The Kering Foundation


Combating violence against women since 2008.
Focus on 🔎 La Maison des femmes: An exemplary model Established in 2016 in Saint-Denis, France, by the obstetrician-gynecologist Ghada Hatem, @lamaisondesfemmes93 is a unique center offering consultation and prevention services to women facing various challenges: unwanted pregnancies, victims of domestic violence or incest, survivors of female genital mutilation. In 2016, it was the only place in France to offer comprehensive care (medical, social, legal, psychological and post-traumatic support) through a multidisciplinary, coordinated approach. Its innovative financing model is based on public-private partnerships, with the Kering Foundation providing support from the outset. And the results speak for themselves! La Maison des femmes has demonstrated its effectiveness, emerging as an exemplary model. There are currently 11 Maisons des femmes in France within the Re#Start collective, which promotes their expansion and the sharing of best practices. Check out the full report in the #LinkInBio _ Since 2008, we have built close, long-term relationships based on trust with our partner organizations. Through our latest impact report, we share the achievements we have made with our partners over the past 15 years, through 15 key impacts. _ #annualreport #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #abusesurvivor #violenceagainstwomen #sexualabuse #endviolenceagainstwomen #feminists #onlineabuse #cyberviolence #genderbasedviolence #stopchildabuse #endchildabuse #childrights #boyhood #masculinity #genderequality #genderequalityforall
57 7
1 month ago
« J’avais fait la promesse de proposer un projet pour rendre hommage à toutes ces personnes qui m’ont écrit » Rendez-vous à partir de 22h30 dans @ccesoir sur France 5 pour découvrir le film « Moi aussi » réalisé par @judithgodreche1 🎥 Après avoir reçu 6 000 témoignages de survivantes et survivants de violences sexuelles, la réalisatrice a souhaité se servir de sa voix pour faire entendre celles des autres à travers ce court-métrage. Nous sommes très fiers d’avoir pu accompagner toute l’équipe dans cet élan collectif afin de donner de la visibilité aux violences sexistes et sexuelles 🙏 _ #moiaussi #stopchildabuse #endchildabuse #childrights #genderequality #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #abusesurvivor #violenceagainstwomen #sexualabuse #endviolenceagainstwomen #feminists #genderbasedviolence #womeninspiration
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1 month ago
☑️ Protecting children victims of violence 1 in 5 women and 1 in 13 men report being victims of sexual abuse as a child. 70% to 80% of the perpetrators are family members or friends of the victim*. Sexual violence against children, especially incest, is widespread, transcending all cultures and social classes. Yet, this phenomenon remains taboo. To break the silence, the Kering Foundation has supported various initiatives since 2019. We funded the opening of a consultation service for adult women survivors of incest at @lamaisondesfemmes93 in collaboration with @asso_fai . We partnered on the podcast Ou peut-être une nuit (@louiemedia ), which has become a key resource on this topic in France. We have also collaborated with Face à l’inceste in its efforts to raise awareness and communicate the urgent need for child protection and prevention measures. *The statistics above are derived from various studies conducted worldwide Check out the full report in the #LinkInBio _ Since 2008, we have built close, long-term relationships based on trust with our partner organizations. Through our latest impact report, we share the achievements we have made with our partners over the past 15 years, through 15 key impacts. Over the next few weeks, we'll be focusing on each of them. _ #annualreport #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #abusesurvivor #violenceagainstwomen #sexualabuse #endviolenceagainstwomen #feminists #onlineabuse #cyberviolence #genderbasedviolence #stopchildabuse #endchildabuse #childrights #boyhood #masculinity #genderequality #genderequalityforall
35 10
1 month ago
Présente à Cannes pour son film "Moi aussi", @judithgodreche1 et 80 survivantes de violences sexuelles rendent hommage à celles et ceux dont la parole a longtemps été bâillonnée et qui ne veulent plus se taire, ainsi qu’à celles et ceux qui vivent encore dans le silence. 📸 © Stéphane Cardinale - Corbis - Getty Images _ #moiaussi #stopchildabuse #endchildabuse #childrights #genderequality #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #abusesurvivor #violenceagainstwomen #sexualabuse #endviolenceagainstwomen #feminists #genderbasedviolence #womeninspiration
110 6
1 month ago
