Kamla-Kay | Photoshoot Posing & Model Coach


📍MIAMI Model Posing Coach 📸Posing female entrepreneurs executives through stunning photoshoots 💄 Coach 4 aspiring models ↴POSE COURSE 1:1 COACH
Have you always been super confident on camera…or no?? A huge reason of how I NOW have easily 100+ testimonials from clients I’ve coached either 1:1 in high proximity or who are enrolled in my “perfect poses” posing course is because I of my skill set from being a professional agency signed model for 12 years. 🤩 I’ve taken my skills from booking major print & TV campaigns - modeling for brands such as IT Cosmetics, kohls, Stella McCartney, Disney etc to teach how to be comfortable on camera through my FLOW method. 📸Although I’ve shot with photographers in different parts of the world, I wasn’t always guided on how to move my body to not look forced, awkward or stiff. Understanding movement through FLOW - or FLUIDITY- is what I taught myself and now what I teach business executives, coaches .. and yes models as well who struggle on camera….its not just about a pretty face. Before I was at this level, I remember being on a shoot and doing all these weird contorted poses because that’s what the photographer wanted. But really, had I understood my body, I would have posed in a way that still was amazing but more true to myself without looking extremely awkward. Whether you consider yourself an affluent woman who only wears Manolas or you prefer your bucket had and sneakers, you can the ability to also FLOW on camera with futility versus boring static poses. This is the work I’m doing in my 1:1 sessions in February where I pose clients directly on their photoshoots and the methods now inside my “Perfect Poses” posing course. 🔑🤳🏻If you are looking for this high proximity coaching for an elevated personal brand image of yourself, send me an inbox message for details or comment “POSE ME” and I’ll inbox you. 💵💄If growth, elevation, dream clients are in your vision board, then the time is now!! December 2024 you will reflect on the choices you made. Make it a good reflection. Xo Kamla-Kay . . . #posingcoach #posingideas #creativephoto #photoposes #miamicontentcreator #50plusandfabulous #BossUp #CameraConfidence #highcaliber #7figurechick #businesspower How to pose easily, business poses for women, 7 figure coaches, luxury branding
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5 months ago
I remember booking a paid modeling shoot for $4k for a 5 ⭐️hotel where I got to stay at their hotel, breakfast for a few days in the presidential suite and free dinner at their high end restaurants on property. Fast forward some months later, they called and asked if I was available for another shoot…this time for $6,000 pay. 🔥This slide shows a snippet of PAID modeling jobs I’ve book & portfolio image as well. Yes the DoorDash is because I was a hand model in that commercial.👋🏽 ❓How did I book all of these paid jobs including being on the side of a bus 🚌 1️⃣ the $10k (total) hotel job started because I was referred to the client by another model who knew that I was very knowledgeable about how to present myself on sets through my industry knowledge and that I was good at posing on camera 2️⃣ 👆🏽THAT was only possible because I had STONG modeling digitals and a modeling portfolio that was up to agency and brand standards which allowed her to feel confident in sharing me with her client. 🚨These opportunities are not only exclusive to certain people because the industry is NOW being more accepting of various ages, heights and body types. 🎉 Once you understand how to build your modeling career from the foundational standpoint to create content that brands are seeking, that will skyrocket not only your chances of getting agency signed but the rate you get PAID by brands also increases. When I focused on a set step-by-step framework that showed agencies my ability to navigate the industry and professionally engage in conversations during my interviews with them, showed up confidently on camera, THAT is when I started attracting agencies that began offering me a modeling contract. 🔥🔥🔥💄 If you are ready for the transformation to know how to best attract modeling agencies to offer you a modeling contract and have the chance at booking PAID modeling work, then my highly intensive live model coaching (on Zoom) is for you. Comment the Word “Zoom coaching” and I will inbox you the details to my 1-to-1 modeling coaching calls #modelmasterclass #modelingcoach #aspiringmodel #modelingagency #modelingtips
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4 months ago
