Allison | Somatic Healing & Embodiment Coach


🦋Helping you heal, get out of you own way, & step into your soul's purpose 🌬️Breathwork⚡️subconscious reprogramming🤍nervous system love👇🏼WORK W/ ME💕👇🏼
I’m a healing & embodiment coach dedicated to helping women find their most aligned & magnetic soul path. My unique background in engineering empowers me to drive results and create lasting change with precision & clarity. By integrating subconscious reprogramming, somatic trauma healing, feminine embodiment, & spirituality, I guide my clients to step into their highest timeline – unlocking their soul’s full potential and embracing a life of purpose, joy, & abundance. Interested in working together? My Soul Alignment Mastery program is designed just for you! ❤️‍🔥 What’s Included: ✨ Step by step video curriculum teaching you evvverything you need for your journey ✨ Personalized 1:1 coaching sessions to guide your transformation ✨ Strategic action roadmaps tailored to your unique path ✨ Customized meditations, breathworks, & spiritual tools to integrate your uplevels This process is not about checking the boxes ❌ 👉 This program is for the women who have tried it all but still feel stuck 👉 For the women who are tired of life passing them by 👉 For the women ready to release their limitations and step fully into their truth If this resonates with you, this is your sign that you’re ready. Ready to become the version of you that lives authentically & in your power. Ready to let go of everything that’s holding you back from the life your soul truly craves. Ready to RECIEVE and allow yourself to embrace every good thing that is meant for you in this human lifetime? Click the link in my bio to apply and learn more about Soul Alignment Mastery & how working together will take you from 🐛to 🦋
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23 days ago
When you’re on a journey of soul growth & healing, having the right support is essential. Not only for your progress, but for your overall experience & success. You need to work with someone who you know you can trust to hold space for you and have the tools to support you as you work through deep transformations & rebirths. That’s why working with a certified coach who understands trauma and the complexities of the soul is so important. I know from experience that when life throws the hardest battles at you, every obstacle & hardship holds the key to your soul’s highest growth & evolution. Navigating through inner child wounds, limiting beliefs, and subconscious blocks is never easy. That’s why I’ve made it my mission to create a safe & supportive space for you to heal & grow. What sets me apart is my diverse range of skillsets, experience, & certifications. From trauma-informed coaching to subconscious reprogramming, nervous system regulation, and somatic practices – I’ve got your back. By combining these methods to build a customized plan, we create a holistic healing journey tailored specifically to you. Together, we’ll shift those unhelpful mindset patterns, heal those past traumas, and build the new identity that your soul is begging to step into. You’re not alone on this journey. I’m here to support you every step of the way, helping you thrive and create lasting change that empowers you to leap fully into your soul’s purpose. If you’re interested in working together send me a message and we can see if I’m the right coach for you. You deserve to live your most magnetic, abundant, & full life — let’s create it together. ☀️
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22 days ago
“Did you have some work done?”👄Nope… just released all the stuck trauma, energy, & emotions I had been carrying in my body for years. Because real beauty? It’s an inside job. Those emotions you’ve been avoiding? They are still inside of you, waiting for release. That trauma that you’ve tried to forget? Your body is still having a survival response because it hasn’t been resolved yet. Your being is craving deep healing. But not through words & logic. Through movement, sound, breath, crying, yelling, laughing. These stuck emotions are affecting your eating habits, sleep, and numbing behaviors (binge eating, doom scrolling, endless Netflix), and they shape how you feel inside. This impacts your cellular function, muscle tension, skin health, aging, and even the electromagnetic field around your body. Your skin breaks out, muscles tighten, you age faster, and you become less magnetic. We do so much to the outside of our bodies to promote beauty and youth… but what if we addressed the root of it all? What if your body could finally release everything it’s been holding that doesn’t belong to you? What if you created space to embody who you truly are and how you want to feel? What if you stopped intellectualizing everything and let your body express, process, and release as it was designed to? Welcome to somatic healing, my love. So glad you found your way here. Welcome home💞👣
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8 hours ago
