k a l e y ≫ s t r a t t o n


••| brandon + lyric + thatcher | 🌿 hairstylist // Homeschool && motherhood ❥❥ ~Southern California •• @lyricstratton_ shop ->@strattonhouse_
Livin for days in the water //
41 1
12 days ago
38 0
15 days ago
42 2
19 days ago
Different year, different cast #motoisgreat // And a few more teeth 😆 same tired brother that had to wake up to early.
53 6
23 days ago
Field Day 2024 // our favorite event of the year 🏅
49 0
1 month ago
School starts for Thatch next year…. Here we go 😂
37 3
1 month ago
Last Day of 1st Grade // ☀️
40 0
1 month ago
Before and After —> Part 1948595 of Lou being a very heavy expense 😜 also pictured is the broken bones caused by the very expensive sport.
119 15
1 month ago
I remember when they said kids were expensive and I didn’t understand it, then I had a Lyric 😂
85 2
1 month ago
Well, it looks like Lou is out for a month, and the very next day gets a tooth pulled. Nothing ice cream on the beach can’t fix right? How many vacations do you think we can take in that time? 😜
50 4
1 month ago
Jog a Thon Day ❗️
33 1
2 months ago