john karavolas


Mr kleber saba has become consortium partners with me at my location 386 Lowell st Peabody congratulations
32 1
3 months ago
Thanks fr foustoukes Milano sotiros arsino delarosa papou george zamakis Phil kritikos uncle Steve calas nova family caravols family center church tufts and Merrimack college Otto from su changs restaurants and cute God brother nick ambeolitis david halitos And brain lau mom aunt Barbara my sisters cuz Chris and John aunt despina and good memories at demakis restaurants and sleepovers aunt eva uncle Harry dad steve and Ann orgettas uncle Steve k amen
50 0
1 year ago
35 4
1 year ago
Happy Thanksgiving
48 5
4 years ago
Latest project renovation north shore structural architectural happy Thanksgiving
32 3
4 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving
26 0
4 years ago
59 3
5 years ago