IUCN Shark Specialist Group


The IUCN SSG was established in response to growing awareness and concern of the severe impact of fisheries on shark, ray, and chimaera populations.
The Important Shark and Ray Areas project's next area of interest is New Zealand and Pacific Islands! Please submit preliminary areas of interest by July 5th! #marinebiology #Sharks #SharkResearch #SharkScience #Conservation #ThreatenedSpecies #Ocean #Animals #Environment #EnvironmentalScience #WeAreSSC #SpeciesSurvival #ConservationPartners #SSCleaders #ConservationImpact #VolunteerNetwork #SSCPublications #ConservationWorks
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2 days ago
Happy Angel Shark Day from the IUCN Species Survival Commission Shark Specialist Group! Angel sharks are some of the most threatened elasmobranchs on Earth. Learn more about them from our friends at Angel Shark Project: / Learn more about us: /faq.html #WeAreSSC #SpeciesSurvival #ConservationPartners #SSCleaders #ConservationImpact #VolunteerNetwork #SSCPublications #ConservationWorks #MarineBiology #angelshark #Sharks #SharkScience #SharkResearch #MarineBiology #Ocean #animals #EndangeredSpecies #ThreatenedSpecies #Conservation #Environment #EnvironmentalScience #Research
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7 days ago
Happy World Ocean Day from the IUCN Species Survival Commission Shark Specialist Group! This year's theme is "awaken new depths." We work with expert colleagues all over the world to make sure that shark, ray, and chimaera conservation doesn't just skim the surface. #WeAreSSC #SpeciesSurvival #ConservationPartners #SSCleaders #ConservationImpact #VolunteerNetwork #SSCPublications #ConservationWorks #WorldOceanDay #Ocean #Science #Research #Conservation #Environment #Shark #Sharks #SaveSharks #MarineBiology #EnvironmentalScience @iucnssc @redlist.iucn @sharkconservationfund @saveourseasfoundation @thesharktrust
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25 days ago
Happy International Day for Biological Diversity #BiodiversityDay from the IUCN Species Survival Commission Shark Specialist Group! We work to secure the conservation of sharks, rays, and chimaeras. #WeAreSSC #SpeciesSurvival #ConservationPartners #SSCleaders #ConservationImpact #VolunteerNetwork #SSCPublications #ConservationWorks #MarineBiology #Conservation #EndangeredSpecies #Sharks #SharkScience #EnvironmentalScience #Environment #Ocean
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1 month ago
The Important Shark and Ray Areas project's next area of interest is Polar Waters. We can still accept proposals for preliminary areas of interest through Tuesday May 28th- please submit! /isra/faq/ @sharkconservationfund @saveourseasfoundation @rewild @thesharktrust @thewcs #MarineBiology #Sharks #SharkScience #Conservation #Environment #ThreatenedSpecies #Science #Research #EnvironmentalScience #polar #Arctic #Antarctic
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1 month ago
The Important Shark and Ray Areas project is excited to announce our latest compendium, featuring 122 Important Shark and Ray Areas in Asian waters, along with 45 areas of interest! This represents the work of 208 expert contributors. Check out the compendium on the ISRA website, SharkRayAreas.org @saveourseasfoundation @cms.migratory.species @thesharktrust @iucnssc #MarineBIology #Sharks #Conservation #EndangeredSpecies #ThreatenedSpecies #Environment (Image: Megamouth shark, credit Zola Chen)
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1 month ago
Population Viability Analysis (PVA) Before the implementation of the StAR Project, a PVA which is a quantitative assessment of species extinction risk under current or predicted conditions, was first conducted by our team and led by Dr. Kathy Traylor-Holzer from the @iucn_conservationplanningsg . Using cutting-edge population modeling, the PVA helped our team answer essential questions like: Should we conduct augmentation for zebra sharks? For how long should we augment the species, and how many per year? What does ultimate success look like and when do we stop augmenting? Q: Notice how the numbers on Slide 4 appear to decrease from one stage to the next? A: This takes into account the projected mortality of the sharks between various stages, which is to be expected. The good news is that our progress thus far with the StAR Project has demonstrated much lower mortality than the PVA had originally predicted. Q: ‘500 baby sharks to be released...’ headlines our @natgeo feature, so why is that number different from the 327 projected in the PVA? A: Conducted in 2021, the PVA was one of the formative steps in setting up the StAR Project. It was and still remains a projection, which helps inform (rather than predict) the actual progress. Lower levels of mortality (including more eggs hatching than first modeled and almost all pups surviving from hatching to release) have allowed us to revise our projections for release upwards. Hence, with the same number of eggs being shipped still, we expect to release more sharks (around 500) now. That will bring the population in Raja Ampat to or over the minimum viable population size required to maintain high genetic diversity and avoid inbreeding. Link in bio for the full report. Illustrations by @natewilsonpaints #ReShark #StARProject #LeopardShark #ZebraShark #Ocean #Conservation #Shark #Rewilding #PopulationViabilityAnalysis #IUCN #Modeling #Indonesia
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1 month ago
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2 months ago
Learn more about the IUCN Species Survival Commission Shark Specialist Group! #MarineBiology #Conservation #Environment #Sharks #EndangeredSpecies @saveourseasfoundation @sharkconservationfund @thewcs @rewild
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3 months ago