😳I’M FEATURED INSIDE OF @voguemagazine . @vogue @voguebeauty 😲what’s your far fetched dream? 🙏🏽Thank you so much to @aygemang who sent me a text at 6am with the news that he saw my photo. 👉🏽And others like @tailoredimage81 who also alerted me. 📸I did a shoot for @newageincglobal through @slatemodels which is the skincare product I am holding. I also love 💕@adele so I was really happy that the cover was someone who I could relate to. I left my full time job years back to pursue modeling🙈. It hasn’t always been easy but by learning the industry, developing a strong portfolio, having support systems….and now becoming a modeling mentor/model coach where I coach private clients, I not only get to pursue my own modeling dreams with top brands but I help others do the same. 🥳 Here is to God pouring out His blessings to me in the past, present and future.🤸🏽‍♀️🙏🏽 Thank you Lord!! 💭What’s your dream? It’s it’s scary to say, that’s ok. If it lines up with God’s will for your life (safe and not a crime lol) anything can happen for you. So, what’s your far fetched dream? Ps click link in my bio for a free modeling tips PDF download or to do a 1:1 private consultation with me about your goals. Thank you to the amazing team that made this shoot possible. Everyone is tagged if you click the photo. @johnraser made the day easy. @danni.aint.write now for that book INSIDE of @semicolonchi & @barnesandnoble 🥳 Xo, Kamla-Kay . . . #voguemagazine #adele #model _ #modelinglife #modelingportfolio #modelingcareer #modelingcoach #beauty _blogger #beautypage #blackgirlmajic #brownskinbeauty
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2 years ago
🚀Launching 7/7. Get ready to shift into captivating images on camera “Magnetic Images:Face & Hands” targeted posing course to know exactly what to do with face & hands on camera with ease. The 2am grind for final touches. The work that goes into creating a quality product that will help elevate your presence on camera for stunning images you will love. Gratitude for my assistant working on another time zone that is working hard with some tech features to help me manifest a smooth course delivery for you. ✅ Comment or DM me the word “MAGNETIC” to join the waitlist for the 7/7 launch because only those on the waitlist receive the 48 hour secret launch price for under $100. Xo Kamla-Kay
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13 hours ago
Think of the impact a meteor would make in the ground. It comes boldly without apology and creates a massive shift to all around it. Now think of the massive change you could have if you came boldly to the decision to make a shift in how you show up on camera. 🔥If you are ready to get out of the “rut” of capturing the same poses over and over, comment “MAGNETIC” and I’ll send you the link to the waitlist for the launch of my course… Now, a massive shift to creating stunning branding visuals would align with your goals for attracting dream clients. Envision yourself 30 days from now smiling down at your photogenic photos that you finally love which will attract your dream clients because of how confident you look 😍📸 You can have a plethora of images to choose from versus your basic hand in the hip shot you used to always repeat in each photo. You can learn to flow on camera with my FLUID method of posing to land your magnetic brand shots which is what I am teaching inside my 👇🏽 🧲“Magnetic Images: Face & Hand Poses” course that launches 7/7/24 That is what happened when my client Maria followed my coaching. ⬇️ SHE WROTE 👉🏽“Just wanted to thank you for the great tips you gave me for posing. The shooting on Saturday went well and the photographer thought I had previous shooting experience. I told him I had a lesson with you and you taught me how to pose” Showing up with consistency on social media with QUALITY images, carousel posts, reels etc with the use of CURRENT photos and content, is key is making sure your audience isn’t bored with your page. This is key to new clients and followers being gravitated towards your content and PAYING when they see your zone of genius. ✅🔥If you are ready to get out of the “rut” of capturing the same poses over and over, comment “MAGNETIC” and I’ll send you the link to the waitlist for the launch of my course… ❌ONLY those on the waitlist will get the massive discount launch price for under $100 so join the waitlist. See you in the course 7/7. It’s an online instant access - lifetime access - course Xo Kamla-Kay
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1 day ago
❌“Couple goals” perspective It’s seldom I post my husband on IG and even more rare I post our “intimate” moments like this together. #keepitprivate But I capture them on my phone because I know it’s a reminder to be silly together…to not always be so serious…I struggle with that…and one day we will need these videos in tough times. But here and there It’s important to chronicle our own stories in ways that it can also encourage others…. We are not “couple goals” We have a lot to learn about marriage (as fairly newly married people) Alot to learn about communication and compromise But what we do have is the understanding of what it takes to lead a healthy marriage.. …so we work through it, we pray together, we go to church together, we do small group marriage classes together I go to therapy to heal my upbringing trauma We WORK at the joy you see in this video. My husband cleans the house