AJ Hill


Civil Rights Attorney Celtics fan D.C. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Forgot to post our other Montreal pics! Started the 2nd day with a snowstorm but thankfully found the cutest cafe on our block and they served an amazing breakfast. My fried chicken sandwich was perfect and I’ll make it this way from now on because flattening it made it crispy with a just a little chew. Since we were just relaxing on this trip and with the snow and bitter cold making it hard to walk around, we napped a lot, saw a movie, then found some interesting poutine with buttered chicken on top. Last day there we wandered around more and had brunch, this was an excellent Bloody Caesar and then I got fried beef cheek on waffles and I will be trying to replicate it. We stumbled upon a lovely patisserie and got a red velvet croissant and a cookie dough croissant and it was amazing. We finished the night with Mateo Lane and flew home to the pups the next day. It would be nice to go back when the weather is more amicable to walking, and also not get a sinus infection on the last day, but it was still a great trip with my boo 🥰
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2 months ago
Started off strong with our long weekend in Montreal…by eating. Got a quick bite at a fast food place and it never ceases to surprise how fast food everywhere else just seems better than back in the States. Made sure to get some poutine and that was great, then lunch was this tasty pâté chinois (sort of like shepherds pie) and a ragoût de boulette. Both very good and very heavy and I’m ready for a nap…so much meat, cheese, potatoes.
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3 months ago
Weekends are for puppy love 💕🥰 And yes they both hated their raincoats but they were soooo cute in them. The thing on Bucky’s ears is meant to help soften his hearing and calm him. Little boy is on high alert often. 🥺
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4 months ago
Argentina part 5: last few shots, including one last amazing dinner where we tried blood sausage and I gotta say it’s not for me but glad I tried
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6 months ago
Argentina part 4: next day we jumped on a tour bus and caught some amazing sights and had lunch in this indoor market. We also checked out leather stores since they’re known for it. Also fun to find out they’re known for gelato 😍
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6 months ago
Argentina part 3: I went on this trip to see Buenos Aires…AJ was hype to see Taylor swift and I was just along for the ride. Thank goodness someone had extra earplugs or I would have been rendered deaf by wall of sound generated by masses of screaming teen girls behind me. Look at my baby go, he’s having the time of his life 🥰
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6 months ago
The holiday season really got me distracted but here’s Argentina part 2: I’m just going to say this was easily the best meal of we had there. We looked up steakhouses, this place popped up on a best rated list, and we got a reservation…for 10pm but hey, vacation. We hung out at a bar and then had the best steak dinner I’ve experienced 🥰
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6 months ago
Part 1: Finally getting to posting some photos from our long weekend in Buenos Aires! First time me and my ❤️ travel abroad and both our first times to Argentina and South America. Love a GOOD cup of coffee and delicate pastry to start the day…since we landed at 6am 🙃 had to use the “Buenos Aires” filter on IG because…obvious reasons.
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6 months ago
Saturday mornings are perfect for puppy naps and cuddles 🐶🐶❤️
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8 months ago
Had to hit the Photo Booth, we didn’t know what to do and this was the result 🤣🥰
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1 year ago
What a beautiful wedding! It was really cute watching @james_albert_iv walking down as one of the groomsmen with his fresh haircut and dapper tuxedo 🥰 Having been multiple weddings in the past couple of years, we’ve learned to take pictures right after the ceremony 😂 but the few we got late into the reception were cute, albeit sweaty. And no, we are not engaged and these are not “save the day” pictures 😜Folks kept telling me I looked like gay pirate when I put my hair in a ponytail and unbuttoned my shirt 🤣 #weddingvibes #boolookssocute
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1 year ago
The greeting when we come home after being away for an extended period of time 😅 Our poor little anxiety puppy, he pissed we left, and Annie just likes to bark along 🙃 but we quickly got back to puppy cuddles
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1 year ago