Kelly Nicholas


This is our family. A lot of people don’t know our story, well a lot of you do if you’ve been here in the last 10 years but some of you are new! I wanted to share my family with you. My partner and I meet online in 1998! We were literally kids! Christian was my best friend but lived on Long Island so we weren’t able to meet or date but he always made sure to tell me how much he cared and made me feel like the most beautiful person in the world! Fast forward to 2007 and the day after Christmas I decided to take a road trip to see him and on 12/27/07 we met! A year later he moved to Ohio. During all this time my niece (now daughter pictured with her pup Jordan)was born in 1999 to my sister who at the time wasn’t really my friend, we weren’t very close but that all changed after Ali was born. Ali mostly stayed with me and my parents but after a few years my sister, my friends and I all got a place together. It was a crazy time that’s for sure. Then my sister met her husband and they had Alex(our second kiddo) in 2010. Things started to change around this time. In 2014 my nephew (our youngest, our son)Reese was born. Things were very different by then. I didn’t see my sister much. I didn’t see my nieces/nephews much. The signs of addiction were there. I knew in my heart something had changed but I pushed it away… in 2017 Christian and I got married, my sister was my matron of honor but wasn’t really there… by then I realized something was very very very wrong. 2 weeks after we were married we got a call from the police that my nieces and nephews were going to separate foster homes and we wouldn’t be able to see them unless Christian and I could temporarily take care of them for 6 months while my sister and her husband got help. Addiction is a serious and awful disease. First and foremost I need to say that bc I’m not mad at them. I’m mad at whatever drove them to that place. They weren’t able to recover. It’s been over 5 years since we’re seen my sister, 3 years since we’ve seen their dad. We set boundaries to keep the kids safe and enforcing those boundaries was hard but we had to for them. We became legal guardians in 2018 and we’ve been a family ever since.
1,582 39
9 months ago
Professional fire performer do not attempt. Yay! I finally got to burn for the first time! I’m very much in love with the @ninjapyrate fire dragon staff that @natalie_noell got me! It’s the stuff dreams are made of! I was pretty nervous and stiff but with time I will learn to manipulate this prop with ease! Yay!
2,097 56
10 months ago
I struggled with posting this. And I hate that I felt that way. When I took this while having a bestie night with my sister @natalie_noell I loved it instantly! I felt so cute and soft and powerful! But then I thought “ I can’t post this, it might make people uncomfortable, it might be perceived as too sexy, it might invite the trolls, it might make someone upset” What the actual hell?! No. There is nothing wrong with liking yourself, even if it makes other people uncomfortable, for any reason. I like myself. I’m not sorry for it. I’m sorry for other things. Like the fact it took so many doctors, so much time, for anyone to listen to me, to help me when I was sick and the damage it wrecked on my body. I’m sorry that I hid my legs for so many years. Im sorry for how ashamed I felt of how they were spilling over my knees, ashamed how one thigh was so much bigger than the other. Ashamed at how after an unintentional and very harmful body change how saggy and painful they have become. Then even more ashamed when I went to a doctor asking for him to give me the ONLY available treatment for my disease for them to tell me to first have wls or lose another 100pounds before they would allow me to have any relief. Even knowing it would only harm me MORE. Knowing that the surgery I asked for was a healthier option for my lipedema. Sorry for things I didn’t need to be sorry for. Do you know the real reason I wear shorts so much? It’s not that it’s more comfortable bc frankly it isn’t always. Maybe cooler sure but compression is the thing I need most. I wear shorts for myself and others to normalize my legs. The part I’m most insecure about. Something I hid for so very long. Just like my belly. I hid parts of me because of others, never really bc I wanted to but bc others made me feel I had to. That was until I saw others like me. It changed my life. It gave me a freedom I never felt before. Seeing legs like mine made me feel less alone. Seeing legs like @glitterandlazers , @palegingerpear @thisismeagankerr and others. Until I was diagnosed with lipedema I didn’t fully grasp it all. I still don’t I’m sure. (Continued in comments)
3,584 110
7 months ago
Just a little recap from our adventures floating! ❤️ would anyone be interested in doing a float with me? I was thinking about planning one!
