Joseph Mencel | High Performance Mentor


📈 I Help You Unlock Your Business Potential 🚫 No BS Advice Based On Real Experience 💯 CEO @TMJApparel 💪 IFBB Pro Get My New Book Here ⬇️
You can be a blend of both humble and confident. You can be a combination of both kind and candid. You can be a fusion of both vulnerable & brave. You can be part hero and part villain. You can integrate “I’m here to help & serve with anything you may need” with “I’m here to f*** it up so get the hell out of my way”. You don’t have to be this OR that. You can be a bit of this AND a bit of that.
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10 months ago
People often tell me that they want to run their own business. When I ask them why they are quick to list off all of the perceived benefits; more time with friends & family, financial freedom, flexibility with working hours, being your own boss, autonomy… When I hear this, I know they have been misled. In the almost 20 years that I’ve been running my own businesses I’ve learned more about business, people & myself than I could have ever imagined. And there have been, and will continue to be, some incredible highs. But the truth is, most of the time, it’s been tough. It‘s been incredibly tough. It’s consumed every ounce of my mental & emotional energy for almost two decades. I’ve worked in some way, shape or form every single day since day 1. Days off? What days off? I’ve lost friends… so many that I can now count them all on one hand. I’ve given up important time with my family that I will never get back. The personal financial freedom I’ve experienced pales in comparison to the everpresent financial pressures of keeping a business in business. I’ve been let down by those who I have trusted over & over again. I’ve been so consumed by stress that I’ve felt physically sick, and had more sleepless nights than I can remember. And I’ve seriously considered throwing the towel in on multiple occasions. But you know why I continue to push forward? It’s because I’m obsessed. I fucking love this. Call me crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. And that’s the point. If you want to run your own business the primary reason for doing so needs to be because you are so passionate about what you are doing that it becomes an overwhelming obsession. I’m not saying this to discourage you from starting your own business. I’m saying that the general perception is worlds apart from the reality. The reality is that it’s going to take a lot more work than you think. The reality is that it’s going to take a lot more time than you think. The reality is you need to be obsessed. If you are, go for it. If you’re not, forget about it. #business #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #realbusiness #therealityofbusiness
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9 months ago
It’s supposed to be hard. It’s supposed to be the most difficult thing you’ve ever done. It’s supposed to drain you of every last drop of energy and push you right to the edge of physical & emotional exhaustion. It’s supposed to make you question whether or not it’s worth it every single day. Because it’s how the universe separates those who truly want it, from those who just say they do. It’s how the cosmos divides those who are willing to do whatever it takes, from those you are only willing to do what is convenient & comfortable. Here’s the thing with leveling up... it doesn’t happen when you’re going through the motions. It doesn’t happen when things are easy. It doesn’t happen when you’re cruising in your comfort zone. It only happens when you go to battle with who you are, for who want to become. It only happens when you wage a war on where you are in your life, for where you want to be. It only happens when you struggle so much that you’re certain you’ve got nothing left left to give, and surrender to the fact that you’ve got nothing left to lose. But always remember this… the greater the struggle, the greater the triumph. And believe me when I tell you, it’s supposed to be hard. Harder than you ever imagined it would be. But in the end, it’s going to be worth more than you ever imagined it could be.
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2 years ago
“With All Due Respect” May be the polite thing to say, but ironically, it’s also often the disrespectful thing to say. Because it’s often a lie. Because when you say it, you’ve often lost all respect for the person who you’re saying it to. And respect is earned. Not given. If no respect is due, don’t say it. Be impeccable with your word.
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11 hours ago
It’s easy to get caught up in the big decisions. To focus on taking massive action. To pay attention to pulling the important levers. But don’t overlook the dials. Don’t overlook the small things that when tweaked make a world of difference. The simple but not easy things matter. Much more than you may think. And there are always a lot more dials you can tweak than levers you can pull. Let me show you how to identify & utilize levers and dials for your business development 📈 Shoot me a business mentoring enquiry ⬇️ /pages/business-mentoring #business #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #smallbusiness #businessdevelopment
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1 day ago
Are you trying to prove them all wrong? Shove it in the faces of the motherfuckers who doubted you? Called you stupid? A lost cause? A loser? While anger & vengeance may work as motivator in the short term, once you have proven them all wrong (if they even notice) and shoved it in their faces (if they’re still around), then what? What is going to drive you to go to the next level? Dark energy burns intensely, but it also burns quickly. Perhaps you should do it to prove yourself right instead. Perhaps you should do it show others that it can be done. To inspire rather than to avenge. Bright energy burns more and more brilliantly the more oxygen you give to it. And it burns eternally. Use it. #motivation #darkenergy #brightenergy #provethemwrong #proveyourselfright
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6 days ago
No failures... only lessons. As an achiever, you will fear failure... because it doesn’t align with your primary goal of winning. As a learner, you will welcome lessons... because they align with your primary goal of learning. The thing is, you’ve already failed... time & time again. And every time you’ve picked yourself back up and kept moving forward. How did you do that? You identified first and foremost as a learner. You took the lessons and applied them to get better. Keep doing that. Don’t fear failure. Look forward to learning. #mindset #failure #keynotespeaker #motivation
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9 days ago
No more taking it for granted 🚫 #mindset #justdoit #gratitude #motivation
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12 days ago
Perspective is everything. “On the continuum of eternity, every period of time is short term. Celebrate the good times and embrace the struggles. Experience it all in its full force. Be present. Everything eventually becomes just the blink of an eye. This too shall pass.” My daily mantra that reminds me of the temporary nature of every part of the human experience 💯 #perspective #mantra #thistooshallpass #mindset
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15 days ago
The Simple 2 Step Recipe For Success ⬇️ 1. Don’t make the same mistake more than twice. 2. Take giving up completely off the table. Simple. But not easy. Not easy because learning from your mistakes is hard. Not easy because perseverance is hard. Course correct. Keep going. #success #entrepreneurship #business #mindset
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16 days ago
My 5 Step Goal Setting Methodology 🎯 Simple… but not easy. Not easy… but worth it. My Daily Accountability Calendar will help 💯 The link is down below and in my bio @JosephMencel ⬇️ /products/daily-accountability-calendar #goals #goalsetting #smartgoals #mindset #motivation
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17 days ago
There’s less than 20 days left in the first half of 2024 ⏳ I know a lot of you set goals at the start of the year… how are you going with those so far? Are you on track? Are you behind just a little? Have you let some of them completely slide? Chances are, it’s a bit of a mixed bag at this point. The good news is, it’s only half time. There’s a whole 6 months left to course correct and put some wins on the board. The bad news is, course correcting is hard as fuck. Because it involves completely breaking down negative momentum and completely rebuilding positive momentum from the ground up. But it can be done. And it starts with making small promises to yourself that you keep every day. It starts with committing to small habits that align with who you’re trying to become, and removing habits that don’t. It starts with setting small tasks that align with what you’re trying to achieve, and holding yourself accountable to getting them done. Call it keeping the promises you make to yourself. Call it habit stacking. Call it daily accountability. Call it whatever you want. Just commit to doing it. My Daily Accountability won’t do the work for you, but it will help. Get yours online today and have it delivered to your door in time to start the second half ⬇️ /products/daily-accountability-calendar The link is in my bio @JosephMencel Let’s. Fucking. Go. #dailyaccountability #dailyaccountabilitycalendar #mindset #habitstacking #keepthepromisesyoumaketoyourself #calendar #diary
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19 days ago