

I AM Love a woman in Love with Life-A Philosopher of Love-Health-Nutrition & Fitness Expert-Lifelong Vegan-Live Your Life Beautifully With Love
Beyond the future lies an infinity of consciousness where Love has been perched awaiting our personal evolution, to thrust us beyond our wildest dreams with passionate determination & persistence, reaching far beyond our imaginations into infinite bliss. We have been designed for flight to rise beyond our wildest imagineering, to leap creatively & courageously into the future where biomorphic art forms, patterns & textures connect with nature, inspiring our flights of fancy, as we motivate & delineate our true genius that we were all born for. Our future is not beyond the horizon, it is within us, craving the creativity that brings forth inspiration, to move us in the direction of our unique gifts & talents, where authentic Love & Joy become a serendipitous happening that grows from all of our endeavors to better our tomorrows. It is a leap of faith through our aspirations that we move beyond the scope of our limiting beliefs to rise with intention, trusting that we are a vital & integral part of our ever evolving universe. By moving in balance we create a synchronicity, engineered greater than the sum of our own existence. May the unselfish Love within the beauty of our Hearts become the true Spirit of imagineering to soar as we create a World of true Unity. Produced By @laylaluciano #highlinenyc #newyorknewyork #nyc #manhattan
1,730 663
1 day ago
There is an elegance within us that flourishes in the cascading waters of time, with fluency to the soft wildness of beauty & serenity that soothes all it touches with the ebb & flow of life’s breath. The grace of a river reminds us of how nature illuminates the beauty of time with a fluidness of dancing waves that sway with magnificent elegance & ease inspiring life with cohesive balance to find the rhythm within us that flows like poetry in motion, evoking the embodiment of our true identity as it emerges from the matrix of our life experiences as it flows with the voice of wisdom. This is our time, our voyage through life to embrace & create a fluency of presence that inspires with passion, as Love is a silent river that flows through every Heart encouraging the pathway to hope, as it awakens the Soul to beauty. Produced By @laylaluciano #hudsonriverpark #nyc #manhattan #newyorknewyork
1,341 1,129
8 days ago
The Heart is an enchanted garden, blossoming with Love to ignite the seeds of life, that glow with an array of magnificent life sustaining roots. We have the gift of choice to blossom, by creating healthier ways of living & being, remembering there is no permanence to life as our state of mind & feelings constantly rise from one moment to the next. Healthy Love of self is vital to our longing to be Loved, which is the feeling of joy that empowers us to give Love without fear, moving us emotionally in ways that we could never have imagined, by bringing depth & fullness into our Hearts. Love waits for us to step up through our actions to enable it to flow without restrictions or conditions within all Hearts & life as Love needs room to blossom throughout our entirety. May we reopen our Hearts & minds to Love’s essence, by giving of ourselves for the betterment of humanity, as we are all connected Souls through Love. Produced By @laylaluciano #hudsonriverpark #nyc #manhattan #newyorknewyork
2,070 1,489
15 days ago
Our connection with nature awakens our Hearts & minds to her wonder & mystery, search within to find beauty in unexpected places, to envision the whole picture, reminding us that the cave we fear to enter holds the riches we seek, unfolding within the awe of every step we take. Through the panoramic landscape of our life experiences, we come to recognize the mystery & meaning of our own life journey, through the aliveness of courage, obstacles become stepping stones that flow with beauty, rhythm, grace & confidence of Heart. The nature of our universe encourages & inspires us to step into our journey of discovery, to create our destiny as we become open & faithful to our intuitive nature, the transformational voice of Love & Truth. As we envision our lives in the light of beauty & wonder, we change our attitude as to what is present in the Heart of our life experiences, viewing ourselves through the lens of graciousness we discover growth & healing are blooming even in the midst of chaos. Produced By @laylaluciano #untermyergardens #newyork #exploreny #iloveny
2,015 1,388
22 days ago
The winds of change are upon us, where freedom of expression lives within the colorful movements of spirit, dressing nature with its diverse definitive beauty to delight & inspire our primal imagination while caressing the earth to encourage passion, kindness & excitement as it changes everything it touches. Let Love flow as we move closer to our humanness with kindness in our Hearts to embrace the imperfections of our every experience as we discover new horizons that awaken & inspire deeper connections. Let Love flow to connect within our souls the depth of our pain & heartbreak, as we continue to question our intentions that awaken our Hearts & minds to truth. May all Hearts be caressed with the nurturance of Love that flows within, allowing us to feel our emotions as we rise in unity from within Love’s essence where all things are heard, understood & echoed back to us. Produced By @laylaluciano #nyc #hudsonriverpark #manhattan #newyorknewyork
2,435 1,452
29 days ago
The Heart is where Love blossoms in vitality to awaken within us our own divinity. When we surrender all that we perceive to understand about Love, we can put into practice the action of giving Love, by first acknowledging that healthy Love of self is absolutely vital to our own longing to be Loved. The feeling of Love brings depth & fullness into our Hearts, as our oneness connects Love to everything in our universe. When we allow our Souls to blossom in Love, we allow ourselves to give Love without fear, to blossom in Love’s essence. As flowers will always blossom in spring, so too must Love blossom into our Heart & Soul consciousness, as a flower cannot blossom without sunshine, a Heart cannot live without Love. Produced By @laylaluciano #hudsonyards #manhattan #nyc #springvibes #explorenyc
