Allyson J’nelle


Strategic Comms person by day, Lightworker all the time. A catalyst. Here to share my journey & inspire others to grow.
It’s prom night for Duke Ellington School of the Arts 🎭. Andrew is taking his best friend Lourdes. These two have been best friends since 2nd grade at Mundo Verde. Y’all know I love a good story… well long before Andrew came out, he and Lourdes had a mutual crush one another that had a fiery climax. During the 5th grade Capstone Expedition to Puerto Rico, Lourdes penned 🖊️ a diss rap and rapped it at him in front of the entire 5th grade class. The full story, in the video.
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26 days ago
Hello 👋🏽! The two terrific young people in the middle (in the striped shirts) are our newest employees (l-r), Tyler Dawkins & Najah Hashim. They were placed in the CEX Comms office by the Prince George’s County Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP). Monday was Tyler & Najah’s first day and we’re excited to provide them with a fulfilling and enriching summer career experience! One project that I’m giving them ownership of (under @thatposhjosh ’s supervision) is curating content for the closed circuit tv system you see behind us. That tv is in 21 buildings throughout the County and we recently decided to take ownership of it from IT and make it an incredible feat of narrative storytelling about Prince George’s County and the outcomes of the Alsobrooks Administration! June was the first month we interjected ourselves into the process, which is why you see the Pride content there. We’re mapping out themes for each month for the rest of the year and gathering events and initiatives from every agency to include and overall make it amazing. That tv screen is one of the first communication touchpoints thousands of people have with the county, everyday so how it looks and what it says about us matters!! In addition to that, I’m excited to learn more about what Tyler & Najah are interested in, professionally, and give them what they need to help them grow in that area this summer. We’ll get started with some 2 month goals… next week. We’re on 4th of July holiday time as of today!
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8 hours ago
I’ve been thinking through tackling fear lately. Not visible fears of things, like spiders or heights but the fears that immobilize us and create stagnancy and limitation. Those are the insidious thoughts that drive self sabotaging behavior and inaction. Intellectually, we know these things are conquerable, but where does one even begin? Well, I’m digging into it! I hope you’ll stick around for this special content series. I’m dropping it here next week!
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13 hours ago
100% this. We’re in a soul growth spurt. Paying attention and putting intention into what matters. #Repost @fierce.tarot with @use.repost ・・・ 👑✨🙏
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1 day ago
My better than me.
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1 day ago
Today was my self care Sunday. I lined up my hair appt, waxing & mani-pedi back to back and flowed through the day enjoying time and space for my thoughts, in a zen zone with a good book. Feeling “maintained” and ready for the week. Hope you all had an amazing day too and also that you did something to help set you up for the amazingness you’re going to achieve in the days ahead.
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3 days ago
What an amazing day! After taking Brian to work, I drove out to the @thetruecrystalfox and picked up a few new crystals— a chunk of epidote quartz, a herkimer diamond and a selenite tray. The tray is mostly to place my crystal bracelets on at night and cleanse them from the energy of the day. The herkimer diamond is supposed to be good for supporting astral travel. The epidote quartz is for chakra alignment. I had a private session with one of my mom’s friends who confirmed I needed to increase my chakra work for some remaining blockages in my sacral and root chakras. I thought the supportive healing stones would be helpful as I work on content I’m creating about addressing fear. And let me tell you, it’s especially timely— this weekend, Maya went out of town with her dad and his girlfriend. It was a big moment for me as yet another marker of this new chapter. I sat with myself to assess my feelings. You know what one of the biggest fears was? Making sure Maya had a well packed bag so that the woman wouldn’t think I’m a trifling mother. Y’all know how Maya packs, if left to her own devices. Actually, that’s why I left work early, the day I fortuitously ran into Jonathan Butler. But the fact that my overarching feelings were 1) peace and 2) concern for Maya’s bag??? That was huge. I wasn’t triggered. I didn’t fly into a panic and decide to be toxic and go get him back, to keep him from moving on. I only felt… concern for my reputation as it pertains to packing a proper weekend bag for a child. And anytime I took a moment to ponder my choices up to the moment, it seems like the universe would send me an angel number to reassure me. The gas pump ⛽️ stopped at $44.44. Then I saw 919 THREE times within a few hours. Divine order was at work. I knew it. So, today, I got out walking in my (relatively new) neighborhood. In the car, I always pass this tavern that looks so quaint and cozy. I decided to check it out. I’m now enjoying a martini 🍸 , apps and a vegan crab cake at the outdoor bar. And I’m feeling absolutely divine! I may try to watch some of the new season of Bridgerton when I get home. This is truly a wonderful weekend! ☺️
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4 days ago
@itisidrew vascilated between being apoplectic and wildly entertained Thursday night during the presidential debate. I kept hearing him shout things through the wall while listening to the candidates exchange barbs and ideas… okay, let’s just be real, mostly petty barbs and insults. I heard “I’m screaming!” Then “oooh, so sassy.” Then he showed up in my doorway with the iPad talking about “is this even for real?” 😂. Sadly, son, it is.
