Kittu Pannu


NOLA-native. PhD candidate. Back in the South! #MentalHealth , #Storytelling , #Teaching , #LiveMusic , #HumanRights , #Policy , #KadhuGrams 🇺🇸🇮🇳🇲🇾🏳️‍🌈
P R I D E 🏳️‍🌈 — This #PrideMonth , I opted to #SoloTrip to #London and #NYC (and #KeyWest but that’s not happening until later today). Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect: I had made plans and bought tickets for shows, parties, concerts and the like, but I knew that I would be happy just going and living up those experiences. Needless to say, they fully exceeded what I could’ve imagined: I was able to connect with others who expanded the bounds of happiness I didn’t even realize were there; I ran into countless friends and acquaintances from over the years - I kid you not, I literally ran into a friend from middle school, a childhood friend, a guy I went on a date with once, and a bestie who happened to be in town while I was visiting London - and it just showed me how taking chances can truly lead to some magical moments. And that’s what #LGBTPride is all about to me: taking chances, basking in the shared energies with others who just want to engage healthily with others, and finding the things that truly make us happy. A lot of happiness was found over the last two weeks; a lot more can only be found with these new memories banked. Here’s to celebrating our #Pride in ways that fulfill and nourish us, whether it’s reminiscing on the good times and growth periods, fighting for our own and others’ rights, or making even better memories and reaching new levels of happiness! — #LDN #SkyGarden #Shard #Happiness #InstaGay #TravelLife #Summer
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2 days ago
B A B Y 🐶 — It’s my baby’s 10th birthday! A whole decade of wonderful memories with this kid. I still remember the day I got him from the shelter… he was so incredibly tiny in stature, with long, awkward limbs and those big, beautiful eyes. They placed him in my arms and I literally couldn’t put him down to fill out the paperwork (shoutout to @jas_lyyn for actually writing all the information down). I knew from that moment on I would never be alone. Kadhu, you’ve been such an amazing dog, one I’ve been blessed with 100 times over. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to celebrate with you in July when you’re back from your visit with your grandmother @rajenderpannu (lol I know I’m writing as if he can understand me - let me live y’all 😂) — #KadhuGrams #Birthday #PuppyBirthday #10Years
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6 days ago
F A T H E R 👴🏼 — Oh Dad. How I miss you. Especially on days like this. Lazy days when there would be nothing else to do BUT call you. Make you listen to some new rant that was going on in my head about some political issue, some breakthrough in science, some music chart drama, something to just pass the time and hear your “slightly-confused but still navigating the conversation” tone 😂. You let me get away with a lot. Including subjecting you to a #SesameStreet “children’s” cake for your 70th birthday :) (last slide for the pic) I wish I could go back in time and hear those stories. All of them. Just once more. I wish I could just lay in bed and make you watch music videos with me to pass the time. I wish I could subject you to another animated film that you begrudgingly watch but secretly love (I know you loved it whenever I put on Shrek 😂). I wish you could’ve been with me in the theatre yesterday when I saw #InsideOut2 in IMAX - just like we had done opening weekend for the first one. I wish I could’ve called you when my car battery died Friday afternoon and didn’t know where to start. I wish you could just be here. But that’s how life goes. People inevitably have to leave, even when you want so deeply to hold on. And it’s okay. It always will be okay. We find ways to cope, find others to help, or get the courage to handle our own business with our own spin. But yea. Just missing you a little bit more today. Here’s to changing up your fatherly playbook with me (thank god) and giving me the freedom to just be. For standing your ground on things but also trusting my intentions and recognizing my ability to make my own decisions. And for just being there when I needed you. Love you! — #LaterGram #Throwback #FathersDay #HappyFathersDay #BirthdayCake #Dad
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17 days ago
