Los Sara Fontan


y sus circunstancias Booking: aloudmusic@gmail.com
Someone has to take care of the house when we're away. Us presentem als encarregats!! Propers concerts: 09/06 MIERES - @espainyamnyam 15/06 EL PUERTO DE S.M. - @monkeyweekend 22/06 LA CELLERA DE TER - @rzmfestival 28/06 GERMANY - Fusionfestival ⚛️ 02/07 BARCELONA - Festival Tangent. @centrecivicsafa Gratuït, al carrer Marina entre Mallorca i Provença 06/07 BALLOBAR - @festivalsonnadph 19/07 BARCELONA - @fundacioantonitapies amb la Blanca Llum Vidal 25/07 LONDON (UK) - @shacklewellarms by @babayagashutlondon 26/07 NOTTINGHAM (UK) - @jtsoar 28/07 MALMESBURY (UK) - @womadfestival performing 4132314 with Tarta Relena & Cocanha 09/08 REES (GERMANY) - @haldernpop
73 5
25 days ago
JESSICA MOSS (@missjessicamoss ), fundadora del mítico colectivo Thee Silver Mt Zion, piedra angular de Constellation Records (@cstrecords ), actúa este mes en España, en distancia corta, lejos de festivales y cerca de lxs asistentes. Aforos muy limitados. Aloud, Gandula, Swamp y Mascanada6 organizan estos 3 únicos conciertos estatales: Martes 28 de Mayo - ST. FELIU DE GUÍXOLS Jessica Moss Ermita de Sant Amanç Miércoles 29 de Mayo - BARCELONA Jessica Moss + Los Sara Fontan @casa.montjuic Jueves 30 de Mayo - MADRID Jessica Moss+ Los Sara Fontan @salajuglar Entradas en las webs de @aloud_music y @mascanada6 . 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉 Puedes contribuir al trabajo de la U.N.R.W.A en G_a_z_a comprando el último álbum de Jessica Moss, "for U.N.R.W.A".
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1 month ago
Dimecres 13 març Tarta Relena, Los Sara Fontan i Cocanha presentaran 4132314 al Palau de la Música Catalana en el marc del cicle Palau Fronteres i el Festival Tradicionàrius. Un espectacle inspirat en la memòria de les treballadores tèxtils, els patrons de confecció i els seus cants de treball en col·lectivitat que va rebre el Premi Ciutat de Barcelona de música 2023. 💜 Ja teniu les vostres entrades? No hi podeu faltar! Entrades a palaumusica.cat
221 5
3 months ago
🔥 Get to know more about the Catalan artists selected in the line-up of @esns.nl 2024! ▶️ In Ancient Greece, instrumental music was feared for its ability to push the listener into uncontrolled flights of fantasy. Clinging to this principle, @los_sara_fontan decided to explore the irrational, not to use words and to break with the classical forms of production and reproduction. They have recently released their first album, ‘Queda Pendiente’. #ESNS24 #CatalanArts #CatalanMusic
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6 months ago
---------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: the compilation has raised 1.083€, THANK YOU. The women's center in Gaza that had to receive the donation has been destroyed by the Israeli forces, but it will arrive to its displaced employees who are still working on the area. ----------------------------------------------------------- We're contributing with our song Cuerno de Alce to the compilation released by @l___kw Berlin and curated by @decolonoize_berlin . Link in bio. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to supporting the distribution of dignity kits directly on the ground, to affected women in Gaza. ______________________ In light of the intensified, deaths of innocent people and civilians occurring between Gaza and Israel since October 7th, 2023 we - as multiple labels, artists, and collectives - have cooperated to raise our collective voice in demanding an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages. We yearn for a feminist response to a crisis that has been on the political agenda for longer than any of us have been alive, creating trauma upon trauma. If you would like to purchase the compilation, 100% of the proceeds will go directly to supporting the distribution of dignity kits directly on the ground, to affected women and families in Gaza. This compilation is one of the most direct ways - as artists, musicians, and sound workers - we can take to address and speak to the atrocities unfolding. Please ignite your compassion and empathy by thinking of others. CEASEFIRE NOW.   ___________________ Coreleased by Shouka (FR), Orange Cliff (ID), Seminal Records (BR), Stock Records (AU), Stray Signals (DE), Yeoja Mag (DE).