It was my second set🏋🏼‍♀️ As I prepared to pick up the weights… I burst into tears. And had no idea why. Something snapped inside of me — not physically, but energetically. Little did I know that would be my first anxiety attack of many that month. And sadly… I didn’t even recognize all the ways that my body had been crying out for help🆘 ⏩Fast forward to now 📍I’m living each day deeply connected to my body & intuition 📍My nervous system is regulated AF 📍I use somatic daily practices to create safety & alignment in my body 📍I’m melting into the delicious present moment Sooooo how did I go from ☠️ to 👸🏼? Not even going to lie to you. The journey here didn’t feel graceful. It was full of trial & error, tears & breakdowns. And honestly, the resources I needed to heal were NOT easy to find. None of my mindset coaching tools could even begin to help me out of the pit of anxiety & dysregulation I was in🏴‍☠️ So I had to create and find new tools. 💓Tools that spoke to my BODY, instead of my mind. 💓Tools that created SAFETY, rather than logic. 💓Tools that could pierce the layer of conscious mind to reach the depths of my subconscious. I figured out that *feeling* safe was step 1. (Feeling safe, not thinking safe — big difference) I discovered somatic practices that helped me reconnect to my body, move stuck energy, & express repressed emotions. I nursed my nervous system back to health and healed my chronic survival response. I came back to life🌷 And now I help my clients come back to life too🌹🌸🌺🌷🌻🌼🪷🪻💐 While the journey here was tough, I truly believe that I was meant to experience such dysregulation & disembodiment so that I could teach others how to overcome it too. If you’ve been stuck in fight or flight for a while now… or if you feel disconnected from your body & stuck in your mind, Know that I’ve been there too. If I can overcome it, you can too💓 If you want to chat about how I can help you come back home to your body & reclaim your power🌷 my DMs are always open. Cheers to safety, regulation, peace, presence, & embodiment✨
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1 day ago
Somewhere along the way you forgot that you have so much light inside. So much light that no trauma or trigger could ever drown it out. So much light to be discovered just on the other side of sitting with our darkness and facing our shadows. But we let fear of the discomfort drive us to seek quick fixes instead. So we don’t have to get uncomfortable. But angel, the medicine is in the stillness of being with what’s inside of you, begging you for your attention. Begging for your love. And when you can finally be with yourself — through the darkness AND the light… it becomes really freaking beautiful🩷
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5 days ago
No one talks about the LIBERATION that comes with healing ⛓️‍💥💥🎊 The truth is that facing your traumas, shadows, inner child wounds, & triggers is uncomfy AF. AND It’s literally the path to breaking free from the shackles of shame, stuckness, low self-worth, & dysregulation that stand between you and the life you really want. Whether you consciously realize it or not, these issues will continue to control you… every day until you release them. And there’s no quick fix for releasing them. So people just journal and say positive affirmations, thinking they’re doing all the work they need to get unstuck, only to wonder why they struggle to step into their next level. I know because I’ve been there🙋🏼‍♀️🫠 While there aren’t quick fixes that replace actually doing the healing work, there ARE incredibly effective tools. Tools that will transmute your trauma, rewire your subconscious, clear stuck energy from your body, & regulate your nervous system. Tools that will take you from “why is everything always so hard” to “wow, I can’t believe it’s that simple.” That’s the thing. These tools are simple. But it’s going to take more than a positive mindset and a solid morning routine to unlock your next level, babes. Time to do the real work. Because we both know that your soul’s purpose is much bigger than everything that’s in your way. 🩷
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6 days ago
BRB✨💃🏼 Sometimes you just gotta take a sec to find yourself, reconnect, regulate, & magnetize your new timeline👣 I’ve had MANY seasons death & rebirth🕊️ And somehow they just keep getting better and better💞 I know entering seasons of healing can feel so scary & un-fun. But giiiirrrrl the freedom & magic on the other side is sweeter than you can even imagine🍯 Plus the journey is actually kinda fun once you have the right tools to lean in & listen to the signs✨ 🌀That anxiety? Is your nervous system begging you to get out of your head & reconnect to your body. 🌀That big scary change that just happened in your life? Is evidence that your old timeline is falling away to make room for your new one. 🌀That sense of urgency to do it all? Is an invitation to find worthiness is just being — melting into the present & embodying your true self. 🌀Those triggers? Are wounds asking to be healed so that you can show up as your favorite version of yourself. 🌀That urge to control everything? Is your sign it’s time to surrender to the innate wisdom, intelligence, & guidance that’s already inside of you, just waiting for you to reconnect with it. It’s allllll divine baby. Time to lean in🩷
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7 days ago
