Mark Lane


i like cool shit. Vox for @dryrunband
Had a beautiful time up with @dryrunband at the @thehopeandruin last night. It was super fun. So much love for @stuartrushforth @geddy_9 and Jonny, and to anyone that was kind enough to come down. You were all gorgeous. Big thank you to the team at The Hope who looked after us; Leon is an absolute wizard 🌈
41 2
3 months ago
Super pumped for the first track off of the next @dryrunband EP to be coming out on Thursday 14th. Had a lot of fun recording this one. Come see us play at The Hope in Brighton on Thursday 28th or Helgi's in Lannnndan on Saturday 30th. Woop woop
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3 months ago
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4 months ago
!!!SOPPY POST ALERT!!! Last night I got to witness a night I made happen really come off and it filled me with so much joy. I somehow managed to convince two incredible bands to play with my band Dry Run and found a night at one of my favourite Brighton venues to host it. To be honest, we've found it difficult to pick up good shows that reflect where we're at, having not really found the keys to the promoter castle, so we decided to go ahead and book it ourselves. For me personally it came during quite a tumultuous time, with a lot of pressure at work and trying to manage lots of other personal challenges, and I stressed myself out way too much. Its quite a lot to do, being in a band, and trying to make shows happen. I have the utmost love and respect to anyone who can do it. Its so rewarding, but takes a lot more than you'd think... and the finances relative to effort really don't add up. Those smaller shows you go to - and you should go to more (and buy whatever merch you can afford) - they're all done out of love. So to see last night be the ridiculous night that it was, and be in a room full of some very happy faces, was incredibly special to me. To know that I made that happen... To be fair, just seeing those two bands on the same bill was pretty wild for me. But to be able to play as well, and feel worthy in the presence of bands I admire so much, was truly a gift. Thank you to everyone that came, and everyone that goes out to support music. First picture - Blue Stragglers playing a packed out Hope Second - silver shorted disaster
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11 months ago
Last night I got to bear witness to an incredible Tied to the Mast reunion to give Jim Faulkner a belter of a Brighton send off. One for the ages. Thank you @bluestragglers for giving me my gig moment of the year. Absolutely incredible.
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11 months ago
Home vibes. I don't take for granted just how lucky I am to have my own little flat in Brighton. Come visit.
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1 year ago
I love my life. Very lucky to be here
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1 year ago
Last weekend I had one of the best weekends of my life. We went down to an incredible studio and recorded two tracks with a lot of personal significance to me. The engineer understood us right away and set about recording us live, with a view to having some guide vocals to record over. There was enough energy and precision in it to just go with these takes and add overdubs. I'm really proud of where we've come as a band to be able to do that, from being an idea to get an EP of songs out, to finding an amazing drummer and going fuck it, let's do a band. We're doing a band. I love it. Life is for moments like these. To balance the noise with noise of your own is truly a gift.
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1 year ago
35. I'd like all of you people in this room to know, that @stuartrushforth , the lead guitarist of the sensational pop group @dryrunband , is the best friend in the world
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1 year ago
Dry Run's next gig is Friday 16th December at the Bee's Mouth. All signs point to this one being a banger. Would looooove to see you there for a festive throwdown ❤️🎅❤️
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1 year ago
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1 year ago