Jay Ponteri


Author of Wedlocked, darkmouth strikes again & Someone Told Me : Oregon Book Award winner : writing teacher @pnca_creativewriting : pug dog fanatic
Please join us for the book launch celebration of A MOUTH HOLDS MANY THINGS: A De-Canon Hybrid-Literary Collection, to be held at Stelo Arts on June 28th from 6pm-8:30pm. Readings and Round Table Discussion with contributors: Stephanie Adams-Santos, Jennifer S. Cheng, Gabrielle Civil, Monica Ong, Jennifer Perrine, and Sandy Tanaka Moderated by editors Dao Strom and Jyothi Natarajan This event is co-hosted by De-Canon with community partners Stelo Arts, Pacific Northwest College of Arts (PNCA), and Fonograf Editions. More information at de-canon.com Support for the publication and exhibition of A Mouth Holds Many Things was generously provided by the Oregon Community Foundation/Creative Heights Grant, the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC), and a re/source residency fellowship from the Independent Publishing Resource Center (IPRC).
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19 days ago
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21 days ago
Meet me on a Monday. Journalist/writer @michellekicherer will be in conversation with writer @jponteri at this month’s Banana Pitch Show. Exclusive interview followed by a reading that’ll stick with you. Trust us. See you there! Tickets in bio. Snag one early! 7 pm at @albertastreetpub —— #writer #interview #bananapitch #portland #portlandevents
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27 days ago
Books in Mexico City via Frida y Trotsky w Frida’s shoe…
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1 month ago
@oscarponteri and i are in Mexico City wandering about all the lush labyrinths…
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1 month ago
Writer and writing teacher @jponteri is on our June lineup! ✍️ 📚 🍌 He’s the author of Darkmouth Inside Me (Future Tense Books, 2014) and Wedlocked (Hawthorne Books, 2013), which received an Oregon Book Award for Creative Nonfiction. #books #writing #author #pdx #portland #bananapitch #talkshow #varietyshow #albertastreetpub #reading
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1 month ago
Dear colleague and friend, Tyrone—thank you for your generous compassionate brilliant heart and your work and teaching and community sprung from it. I made a Polaroid for you in love and honor of your brightening spirit. In my bio there are links to some amazing Tyrone moments on and off the page @pnca_creativewriting and beyond)
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3 months ago
SO fortunate to facilitate an artist conversation on Saturday 1/27, 1 pm @carnationcontemporary between the extraordinary artists @elarzani and Renee Couture. Their show is called Covered Up In Dailiness and I am so excited to hear them talk about their beautiful show. Come check it out!!! @pnca_hallieford @pnca_creativewriting @pncamfavisualstudies @pncacriticalstudies
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5 months ago
Thanks to @thtismyrealname @dismantlemagazine for this conversation about #1989 that accompanies my fragments from my manuscript in process 1989… Both can be found in the link tree in my bio! @pnca_creativewriting @pnca_hallieford
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7 months ago
It just so happens that @taylorswift is not the only artist with a project titled #1989 (I enjoy her version more!)—here are some fragments from a manuscript in process published in @dismantlemagazine . So grateful to the editors for this work to get some airtime. The writing is me explaining the esoteric life pre-internet…. Link in bio.
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7 months ago
What i am reading and where i procured it—the Palestinian poet Mohab Abu Toha’s Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear published by @citylightsbooks . Mohab is presently at the Jabalia refugee camp (see his writing in @newyorkermag ) and I procured this at one of my favorite bookshops @nationale where all of us Portlanders should visit immediately to shop through an extraordinarily curated collection of books and look at some beautiful paintings too
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7 months ago
@oscarponteri did it! He’s all moved into his new home @claremontmckennacollege and we had such a wonderful time here amid Tropical Storm Hilary! Oscar packed his “mo pillow” and mo also recommended oscar play mo’s theme song “coming in hot” as he walked onto campus and of course we all came in hot! We are so proud of him!!!
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10 months ago