Ce soir a lieu la présentation du film "Moi aussi" lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture du Certain Regard du Festival de Cannes 🎬 Écrit et réalisé par @judithgodreche1 , ce court-métrage, dont nous sommes partenaires, a été inspiré par 6 000 témoignages de survivantes et survivants de violences sexuelles reçus par la réalisatrice. Il souligne ainsi l’ampleur de ce phénomène, qui concerne toutes les classes sociales et toutes les générations. « Donner de la visibilité aux violences sexistes et sexuelles est un élément fondamental de la lutte que nous menons depuis 15 ans à travers Kering Foundation. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes fiers d’être aux côtés de Judith Godrèche pour faire résonner ces témoignages. » - Marie-Claire Daveu, directrice du développement durable et des affaires institutionnelles de Kering et vice-présidente de Kering Foundation. 🎥 Une production @manekifilms _ #moiaussi #stopchildabuse #endchildabuse #childrights #genderequality #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #abusesurvivor #violenceagainstwomen #sexualabuse #endviolenceagainstwomen #feminists #genderbasedviolence #womeninspiration
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1 month ago
☑️ Promoting promising models As a private funder, we are able to take risks by supporting pilot projects and scaling them up once their effectiveness is proven. Since 2019, we have backed six pilot initiatives dedicated to supporting women survivors in four countries. We have helped showcase their performance, mobilized other donors and policymakers, and secured their long-term sustainability. We were the first private partner to support @lamaisondesfemmes93 , contributing to its initial construction phase and facilitating support from public authorities. Today, La Maison des femmes has demonstrated its ability to help women break the cycle of violence and rebuild their lives. Recognized as a mission of general interest (MIG) by the ministry of health, this model is currently being deployed throughout France, with the support of the Kering Foundation and other private partners within the Re#Start collective. Check out the full report in the #LinkInBio _ Since 2008, we have built close, long-term relationships based on trust with our partner organizations. Through our latest impact report, we share the achievements we have made with our partners over the past 15 years, through 15 key impacts. Over the next few weeks, we'll be focusing on each of them. _ #annualreport #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #abusesurvivor #violenceagainstwomen #sexualabuse #endviolenceagainstwomen #feminists #onlineabuse #cyberviolence #genderbasedviolence #stopchildabuse #endchildabuse #childrights #boyhood #masculinity #genderequality #genderequalityforall
35 3
2 months ago
For National #ChildAbusePreventionMonth in the U.S., @natlchildrensalliance shared 30 messages of child abuse awareness, prevention and protection resources during 30 days. How to spot the common signs of child abuse in person and online? What does it take to make a report? How can you rally your community? National Children's Alliance's campaign #ItsYourBusiness highlights how to report suspected behaviors. Visit their Instagram account to learn more and get resources in the #LinkInBio _ #stopchildabuse #endchildabuse #childrights #genderequality #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #abusesurvivor #violenceagainstwomen #sexualabuse #onlineabuse #cyberviolence
33 2
2 months ago
Since 2008, we have built close, long-term relationships based on trust with our partner organizations. Through our latest impact report, we share the achievements we have made with our partners over the past 15 years, through 15 key impacts. Over the next few weeks, we'll be focusing on each of them 👇 ☑️ Providing a secure professional environment Domestic violence has repercussions on the professional lives of women survivors, affecting their relationships with colleagues and their overall well-being at work. It is essential for women to retain their employment and financial independence. Since 2011, the Kering Foundation has offered training sessions on domestic violence to Group employees, designed to explore the complexity of this topic, understand their impact in the workplace, and learn how to support colleague survivors. These sessions have been developed with specialist organizations: @direcontrolaviolenza (Italy), @solidaritefemmes (France), @nnedv (United States), @redrefugiosmx (Mexico), and @womens_aid (United Kingdom). In 2021, we also introduced a comprehensive Domestic Violence Policy for the 49,000 Kering employees, offering them tailored support. Check out the full report in the #LinkInBio _ #annualreport #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #abusesurvivor #violenceagainstwomen #sexualabuse #endviolenceagainstwomen #feminists #onlineabuse #cyberviolence #genderbasedviolence #stopchildabuse #endchildabuse #childrights #boyhood #masculinity #genderequality #genderequalityforall
20 1
2 months ago