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4 days ago
This is a very effective and thoughtful visual. Vibration is more than a “vibe.” #Repost @kingthelady with @use.repost ・・・ A deeper meaning to Equally Yoked✨ 👇🏾 Being on the same frequency creates movement & not being on the same frequency creates stagnation. When you’re operating on the same frequency you’re able to communicate more effectively, feel heard and seen equally, and be aligned in your lifestyles and the life you want to build together. It’s important to trust your spirit when something feelings off when you’re dating. The “maybe I’m tripping” moments have to stop if you want to continue to advocate for yourself and receive what you deserve in a relationship. Knowing your worth, values, lifestyle and yourself will help you on your dating journey. #therapyworks #stemtherapy #stemactivities #tuningforks #frequencyhealing #lovefrequency #frequencyvibrations #psychotherapist #relationshiptherapy
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4 days ago
Grateful to be on the “Table Strategies: Getting a Seat at the Table” panel at @theblackgirltribe ’s annual The Formation Conference. This organization brings in hundreds of young ladies, ages 13-17, to Howard University each year for a week of networking with professionals across various industries, learning growth strategies, goal setting and soul purpose activities. Our group of girls is so poised and thoughtful. They asked questions like— “how do you handle micro aggressions in the workplace?” And, “do you think it’s important to code switch in different environments?” We had girls from Houston, Baltimore, Jersey, Philly, Chicago and right in our backyard— Prince George’s County! It’s so important that we give of our time to our youth, connect in meaningful cross-generational ways, and offer guidance and mentorship. I wish we could deliver engagement like this at an even greater scale! Thank you, @theblackgirlttribe for such a fulfilling opportunity 💛. (The second pic is an “us-ie” of me and my fellow panelists, Iman Smallwood, Wanika Fisher, Natasha Thompson, & moderator Joy Russell.
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5 days ago
Attended Brian’s @_brian.w__ graduation tonight at Oklahoma State via zoom. I’m incredibly proud of him and grateful for family that attended from Virginia Beach, Memphis and Charlotte. The village is amazing and full of love 💛. I did a screen grab of him getting his certificate for successfully completing 15 flight hours. He texted this morning to say he passed some sort of test that cleared him to fly solo today. I prayed that God keep him covered. At the beginning of the program, the flight school director gave a quote that I scribbled down— “you are only limited by the effort you put forth.” I thought about B and his journey to this day and how much effort he gives. The words rang so true!! During the recognition part of the ceremony he won “least likely to own a television.” Maya said “why is that so accurate?!” 😂 thank you so much @aimhighflightacademy .
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6 days ago
Let me tell you how good God is. To my left is Jonathan Butler. He’s a big deal in the business community, generally. Specifically, he’s the Director of the County’s Contracting and Procurement office. He set up all the systems for the MBE (minority business enterprise) program. If you want your company to compete for business in the County, he is the person to know. I never see him; our offices aren’t even in the same building. But a few weeks ago, after moving Bumblebee Strategies to Riverdale to grow roots in PGC, I’d set an intention to have a meeting with Mr. Butler to learn how to get my business certified. I started manifesting. Today, I got on the elevator and there he was. I ended up with 15 minutes of chat time and help with the MBE certification process! (Don’t you just get filled with warm fuzzies of gratitude when you get little confirmations that the universe is supporting you?🥰) #lawofattraction
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6 days ago