H O M E T O W N 🦞 — Last month, I got a full reset - my best friend wanted to celebrate his 34th in #NewOrleans , so it made perfect sense for me to show him all my favorite haunts and secret spots. Always someone who recharges me with that megawatt smile, I was able to plunge head-first into summer, thanks to David. With the help of countless friends (including @alexx_robinson , @loslee44 , @miss_ayejay , @courtneyrtullis ) and of course @rajenderpannu , we hit culture, music, history, queerness, and good ole debauchery. (Also shoutout to @pjhita for hosting such a fun little #BabyShower !) From there, I figured a quick hop over to #Houston couldn’t hurt to spend time with family and friends (including @dnique42 , @jpwilson90 , @alxangelina ). On my way back to Knoxville, I got to spend some time with and celebrate #NOLAPride :) Overall, this trip was exactly what I needed to #Reset and #Reprioritize ! I’m so grateful for you, David, and loved getting to celebrate you in one of my favorite places. #HappyBirthday love! — #Travel #LaterGram #NOLA #Hometown #SnoBall #FrenchmanStreet #Bourbon #FrenchQuarter #WhitneyPlantation #UptownNOLA #Friends #LGBT #Pride #PrideMonth
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18 days ago
P R I D E 🏳️‍🌈 — Recently, with the increased chaos and apathy that has plagued the world so steadily over the past couple of years, I’ve realized one of the most important things we can do as people with marginalized identities is to exist. To unapologetically be. To give ourselves permission to bask in the whims that make our own worlds go round. To hope for betterment - not only of self but of environments known and unknown. And to simply thrive. This June marks the 40th anniversary of Operation Blue Star, the beginning of a decades-long genoc*de against Punjabi Sikhs at the hands of a government that turned a blind eye to outright discrimination, or, worse, perpetuated it. It also marks the 67th anniversary of the Palest*n*an Naksa, where approximately 300,000 Palest*n*ans were displaced or forcibly removed from their homes, rendering them refugees. And of course, we have #PrideMonth because of the #StonewallRiots , which will have happened 65 years ago on June 28th. The continued persecution, displacement, vilification and genoc*de of others is nothing new - humankind often brings out the worst in one another. But it’s at times like these that I remember how these struggles have the power to truly ignite passion and resilience. To give others experiencing similar situations to live in their own truths and strength and create the change they want to see in their worlds. So this #Pride , I plan on pushing myself out of my comfort zone, living out loud, calling out the atrocities I see occurring, working to make the world a better place, and look f*ck*ng great doing it. It’s time to increase our advocacy efforts, honor and commemorate those who sacrificed so much for our own benefit, and challenge the very frantic of society that threatens to eat those of us with less pr*v*lege alive. Pride’s a riot, and we fight for our own. Won’t you join me? ;) — #LaterGram #LGBT #Sikh #Solidarity #KadhuGrams #Advocacy #Seva
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27 days ago
TLDR: Genoc*de is wrong, so please help me and others aid those who need it most right now. This continuous and relentless bombardment and dehuman*zat*on of Palest*n*ans has led to one of the biggest humanitarian catastrophes in my own lifetime. Genoc*de is wrong and we who have voices need to continue to advocate for those who can’t. So let’s please do whatever we can to help those in need. (Photo credit: REUTERS)
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1 month ago
F I R E I S L A N D 🔥 — Miss being carefree. Miss these humans. Miss the feeling of letting your guard down and just existing. Without any pretenses. If there’s one thing that #FireIsland had been successful at doing it’s its ability to push me out of my comfort zone to become an even better version of myself. To really grow out of the discomfort of being honest, forthcoming, and feeling safe throughout the experience. Fire Island is one of those magical places where time stands still, vibes are always great (even when others may bring the drama), and kindness permeates. Here are some of my favorite memories I was able to capture from my 2023 week with some of the best people a boy could ask for. To kicking off #Summer2024 right! — #LaterGram #BoysOfFireIsland #InstaGay #Besties #NYC #FireIslandPines
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1 month ago
O L I V I A P T 2 🎤 — Here are some other highlights from the @oliviarodrigo #GUTSWorldTour show :) — 1: Me :) 2: #DejaVu 3: #Brutal 4: #Obsessed 5: #AllAmericanBitch 6: #Good4U 7: #GetHimBack 8: me and besties (@carosmithh ) — #Concerts #LiveMusic #PopMusic #GUTS #OliviaRodrigo #Nashville
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1 month ago
