed to create a brand identity intended to serve as both an educational and promotional resource for all things cleaning and restoration. Currently, 48 episodes have been contracted through mid-2025 and production is underway. Directed by Dustin James Leighton (USA) /2024/06/27/the-ange-and-addi-show/
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4 days ago
I am also looking for my own shelter. For me, the city is like a calm lake that can't get out of the ripples. For you, the mountains are the same lake too? Directed by A Jun (China) /2024/06/27/the-words-of-stone/
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4 days ago
Helen Taylor started Core City CrossFit Kids, as a non-profit after school program, in June of 2021. The sport is known to be expensive and not as accessible to lower income communities. Through resilience, partnerships and a little bit of love and kindness, the non-profit program has brought not only the sport of CrossFit to the kids, but has rallied others around them nationwide.... /2024/06/27/core-city/
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4 days ago
A young woman attempts to communicate with her dead sister. Directed by Parker Viale (USA) /2024/06/27/portrait-of-fear/
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4 days ago
A gay couple get attacked by vampires that drink the blood of queer people. Why? Because we taste the best, obviously! Directed by James Berry (USA) /2024/06/27/out-to-run-a-tale-of-blood-velvet/
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4 days ago
Logline:A mad doctor transforms into a monstrous killer and creates mayhem in a medical institute. In 1936, in Seattle, a nineteen-year-old budding filmmaker using his own equipment had already created over 50 stage/screenplays and was working on his seventh of nine films before he was 20. This director would go on to work for Disney Studios and direct and edit a 1950 Academy Award Documentary.... /2024/06/27/the-scalpel/
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4 days ago
Working to pay for his skateboard, a Chinese-born African is forced to quit his job when he is caught working with other blacks by his Chinese mom. While he tries to prove his Chineseness, a mixup with another black suspect results in police brutality. Eventually, He's forced to abandon part of his identity. Directed by Yiding Wang (China) /2024/06/27/jaglion/
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4 days ago