14.8k 2,107
1 month ago
Beyond the future lies an infinity of consciousness where Love has been perched, awaiting our arrival to take us beyond our wildest dreams where the soul awakens & thrives on moments of beauty & wonder. We have been designed for flight, to rise beyond our wildest imagineering, peering creatively & courageously into the future, to create as we motivate & delineate the true greatness that we were destined for. It is our vision that will thrust us beyond our wildest dreams, with unwavering passion & persistent determination we will reach far beyond our imaginations into infinite bliss which is not beyond the horizon, it is, in our own hands, craving the creativity that brings forth inspiration to become a serendipitous happening growing from all of our endeavors. It is a leap of faith through our continuous aspirations that we move beyond the scope of our limiting beliefs to arise with intention knowing that we are a vital & integral part of our infinite universe. Produced By @laylaluciano #littleisland #exploreny #manhattan #nyc #springvibes
2,047 1,489
1 month ago
May we carry within our Hearts the pearls of wisdom, strength of mind & resilience of spirit to face adversity & transcend it, by refusing to despair & always push ahead, turning difficulties into lessons learned, with confident courage. The beauty within us is deeply rooted & will not permit life to harden our Hearts by cultivating our own light with the brilliant pearls of wisdom & beauty to radiate kindness to ourselves & others. Radiant pearls of wisdom are the Heart & Soul of life, formed & shaped through every step, twist & turn that we have taken on this incredible journey, may they represent our individual evolution throughout all of our life stages, with the courage to come into rhythm with the wildness within, letting us relax in our nature, in this moment to know we are free, with kindness of Heart, strength of mind & beauty of Soul to embody the Grace & wisdom of this precious gift of life. Produced By @laylaluciano #newyork #manhattan #hudsonriverpark #explorenyc #springvibes
2,786 1,674
1 month ago
In the awe of nature’s magnificence, life encourages us to dance on the steps of joy, to flow within the rhythm of life, while beauty invites us towards a profound elegance of soul, to remind us that we are heirs to the elegance & nobility of spirit, encouraging us to awaken the divinity within our Hearts. Within all of us is a passionate energy, an infinite supply of courage, that at times will take every ounce of strength to embody while we continue to take the necessary steps towards our hopes & dreams, rising through any challenge with determination to create the life that is the expression of our existence. This comes from the Heart of Love’s wisdom & has a depth of presence that only comes to those who are humble enough to awaken to their true calling by remembering, the higher we rise, the more exquisite the view becomes. Produced By @laylaluciano #newyork #littleisland #manhattan #nyc #springvibes
2,182 1,382
1 month ago
True beauty is woven within the mystery of infinity, throughout the Heart of life. The Soul that struggles for beauty to emerge sways on the threshold between calm & rough seas, time & eternity. One of the greatest desires of every human is the longing to be seen for who we truly are, often torn to find our balance in life as we navigate between peace & discord. Beauty warms & delights our Hearts while it also eludes us from what it cannot be, as beauty is a fluency of presence rising throughout all of life. At times beauty’s illumination may not be visible as she is usually performing behind the scenes, crying out for our souls’ introspection to enliven our Hearts with passion, creativity & Love. When our lives are filled with Love, the desire to see beauty in everyday life magically begins to appear, as a feeling of serenity that envelops the Heart & Soul. Produced By @laylaluciano #nyc #littleisland #manhattan #newyork #springvibes
2,773 1,472
2 months ago
Our kinship with nature cries out for our opened Hearts & minds to respectfully observe her mysteries as they unfold with every step we take. May this earth day be a reminder that we are the keepers of our sacred Mother Earth whose tears cry for Love & Compassion to rain down on all of her people. We are sojourners on this incredible life-giving planet, let us work independently unifying all lives through our interconnections to walk in rhythm with mother earth carrying gratitude in our Hearts by creating a better sustaining humanity for all generations as we envision the beauty & possibility in all that nature is. By viewing our lives through the lens of graciousness we will discover that growth & healing are blooming even in the midst of chaos, knowing that life’s path is never straight & there will be turns & steps to traverse. It is only our consciousness that allows us to embrace the true gifts of our belonging that are gracious, compassionate & celebrate life with Love & joy. Produced By @laylaluciano #newyork #manhattan #nyc #springvibes
3,994 1,548
2 months ago
Attaining balance is symmetry within the synchronicity of life, as we seek that quiet place within our souls to find fulfillment & peace through reflection that carries with it a quiet strength of beauty. Why is it that peace is so evasive when it brings Harmony & Love with it. May we remember not to wait for everything to be ok with us or the world around us or we will miss life’s essential purpose as it is the seemingly little things in life that will fill our Hearts with joy. We must embrace life before it passes by even when we are in the midst of sorrow or pain. By striving for more to simply keep up with others, we completely ignore who we are & what we have which is more than enough to bring us all of the blissful joy that we could ever imagine. Everything that we want or need comes from deep within our precious Hearts, as we are whole & perfect in our imperfections, understanding this leads to all the beauty that life is. Produced By @laylaluciano #littleisland #newyork #manhattan #nyc
2,422 1,366
2 months ago