O L I V I A P T 1 🎤 — Back in March, after a really tough several weeks, I decided to treat myself and buy some last-minute concert tickets to see @oliviarodrigo . The week leading up to it had been hell, and it marked the start of our #SpringBreak , so I figured it was the least I could do to just replenish some of the energy I’d lost so far that semester. The day-of proved to be quite the reckless day, with me losing a close friendship due to my own anxiety (and also the sh*tty actions of other “friends”), but thankfully I had this amazing experience to wash away a lot of that guilt and frustration. Olivia’s concert truly was an experience: from @chappellroan ’s opening numbers to the #PlanB being given out at the Bridgestone Arena itself, I knew I was in a safe space of sorts. And the music. The music didn’t disappoint one bit. This girl can put on a SHOW! Hitting all of her classics and even some bonus tracks, I was able to escape just for a couple of hours from the tumultuous and trying times that were unfortunately weighing on me. Here are some of my favorite highlights from that show on March 9 in Nashville :) — 1: #BadIdeaRight 2: #BalladOfAHomeSchooledGirl 3: #Vampire 4: #Traitor 5: #DriversLicense 6: #LoveIsEmbarrassing 7: #Lacy 8: #JealousyJealousy 9: #CantCatchMeNow (from #TheHungerGames ) 10: #IfItMakesYouHappy (w/ @sherylcrow ) — #Concerts #LiveMusic #PopMusic #LaterGram #GUTSWorldTour
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1 month ago
M O T H E R (S) 👩🏽 — I got lucky. Most people only get one motherly figure to look out for them; I got 1.5. 😂 @rajenderpannu and Preeti, between the two of y’all, I always feel the support and love. For whatever I may be going through. For whatever major life shifts come my way. Having the two of y’all in my corner always lets me breathe easy :) The two of you have personified what it means to love unconditionally (y’all also personify how to annoy the hell out of me when telling me what to do but that’s a different story lölöl). But I know I can always depend on y’all. And it’s such a sacred, beautiful thing. I know I wouldn’t be where I am had I not received the love and support I’ve received over the years from y’all. Though we are not in the same place today, know that I’m thinking about the two of you! Love y’all two immensely, and hope y’all have a great #MothersDay ! Shoutout to all the mamas, mama’s mamas, etc. out there :) — #Morher #HappyMothersDay #LaterGram #FamilyTime
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1 month ago
I A N T H E 💃🏽 — First off, #HappyBirthday , love! I’m so grateful I took your class all those years ago. From the moment we met, I knew there was something different about you: your genuine, kind nature immediately revealed itself, and I knew that we were going to be friends :) you’re one of those people who has a glow - always. There’s an energy - an aura - of beauty and greatness that always surrounds you. And you readily share it with the people you love and care about. Ianthe, you’ve taught me so much about myself, you’ve been an incredible support and sounding wall when I’ve felt like my world is falling apart, and you’ve continually shown me the big picture when the details threaten to engulf me. You’re a great friend and I’m lucky to count you as one of my own. I’m also so incredibly proud of the steps you’ve taken to make your own dreams a reality. You continue to I spire everyone around you by simply being you. And it’s amazing. Here’s to more reunions and nights out. To more concerts and dinners. To more laughs and tears of happiness. Love you, @ianthemellors , and hope your day is as bright as you ;) — #Birthday #LaterGram #Friends #Concerts
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2 months ago
A K S H A Y 🤓 — Oh Akshay :) let me start by saying Happy (early) Birthday to one of my favorite people in the world. @aaaaakshay - from the moment you were born I was so ecstatic. There was another person in my immediate family I’d get to shower with love and hopefully take along on all of my adventures. There’d be someone for @swaggysonia to boss around besides me 😂. And there’s be someone that I’d get to see grow up and be the #CoolUncle for (if all the others nieces and nephews threw me under the bus lol). Seeing you become the complex human you are today… it’s been such a privilege. You’re such a remarkable, intelligent, empathetic, and kind person, and I’m so proud to call you my little nephew :). Yes, I’ll be retiring the #MiniMe moniker because, though we do look alike, you truly are your own person. You’re someone I continue to learn from. Someone who I never get tired of talking to about the strangest/stupidest things. Someone I thoroughly enjoy having around. So on your birthday, I hope you take some time to celebrate yourself. To remember to prioritize your fun, your happiness, your future over those who don’t show up for you (I say this because you tend to give so much of yourself without asking for anything in return - it’s something I’ve struggled with too 😂). You’re an amazing human being, and I can’t wait to see what 19 has in store for you. I love you so much, mister - happiest of birthdays! — #Family #Guncle #LaterGram #Nephew #HappyBirthday
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2 months ago