when my gut issues keep me sick in bed I cook his protein meals for the week so that he just opens the fridge and have a base for food whenever he is ready for dinner. Sometimes I do his laundry - sometimes he does it There is no 50/50 in our house or set gender roles…. well kinda on the gender roles…he believes in 2 things… as my husband he believes in taking on the responsibility of paying our mortgage each month and believes in never having me take out the trash… and no complaints from me there 😂. I’m a fan of that dynamic and I make no apologies. But for other things It’s just whatever and wherever we land to help each other. So yes, feel free to smile at this video knowing you too can have a partner that brings you joy But know that marriage is WORK and no amount of “perfect” social media videos should be your “couple goals” because it’s not always sunny in ANY marriage or relationship. Lead with God, love and respect…even on the hard days. And if still waiting on a partner, pray without settling. But leave room for flexibility through God’s direction. I married by husband without a 6 pack. He started working on it after marriage…see..leave room for flexibility on that “perfect man” check list of yours 😂 Xo Kamla-Kay
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3 days ago
You want your images to portray the transformation/results you say you can provide for your clients.. You want that conviction to shine through. Who are you more likely to hire for your women led business? The person who looks awkward and stiff in their photo who looks like they have little to no personality Or the woman on camera that feels so sure of herself and exudes confidence, charisma and class? It’s almost ready , and I can’t contain my excitement! ✅My posing course “Magnetic Images: Face & Hands” goes live next week (🗣️comment or DM me the word “FACE” to get on the waitlist for a massive 48 hour launch price discount) 
 What I’m releasing is going to completely change the game for you, your business, your brand. And how you excel into that next level. 
 So many of you told me you were excited to finally get better with knowing how to pose your hands and face because a good image does more than paint a pretty picture…
 ...it exudes your genius, your grandeur, your authority.
 Knowing how to ‘pose’ and present well on camera for your brand will be the difference of signing a low ticket client, to signing (or getting booked by) a high ticket client that wants to stay in your world. Do not miss this launch and the discount when it goes live. Your images are about to be Fire when you learn all of the face and hand posing techniques that are packed (in an easy to follow) manner in this course using my FLUID method of posing. 🗣️comment or DM me the word “FACE” to get on the posing course (face & hands) waitlist. 
 Xo Kamla-Kay
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6 days ago
✅comment or DM the number “47” to grab my $47 posing guide on how to have more FLOW on camera with ease. It doesn’t matter if I am showing someone how to pose for your business branding shoot Or for their modeling portfolio update…. or teaching someone how to pose for their family vacation shots... Whichever category you fall into of why you want to easily capture images of yourself, the methodology - or technique to land beautiful poses - remains the exact same. And the same rules on technique apply as I am learning how to play golf The posing style that makes you stiff in front of the camera and makes you hate your pictures whether they be photos you take on an cell phone or at a professional shoot again can be fixed with the same techniques. Look at it this way… Does this ever happen to you? You get all dressed up and you look in the mirror and you feel like you look great. And then when you take a photo of yourself right after, and you hate how you look in that shot. It’s not that your mirror was lying to you. When you were in the mirror you were turning and naturally checking yourself out with ease. Then you got on camera and got all awkward and stiff in 1 pose and didn’t find a flattering angle of yourself. Trust me…everyone has a bad angle just like how everyone has many great angles… That’s why the paparazzi sometimes post the most unflattering photos of even the most stunning celebrities. Yep…I have taken my fair share of bad angle photos as well lol Why does this all happen from mirror to what your camera sees? It’s because you have a problem with showing up confidently with FLOW - or FLUIDITY- on camera and instead you are stuck in a static way of posing. With golf you have to get into a rhythm with a set technique with your arms and shoulder movements… With posing there is still required movements but it requires more flow… I’m not the greatest yet at my golf technique but killing it with posing techniques. ✅ If you are ready to finally get on camera and having a plethora of poses you can have as a cheat sheet, comment the number 47 to grab my $47 posing guide.
