
Author, musician...total Canadian weirdo.
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3 days ago
Miss Chicken still does a wonderful job watching over Bat. I will miss her forever. ♥️🦇 Thank you, Jade for being the only soul capable of healing me. 💚👑🐺
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17 days ago
Love sunny days with this beautiful Jade girl. 💚👑🐺
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18 days ago
Shoutout to those who care about how you make someone FEEL. When you make someone FEEL terrible, or less than, you may have ruined their mood, their sleep habits, their eating habits, their drive or their self esteem. Even their trust. Please think before you do this. Be kind. Always! ♥️
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22 days ago
Sweetest girl! Love Jade!!! 💚👑🐺 #bordercollie #shepherd #dogsarethebest
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24 days ago
While the world wallows in the heaviness of the drama, I have lovely chats about butterflies and toys with this lovely fren! 😍👑🐺 #doglover #bordercollie #shepherd
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1 month ago
Finally got time to cut the wheat field and weed the beds! This house has been a great love and challenge to find the bones again - but I am getting there! #BuiltIn1890
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1 month ago
Happiest with my nose inside a book. #KingJuggernautTokyo 🇯🇵 🐉
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1 month ago
Jade and I haven’t said hello for a long time. Hello! 👋
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1 month ago
The older I get, the more I slow myself down to appreciate the gifts. The beauty remains. ♥️
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1 month ago
I was just looking at these blooming irises that my loving sister gave to me when I finally got this house - and thinking of a quote I heard from a woman over 50 who said, “dreams don’t have deadlines.”
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1 month ago
Jade likes to sing with the radio… 💚👑🐺 #doghowling
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1 month ago