Feeling blocked from the divine wisdom of your body?👣 Here’s why 1️⃣ Over-thinking Intellectualizing everything, unable to separate yourself from the mental stories spinning in your mind — needing to understand, analyze, & control outcomes. 2️⃣ Anxiety A constant sense of impending doom that you can’t seem to shake. Robbing you of the peace you crave. 3️⃣ Trouble living in the present Habitually ruminating on the past or trying to predict the future, unable to fully embrace the beautiful moment that’s in front of you. Trust me, you’re not alone in this. I used to be the queen of the mind… but the body? We didn’t know her🫣 I lived most of my life believing that the brain ran the show & the rest didn’t really matter. I was so wrong. Turns out, 80% of the information you process goes from BODY ➡️ brain (bottom-up), while only 20% goes from brain ➡️ body (top-down). This means the BODY sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the body. So, if you’re only doing mindset work, you’re only scratching the surface. My clients don’t come to me just for mindset work or intellectual solutions. They come because they feel disconnected from their bodies, blocked from the divine wisdom within. They know that mental overdrive, anxiety, and a struggle to live in the present moment are holding them back from truly experiencing the peace, connection, and fulfillment that they desire. They know they’re meant for big things, but don’t feel grounded enough to actually make progress in claiming their next level identity & reality. Sound like you? Keep reading 👇🏼 It’s time to actually process & release blocks rather than just going in circles, intellectualizing everything in your head. It’s time to feel so tuned into your intuition that you can make decisions on a dime from a place of deep self-trust & knowingness. It’s time to feel peace, presence, & embodiment that allows you to actually experience the wonderful life that’s happening in front of you. It’s time to step into this big life you’re meant for & claim your biggest goals — all with a regulated nervous system. It’s time to come home to your body🥰
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8 days ago
We love therapy around here, genuinely, but there are some aspects of your healing journey that will require more action-planning rather than analyzing the past. Unlike therapists who dig into what got you to where you are right now, a life coach focuses on your future. 🔮 I provide the tools and strategies to break through personal barriers and achieve next-level success while we work to nurture your nervous system and reprogram your beliefs so that you can receive it. Perfect for those who are already doing well but crave more fulfillment and alignment. If you’re here, you have already been called, and you’re ready to embody your next-level self — so I’m going to leave everything here, all out on the table. This is everything you need to know about my 6-month private coaching container. 👇 I am only taking 5 more clients for the REST of the year, so if you’re ready to transform on a deep, cellular level and become the most radiant, magnetic version of yourself, then here are your next steps ⬇️ What You’ll Achieve in the next 6 months 👇 ✨Feel more alive and confident in every aspect of your life ✨Deepen your relationship with yourself and your body ✨Gain clarity on your life’s purpose and align with it fully ✨Experience the joy, happiness, and inner peace you’ve always desired ✨Live your life authentically, embracing your femininity and setting healthy boundaries ✨Build and connect with an aligned community that supports your journey ✨Rock a lifestyle that elevates your daily experiences ✨Harness the drive to take bold leaps toward your next level life Your Journey working within this 1:1 container 🦋Personalized Coaching: Tailored one-on-one sessions that focus on your unique needs and goals. 🦋Holistic Approach: Address all aspects of your being—mental, emotional, physical, energetic, and spiritual. 🦋Transformative Techniques: Utilize cutting-edge methods for deep, lasting change. Let’s break free from what’s holding you back and create a future filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. This one decision is going to take you from 🐛➡️🦋, I am so excited to go on this journey with you.❤️‍🔥
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12 days ago
My clients don’t come to me for hand-holding or accountability. They come because they recognize there’s a deep-rooted block preventing them from stepping into their full power and authenticity. They understand that internal barriers keep them from showing up authentically and powerfully, and they seek to identify and overcome these deep-seated issues. My clients don’t expect someone else to do the work for them. They are ready to learn, heal deeply, and release the blocks that hold them back from their soul’s purpose and most aligned life. They are eager to acquire the tools and techniques necessary for their highest growth. Open to receiving profound healing and releasing the obstacles in their way, they are committed to stepping into their soul’s purpose and living a life that truly aligns with their values and desires. You also don’t have to be in a state of crisis to receive this deep healing work. Many of my clients have come to me when their lives are outwardly successful, yet they