
NPO法人「8bitNews」、株式会社「GARDEN」、株式会社「わたしをことばにする研究所」代表取締役副所長。2001年NHK入局。2012年UCLA客員研究員。現在TOKYO MX「堀潤モーニングFLAG」、ABEMA「Abema prime」、早稲田大学グローバル科学知融合研究所招聘研究員。
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3 months ago
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3 months ago
Ground Zero
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3 months ago
August 6, 1945. This cultural facility, a place for people to relax, was abandoned. The life of the people here. Smiles, music, conversation, smells, friendship, love, and peace. There were people here. They were erased by the atomic bomb. But the dome speaks. It continues to speak to us. #atomicbomb #hiroshima #atomicbombdome #nuclear #nuke #america #usa
297 4
1 year ago
August 6, 1945. This cultural facility, a place for people to relax, was abandoned. The life of the people here. Smiles, music, conversation, smells, friendship, love, and peace. There were people here. They were erased by the atomic bomb. But the dome speaks. It continues to speak to us. #atomicbomb #hiroshima #atomicbombdome #nuclear #nuke #america #usa
174 1
1 year ago
August 6, 1945. This cultural facility, a place for people to relax, was abandoned. The life of the people here. Smiles, music, conversation, smells, friendship, love, and peace. There were people here. They were erased by the atomic bomb. But the dome speaks. It continues to speak to us. #atomicbomb #hiroshima #atomicbombdome #nuclear #nuke #america #usa
146 1
1 year ago
August 6, 1945. This cultural facility, a place for people to relax, was abandoned. The life of the people here. Smiles, music, conversation, smells, friendship, love, and peace. There were people here. They were erased by the atomic bomb. But the dome speaks. It continues to speak to us. #atomicbomb #hiroshima #atomicbombdome #nuclear #nuke #america #usa
106 1
1 year ago
August 6, 1945. This cultural facility, a place for people to relax, was abandoned. The life of the people here. Smiles, music, conversation, smells, friendship, love, and peace. There were people here. They were erased by the atomic bomb. But the dome speaks. It continues to speak to us. #atomicbomb #hiroshima #atomicbombdome #nuclear #nuke #america #usa
108 0
1 year ago
August 6, 1945. This cultural facility, a place for people to relax, was abandoned. The life of the people here. Smiles, music, conversation, smells, friendship, love, and peace. There were people here. They were erased by the atomic bomb. But the dome speaks. It continues to speak to us. #atomicbomb #hiroshima #atomicbombdome #nuclear #nuke #america #usa
114 0
1 year ago
August 6, 1945. This cultural facility, a place for people to relax, was abandoned. The life of the people here. Smiles, music, conversation, smells, friendship, love, and peace. There were people here. They were erased by the atomic bomb. But the dome speaks. It continues to speak to us. #atomicbomb #hiroshima #atomicbombdome #nuclear #nuke #america #usa
85 0
1 year ago
August 6, 1945. This cultural facility, a place for people to relax, was abandoned. The life of the people here. Smiles, music, conversation, smells, friendship, love, and peace. There were people here. They were erased by the atomic bomb. But the dome speaks. It continues to speak to us. #atomicbomb #hiroshima #atomicbombdome #nuclear #nuke #america #usa
109 0
1 year ago
August 6, 1945. This cultural facility, a place for people to relax, was abandoned. The life of the people here. Smiles, music, conversation, smells, friendship, love, and peace. There were people here. They were erased by the atomic bomb. But the dome speaks. It continues to speak to us. #atomicbomb #hiroshima #atomicbombdome #nuclear #nuke #america #usa
85 1
1 year ago