

💜🌈 Portland, OR/PNW🌲 Mushroom ID 🍄, slime molds & tiny worlds enthusiast! 🔬 Upcoming mushroom classes & events at link! ↙️ Always learning.
Hey! I'll be at the Gorge Fungi Foray in early October in WA. I did this last year for the first time and it's a pretty great festival with incredible food, gorgeous foray locations, music and I will be giving a talk about mycoheterotrophic plants (non photosynthetic plants growing in association with fungi). Maybe see ya there? There's more info at GorgeFungiForay.com Rad friends @yellowelanor and @rootsandmycelium and others will be there! 🎉
270 7
1 day ago
Ascocoryne, purple jelly disc More common as the weather gets colder, check for it on log ends trailside
622 8
7 months ago
We love a mushroom with a trick! Stereum sanguinolentum, bleeding conifer crust. See second slide for video of "bleeding" color change. Seen today at Tualatin Hills Nature Park in Oregon after a mushroom ID class.
218 3
7 months ago
Mycena purpureofusca, "purple edge bonnet", common on conifer wood in the PNW in the colder months. So named for its marginate purple edged gills. See at Newell Creek Canyon Nature Park at the @oregonmetro mushroom hike on Sunday
338 3
7 months ago
Huge fruiting of Clavaria fragilis (white worm coral / fairy fingers) at Newell Creek Canyon Nature Park on Sunday, seen at @oregonmetro mushroom hikes
340 3
7 months ago
Helvella vespertina
427 5
7 months ago
Went chanterelle hunting for my friend's birthday this year. Trying to make sure to schedule quality time with loved ones and not just mushroom "work" during mushroom season. An important lesson I am slowly getting better at (even if that quality time needs to be scheduled 3-4 months in advance 😁)
655 11
7 months ago
Hypomyces sp. "bolete eater" (could be H. chrysospermus on misc. boletes or H. microspermus on Xerocomellus)
544 9
7 months ago
Mucronella fusiformis #Mucronella
243 4
7 months ago
Honey mushrooms, Armillaria Edible for most people, cook well White spores Ring on stipe Fibrils on cap top Clustered to single to gregarious on wood or appearing terrestrial (but ultimately attached to tree roots) Parasitic and/or saprotrophic
382 3
7 months ago
Tricholoma murrillianum, western matsutake Unique edible recognized by it's sheathing ring (just breaking in this pic), notched gill attachment, equal to tapering stipe and ashy base (podzol), as well as it's sweet red hots candy smell. Major lookalikes are Amanita smithiana (dangerously toxic) which has a bulbous base and fragile, tattered, short hanging ring and a bulbous base, and Catathelasma spp. (edible but tastes kinda like watermelon rind) with decurrent gills and a longer rooting stipe, and when mature often very large (from a distance I once thought one was a discarded toilet seat in the woods).
293 4
8 months ago
Mycena pura 💜 One of very few Mycenas known to be toxic, reportedly containing a small amount of the toxin muscarine. Muscarine is common in Inocybe/Inocybaceae and some Clitocybe spp. among others, but not in any significant quantity in Amanita muscaria (which has ibotenic acid and musciMOL) despite the name. Most Mycenas are too small to consider eating.
223 2
8 months ago