Istituto di Moda Burgo


Open day: Milano 8/07 Roma 16/07 Bologna 3/07
Fashion Design in Milan📍 @istitutodimodaburgo
13.2k 24
6 months ago
381 23
19 days ago
On June 2nd, 2024, an institutional ceremony for Republic Day was held at the Prefettura di Milano, during which 39 Honours of the Order “Al Merito della Repubblica Italiana” were awarded by Mayor Giuseppe Sala and Prefect Claudio Sgaragli. Among the honours stood out the one received by our Director and founder of the Burgo Institute, Fernando Burgo, who was awarded the title of Knight of the Italian Republic. Director Fernando Burgo’s tireless initiative has rewarded him several times over the years. As a matter of fact, this is not the first time he has been recognized for his contribution in the fashion and education sector. #cavaliere #cavaliererepubblica #cavalieredellavoro #cavalierelavoro #cavalierato #premiazione #ceremony #award #knightitalian #knight #pisapia #sala #italianrepublic #burgoproud #fernandoburgo #burgofernando #cavalierefernandoburgo #istitutodimodaburgo #modaburgo fashionschool #stefanoburgo #monicaburgo Il 2 Giugno 2024 si è svolta, presso la Prefettura di Milano, la cerimonia istituzionale per la Festa della Repubblica, durante la quale sono state consegnate 39 Onorificenze dell’Ordine “Al Merito della Repubblica Italiana” dal sindaco Giuseppe Sala e dal prefetto Claudio Sgaragli. Tra le onorificenze spicca quella ricevuta dal nostro Direttore e fondatore dell’Istituto Burgo, Fernando Burgo, insignito del titolo di Cavaliere della Repubblica Italiana.
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26 days ago
We are pleased to announce the partnership between Istituto di Moda Burgo and Monster Italia. Thanks to our agreement we will be able to offer our graduates new internship and job offers in the fashion industry. In addition, Monster has made available tips for an effective CV, secrets for how to approach an interview, and strategies for a productive job search #monster #monsteritalia #cv #curriculum #interview #job #jobsearch #jobopportunity #joboffers #burgo #collaboration #collaborazione #2024 #partnership #imb #burgo2024 #burgointheworld
246 4
1 month ago
Another masterpiece made by our student @francescaa.papagni during the Haute Couture Embroidery Class supervised by our teacher @biagio.belsito
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1 month ago
Baroque style embroidery made with mohair wool and @swarovski ’s elements made by @laura_tirtei supervised by @biagio.belsito
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2 months ago