feel unfulfilled. Despite having everything they thought they wanted, they struggle to savor and enjoy their accomplishments. Life is good on paper, but they can’t seem to truly enjoy it. They struggle with being present and deeply crave a sense of fulfillment, realizing that the problem isn’t their external circumstances, but how they relate to them and their inner world. Sound like you? Keep reading 👇 Through our work together, you’ll achieve authentic power, uncovering and stepping into your true self. You’ll experience deep healing and personal growth, allowing yourself to release blocks and embrace your soul’s purpose. Ultimately, creating a life that is not only successful on paper but also deeply satisfying and aligned with your innermost desires. If you’re ready to FINALLY heal this summer and embrace your inner magnetic hot girl, click the link in the bio to apply for my 6-month private coaching container! Being a “hot girl” is something you choose, let’s bring her to life. ❤️‍🔥
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14 days ago
Ever noticed how a secure, calm nervous system can sometimes feel... well, boring? This happens because when you’re finally in a space of feeling safe after years of being in a fight or flight rollercoaster 🎢 your entire system feels exhausted. Constantly living on that edge isn’t sustainable. It drains us, leaves us scattered, and prevents us from truly experiencing joy or security because we’re chasing a “high”. Healing sometimes isn’t super sexy and can sometimes feel sticky af or even borning… but this is why so many people never TRULY get to the other side to experience the wholeness they’re seeking. Healing yourself isn’t just about feeling good—it’s about unlocking your full potential. 🔑 💭Think about it → without a healed nervous system, how can you expect to radiate that magnetic energy that attracts everything you want in life? It’s like trying to light up a room with a flickering bulb. Sportaic, frustrating, and on the verge of burning out. Confidence, success, and truly fulfilling relationships (not trauma bonds that feel either sexy or devastating) all start with you being centered, grounded, and at peace within yourself. So, ditch the drama of constant stress and embrace the serenity of a healed nervous system. The old you might feel like it’s boring, but the next level you is going to harness it to become extremely powerful. When you’re centered, you’re unstoppable. You radiate a vibe that draws opportunities, connections, and joy into your life effortlessly. It’s time to prioritize your healing journey. Because when your nervous system is in sync, life becomes a dance of abundance and fulfillment. Are you ready to step onto the stage of your own greatness? The spotlight is waiting for you. Click the link in the bio to apply for my 1:1 private coaching container where together we are going to regulate and ground your nervous system so that you can get into a state of attraction and abundance.
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15 days ago
Your career is cruising, bank account stacked, and you have the most amazing friends. But let’s be real—sometimes you’re itching to toss that laptop out the window and chase something more... thrilling. Sure, you’ve nailed success, but deep down, there’s a hunger for more. More purpose, more excitement, more of that “I am absolutely in LOVE with my life” feeling. It’s not just about the paycheck; it’s about living a life that you don’t feel like you need a vacation from. You’ve dabbled in therapy, unpacked your baggage, but it’s time for something that is truly transformative. No more beating yourself up over missed gym sessions or boundaries you didn’t quite honor. You’re ready for serious transformation—where healing meets action and abundance is your new normal. Imagine waking up every single day knowing that you are 100% in alignment with your soul’s purpose. You don’t just experience love – you have the safest, most nurturing relationship you could imagine. You don’t just love your job – you’re attracting aligned opportunities left and right, people treat you exceptionally well, and you kind of just get everything you want all of the time. You don’t just have friends, you have deep connections with people who fill your cup and make you feel so supported, loved, and understood. Together, we’ll ditch survival mode and dive headfirst into a life packed with passion, purpose, and pure freaking radiant joy. ☀️ It’s time to rewrite your story, embrace your power, and live a life that’s not just good—but magnetic, abundant, and fulfilling on every single level. This isn’t just a transformation—it’s a full-on revolution. Together, let’s create a future where you’re not just moving through the motions; you’re irresistible. Spots are open for my 6-month 1:1 private coaching container, and I am here, ready to take you to that next level. Together we will reframe, rework, and rewire your mindset and release trapped energy settling in your body so that you can have space to receive and live a life in overflow. Want to know more? Send me a message and I can walk you through the process to see if this container is a right fit for you.
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16 days ago