196 17
13 hours ago
It is so bright and warm and I’m loving it so much! You can find me outside in my @universalstandard swimsuit either gardening, playing on the trampoline or of course, playing in the water! So those towels can stay on the counter and wait to be folded until it’s either raining or dark. Either way I feel cute and comfy! Right now everything is 25% to 35% off annnnd you can stack it with my 10% off code! INFS-AMBKELLY You know mama likes a good deal and this is it! Xox have a great day friends! #uspartner
429 15
18 hours ago
Who’s ready to go play bingo with meemaw?? I’M MEEMAW! 😄
239 19
1 day ago
This past weekend, I had an absolute blast floating for 2 1/2 hours down a beautiful river! Thankfully, I kept everything dry and sealed in my @revelrysupply Crossbody and bookbag, an absolute must. It also happens to be smell proof! I had such a great time. I can’t wait to go back!
1,102 35
2 days ago
Anybody else’s teenager make them take lots of these .5 type of photos?! Oh. Just mine? Ok lol they have a whole photo album of everyone they know like this lol I mean it is pretty funny 😄
301 18
6 days ago
Me?! Extra? Neeeever! 😏 what can I say? I love what I do and who I get to do it with!
347 11
8 days ago
This last week, my garden has really taken off! We have lots of tomatoes and we’ve already picked two full-size cucumbers. Everything is doing so great. A lot of the practices I use in my home gardening have come from years and years of experience, but also learning new things by visiting different cultivators like @galenasohio and even learning how to clone I learned well visiting @klutchcannabis . I so desperately wish I lived somewhere where I could garden year round. One day I hope to have a greenhouse that I can grow all my own food as well as food for others and maybe even teach classes on how to grow food and turn your yard into a food forest instead of an over manicured wasteful lawn. One day. for now I get the absolute honor of teaching my kids how to grow their own food. This is such a privilege if you’ve ever wondered how to grow your own food I will happily help you. Even for those who don’t have a yard. I spent five years growing food with no yard at all in containers. My dream has always been to have a property where all my loved ones partners and family could live together and grow our own food while teaching others how to do it in their own home as well as give them a space to do it on our farm if they don’t have a place to do it. Always with the ultimate goal to live a more self sustainable life. I want to lower my carbon foot print in a more conscious way, but also understanding the things I can and cannot do. All while doing my best to be graceful to myself and others. I hope to one day be an educational community farm Homestead and be a safe place for all kinds of people and rescued animals. I spent the last 20 years of my life getting to the place I am right now and I’m so incredibly proud of that but there’s still so much more I plan to do! It’s a real honor being able to share this part of my life with you, even if that’s not what you’re here for lol but also I want to continue throwing epic flow jams and raves in my backyard lol we’ll see how long I can do that one!
58 1
12 days ago
My happy place is in my hammock in my backyard amongst my garden. What’s yours?
70 3
13 days ago
Good morning, beautiful friends! This week in Ohio is a scorcher. What better time than now to go swimming?! I finally had a chance to try on my new bikini from @universalstandard and it feels great! Normally I size down in their clothing because the fit is so great but this time I actually had to do an exchange for a bigger size. Exchange was so effortless and quick. They shipped out my new size before they even got the old one! I’m normally not someone that returns are exchanging things but they make it so easy to do so. I’m doing the ultimate summer fat hack and wearing the bottom backwards since I have a longer and bigger belly which makes the fit perfect! Plus the way it makes that booty look is magic! I do wish that the high-rise was a little bit higher, but that’s my personal comfort and preference. I also got their mesh black swim cover and I can’t wait to show you because it makes the perfect match with this bikini. I want you to remember friends, every single body is a bikini body. Yes all, no gender or size or age changes that. If you want to wear one, you can and should. You’re powerful and wonderful just as you exist and are worthy always of love respect and happiness. Understand it’s hard but try to not let other peoples opinions stop you from living the way you want. If you ever need a bikini buddy, just give me a call and I will go with you! US having some really great sales right now on denim as well. Remember if you use my code, you can save an additional 10% off - INFS-AMBKELLY #USPARTNER ☀️👙🧴🌊🏖️🐚
720 23
15 days ago