"Nous espérons que le travail de la Kering Foundation pourra contribuer à donner de visibilité à ce sujet (...) à travers des actions de prévention et en soutenant et accompagnant les victimes d’inceste." - Marie-Claire Daveu, Directrice du Développement durable et des affaires institutionnelles du Groupe Kering Plus d’1 Français sur 10 déclare avoir été victime d’une situation incestueuse. Les abus sexuels sur les enfants sont extrêmement répandus et touchent toutes les cultures et toutes les classes sociales. Pourtant, ce phénomène reste tabou. Kering Foundation s'engage quotidiennement aux côtés de ses partenaires pour briser le silence, mais aussi le cycle des violences intergénérationnelles. 📸 Retour en images sur l'avant-première du film « Une Famille », réalisé par Christine Angot, que nous avons eu l'honneur d'organiser à la Bourse de Commerce le mois dernier. Un documentaire poignant sorti le 20 mars au cinéma. SYNOPSIS : L'écrivaine Christine Angot est invitée pour des raisons professionnelles à Strasbourg, où son père a vécu jusqu'à sa mort en 1999. C'est la ville où elle l'a rencontré pour la première fois à treize ans, et où il a commencé à la violer. Sa femme et ses enfants y vivent toujours. Angot prend une caméra, et frappe aux portes de la famille. _ #stopchildabuse #endchildabuse #childrights #genderequality #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #abusesurvivor #violenceagainstwomen #sexualabuse #endviolenceagainstwomen #feminists #genderbasedviolence #womeninspiration
84 4
2 months ago
Since 2008, we have built close, long-term relationships based on trust with our partner organizations. Through our latest impact report, we share the achievements we have made with our partners over the past 15 years, through 15 key impacts. Over the next few weeks, we'll be focusing on each of them 👇 ☑️ Supporting women survivors Access to comprehensive, high quality support is essential for women who have been victims of violence to reclaim their lives: these services encompass healthcare, psychological guidance, access to appropriate resources, and a holistic approach to regain independence. Since 2008, the Kering Foundation has actively worked with organizations that provide tailored support to women survivors, whose programs have proven their effectiveness. In tune with their needs, we build long-term partnerships with a select group of feminist organizations operating at different levels: specialist organizations with national networks, such as the @nnedv in the United States; pilots with the potential for a broader reach, like @colorivivi_collection in Italy; and grassroots initiatives, such as the @lbwpwomen in the United Kingdom. Check out the full report in the #LinkInBio _ #annualreport #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #abusesurvivor #violenceagainstwomen #sexualabuse #endviolenceagainstwomen #feminists #onlineabuse #cyberviolence #genderbasedviolence #stopchildabuse #endchildabuse #childrights #boyhood #masculinity #genderequality #genderequalityforall
51 3
2 months ago
📢 @womens_aid released a comprehensive guide on meaningful survivor engagement! Produced by the 4 Women’s Aid Federations (Welsh Women’s Aid, Scottish Women’s Aid, Women’s Aid Federation Northern Ireland, Women’s Aid Federation of England) and Imkaan, this guide is intended for anyone in the VAWG sector who would like to begin or develop adult survivor engagement in their work. Over the past 3 years, Women's Aid has been developing their approach to ensure that diverse survivors have more opportunities to influence local practices, policies, and national decision-making. While acknowledging that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to this critical work, their best practice guide offers invaluable insights for anyone in the VAWG sector looking to engage with survivors on a deeper level. Dive into the guide in the #LinkInBio _ #VAWG #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #abusesurvivor #violenceagainstwomen #sexualabuse #endviolenceagainstwomen #feminists #genderbasedviolence #womenempowerwomen #womeninspiration #youarenotalone #genderequality
18 1
2 months ago
Now is the time to start talking about child sexual abuse and violence against children! Violent behavior is passed from one generation to another. Those who have experienced violence in childhood are more likely to suffer or perpetrate violence as adults. However, these are risk factors and outcomes are not pre-determined. Because we also know that when we intervene with skilled NGOs to support children and women survivors, we can make a difference and that they can go on to live amazing lives. This is the foundation of our three-pillar strategy to amplify our impact: 1️⃣ Resourcing partner organizations 2️⃣ Engaging Kering’s ecosystem to create safe and supportive workplaces 3️⃣ Influencing new audiences and mobilizing others By combating violence from the earliest age, we believe the cycle of intergenerational violence can be broken. Learn more in the #LinkInBio _ #impactreport #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #abusesurvivor #violenceagainstwomen #sexualabuse #endviolenceagainstwomen #feminists #onlineabuse #cyberviolence #genderbasedviolence #stopchildabuse #endchildabuse #childrights #boyhood #masculinity #genderequality #genderequalityforall
102 3
2 months ago