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7 days ago
You’ve been overthinking it. Taking way too long to update your branding shoots - content creation images because you are afraid you will look silly on camera. You ARE showing up because you are aware that goals without action is just a fairy tail wish. But something is missing from your content. The images and videos are falling flat because being on camera just isn’t your strong point and you are stuck when it comes to posing with ease. And that’s ok. I’m not the greatest at golf but I want to learn so I just started investing in my growth by taking lessons with expert coaches. So if you are looking to capture stunning brand images that speaks to your quality, confidence and authority for your branding to attract your dream paying clients, that’s where I come in. If you are new here, I am Kamla-Kay. As an agency signed international model and posing coach, women (models & non models) join my programs or have me coach them 1:1 when they are ready to capture amazing brand images through the power of using my FLUID posing method—-and/or to capture images for their personal family life as well. I do this through my instant access “perfect poses” posing course as well as my 1:1 coaching where I can literally come to your shoot and pose you live so that you walk away with dozens of amazing shots to choose from without having to waste money on a photoshoot and not love the images. Estée Lauder booked me as their posing coach for a Miami event for a reason. There is power to learning from a pro. ✅ if you are ready to invest in your personal growth to skyrocket your ability to take stunning images and love the camera lens, Send me an inbox message or comment the words “coach me” and I’ll directly dm you with details on my programs. Looking forward to seeing your amazing, confident photos that will allow u to be more magnetic, bold and engaged on camera to best promote your brand. P.s I live in Miami but do travel for client shoots Xo Kamla-Kay
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13 days ago
“I hate my stomach. I prefer to just avoid being in a photo…I never know what to do with my hands.” To be clear - those 👆🏽 are words that I hear many of my clients…or even strangers online saying. ✅Comment “POSE” to learn how you can effortlessly pose & never miss another photo opp for branding or personal memories And as a result of those comments, I have gotten countless requests for tips to minimize all eyes on a stomach when in swim or just life in general. Hence this video. You may fall into 1 of 2 categories - or both- and this is hindering you 👇🏽 1️⃣Category 1 - Branding You are a business owner scaling to 6,7 figures. Putting in the work. And yet when you analyze your content, the quality in visuals/videos, the representation of YOU, does NOT match the quality of service or coaching you provide to your clients. Which causes people to not take your brand as seriously as they should…therefore you are missing out an even more sales. Or, you are into modeling & wondering why you can’t book the jobs. Hello!! Your images!! your ability to draw people to you as a brand is lacking in authority and quality. Your posing is not strong. Your facial expressions are flat. 2️⃣Category 2 Personal: Or maybe you are always the friend or family member that offers to take the photo versus getting into it. You are too insecure about your body and not knowing how to flatter it on camera….and it’s embarrassing to verbalize those things… Which is why you don’t want to get into the photo and so you blow off — basically miss- getting into the photo to create that lifelong memory with your loved ones. ❌❌Whichever category - this is NOT to say to HIDE your body. We want you to be confident in whatever stage you are in. And there are simple ways to shift on camera to do just that so you can love on you and get the content regardless of shape … 🥳which is the work I do within my posing course or my 1:1 posing class. ✅💯if you are ready for this on-camera shift, Comment “POSE” to learn how you can effortlessly pose using my FLUID method of poses & never miss another photo opp for branding or personal memories Elevate!!! The time is now!! Xo Kamla-Kay
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16 days ago
I may be photoshopped but my stretch marks on side of cheek is still there. I love that for me when I saw the photo. Don’t edit them out! We often have a culture that is so quick to envy someone else… I mean, I can see how that could happen after @vivianarthurphoto took this AMAZING shot of me…I am obsessed myself lol😂😂 But what if I shared this about myself with you… Swipe through images to read… Perspective Say some healing prayers for me — ill takes God’s Miracle any day now lol Disclaimer—-And before someone tells me to go vegetarian as if that’s the cure for everything 😜 —-I’ve tried it all. Beans and some veggies bother my stomach even in pressure cooker. Xo Kamla-Kay #guthealth #guthealing #healingbody #miamimodel #posingcoach #summerbody #swimsuitseason
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19 days ago
It’s not you..your face or your body. You just don’t know how to pose properly to get images you love on repeat —- either for your business branding or personal memories ✅ comment “MAGNETIC IMAGES” to learn how I myself and the clients I coach are able to capture photos they love (even if they are not a model) these are the posing secrets I use that just booked me with a client last week where I had to fly out of state for the booking. The client appreciated how magnetic I was on camera and the photographer and studio @oms.photo said they were blown away by my ability to capture the poses they needed with ease on camera to promote their brand content. Don’t miss the launch of my course “Magnetic Images: Face & Hand Poses” to get you out of your comfort zone and into captivating images. People judge the book by the cover…let your image be the perfect representation of YOU and your personality on camera in an elevated manner…while still being authentic. Xo Kamla-Kay
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20 days ago