Katie Vella Mathis


making it mentionable to make it manageable @mentionablethepodcast ✨ photography: @theycalluswild
At the end of the day, we want to make our children feel safe and loved. I know this isn’t the best situation for everyone, but for us our little dynamic, it works. I don’t get to tell their dad how to be and he doesn’t get to tell me how to be. We get to raise these humans with their parents making a conscious effort to support them and spend as much time as possible with them. Also yes, I know our children are related but everyone here is not. This is an accumulation of people we’ve met along the way of our journey, love and adore, and don’t want to ever hurt in anyway. Maybe you’ll send this to your coparenting friends with a “🤍” Maybe you’ll send it directly to your coparent. See if you can recommend/plan a little something fun for everyone to enjoy together this summer. Idk, just a thought. #coparenting #blendedfamily #bonusmom #divorce #chosenfamily
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21 hours ago
we almost had her. would you party with your children’s bonus mom? #coparents #stepmom #biomom #singlemom
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22 hours ago
It gets better 🤍 And then it gets worse. And then it gets better. And that’s life. I just pray we can ride this wave for as long as it’ll have us, until we don’t and that’s okay. #coparenting #divorced #healing
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5 days ago
Five minutes of pure chaos cut down to one minute for your viewing pleasure. The storm came in quick and left quick with winds up to 60mph which is wild but nothing compared to the tornados we have experienced with something like 175mph winds. As far as our coparenting relationship goes, we’re stuck with each other forever so we might as well enjoy our time shared. I’m not saying it’s easy, but if I learned anything in Portugal, it’s that I had to live and let live. This “live and let live” motto inspires people to be good humans. Being a good human means that no one has the right to force others to abide by their moral code. As long as there is no aggression toward others, people are free to behave, live and love as they so choose. I’m think I’m doing a good job channeling this. And the best part is, the kids haven’t been this happy in a long time.
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5 days ago
pros: bikinis and fun cons: you will get the ick #firstdateideas
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5 days ago
and see what happens when you let go 🫶🏻 #coparenting #raisinggoodhumans #lettinggo
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6 days ago
PSA to the naysayers: Pride is not what you think it is. It’s not orgys or other public sexual acts. It’s a celebration of love and equal rights. Me bringing my children to this is only proving to them that I believe they can be whoever they are and I not only love them for it but also believe they deserve equal rights. It is such a family event that there is a whole tent dedicated to children with games, activities, free waters and room to lounge. It’s a festival filled with love and light and for you to make it sexual is the issue in the first place. This whole experience was beautifully documented and shared and you got that it was an inappropriate event for children? Please. I will give you all the benefit of the doubt here and just assume you have some preconceived idea around what pride is and maybe one day it’ll dawn on you how simple all this really is. Till then, I still love you. #pride #momsofinstagram #momtogs
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8 days ago
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9 days ago
Them: You okay? Me: Yeah! I’ve got my girls 🚺💕🎀🛍️🔮🧘🏻‍♀️
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11 days ago
Today’s journal prompt that’s helped me process and I’m hopeful you can find healing in it too: Write a letter to your younger self, offering comfort, support, and guidance during the time of the trauma 🫶🏻 I am grateful we’ve made it this far, y’all.
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11 days ago
Reunited 🌿🌞🌊🥰🐍🦀🐟 (My daughter snapped every photo in this set. I think it’s safe to say she’s ready to officially start working with mom.)
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13 days ago
Ended my time in Portugal with a three night stay in the sweetest little surf town 40 min up the coast from Lagos. A last minute decision to skip the hostels to dive deeper into my human experience with myself. No service, no bars, no grocery stores, no Uber, just one cafe, one restaurant and me in my little green house on the beach. The man you see is Micha, a light I didn’t expect to meet in my time here on earth but couldn’t be more thankful for our deep intimate conversations at the cafe in the early hours of the morning.
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16 days ago