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7 months ago
🖤♥️ Queda Pendiente ♥️🖤 Yess, today is the day we go virtual! After six years, we've become data and you can listen to us, playing in our house, from your house. 🫂🫂🫂💿🖥️📱🎧🫂🫂🫂 🫂🫂🫂Link in bio🫂🫂🫂 🫂🫂🫂💿🖥️📱🎧🫂🫂🫂 We dance to celebrate this wonderful year that began with the recording at home last January and has been full of shows, awards, failures, doubts, travels and lifetime memories with wonderful people. The album is out today and the first edition of the white vinyl is already sold out 😮, so graciñas amigues. You can purchase the second edition (grey vinyl) in @aloud_music and our Bandcamp. Thanks to everyone involved, @santi_ga_ for the generosity and the mix, @alvaro__gallego for the wisdom and the mastering, Ric & Tiago at @todojunto_graphics for the artwork, Sanni Seppo and Ritva Kovalainen for the inner pic, @tamara___delafuente for her magic eye in our photos, Alfons @ganduladiscos for the support and specially @sergio_aloud for his confidence and enthusiasm. ✊🏽 Us estimem ✊🏽 And thanks to all the journalists and listeners for expanding the number of genres that may define our music! Experimental, contemporary, neo-romanticism, glitch, punk, edm, post-rock... We still do not know what to say. What is your best definition?
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8 months ago
Tornant a casa hem fet aquest video per matar el temps d'espera als trens i avions, però també per AGRAIR a totes les implicades en aquesta mini gira Italo/Alemanya/Polonesa. Tenim el cor ple i ens sentim privilegiats de formar part de la comunitat underground, plena d'artistes i promotores talentoses, generoses i entusiastes. AMICS ENG Heading back to Barcelona and making this short video to kill time in waiting rooms, and also to THANK everyone involved in this short Italian/German/Polish tour. We are grateful to feel part of an underground community, filled with talented and generous artists/promoters/enthusiasts. Friends. Gràcies Valentino & TiconZero family, Philip, Malgorzata, Rahel, Yann, Chris, Iñaki, Helmi... And we hope to see you soon.
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8 months ago
Estimades escoltadores, a partir d'avui, avui Sí, ja podeu reservar, preordenar, encarregar, sol.licitar, requerir, demanar, QUEDA PENDIENTE. Les primeres 50 us emportareu una làmina amb l'història que María Medem ha creat pel nostre test de personalitat il.lustrant 4 de les cançons!! Ho trobareu a aloudmusic i al bandcamp de gandula. Pd: Tenim només 100 vinils de color blanc! El podeu fer servir també com a estalvis de cassoles, frisbee, raqueta de pickle ball, per tallar pa o de pamela. Dear listeners from today, today YES, you can book, pre-order, demand, request, solicited, ask for QUEDA PENDIENTE. The first 50 will get a free print with the story Maria Medem created for our personality test illustrating 4 of the songs! You can find it on @aloud_music or @ganduladiscos bandcamp. Pd: the vinyl is white, there are 100 of them! Can also be used for: Frisbee, table mat, pickle ball racket, bread cutter or pamela.
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8 months ago
Primers concerts amb l'àlbum a la maleta!! 🖤 First concerts with records in the case!! 🖤
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9 months ago
Ultimando el vinilo e interviniéndolo con las máquinas de nuestra querida imprenta autogestionada @l_automatica . Gracias a sus habitantes y amigos Ric & Tiago (@todojunto_graphics ), cortadores oficiales y autores del diseño del disco. Y a @sergio_aloud por estar siempre y no perder la cuenta de los vinilos en cada caja. Hemos preparado 3 ediciones del vinilo, con 3 cortes y 3 colores distintos.
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9 months ago
👾 We have made a game!! Yes, a personality test where, depending on your opinions, beliefs and feelingz, you will listen to one song or another. 🫂 The game is programmed by the almighty hacker Keyvane Alinaghi (Hassan K), and our admired @mariamedem has illustrated a story in 4 paintings, one for each of the 4 premiered songs. Thank you so much to both ♥️ 🤖 You can enter as many times as you want to unlock the full story. You may have to contradict yourself to achieve this... 🌌 This is our way to premiere Los Sara's songs out of the corporate streaming platforms. We also want to give you context on what the songs are about (instrumental music may not have lyrics, but it expresses our thoughts and worries), and we're also happy to accompany you through a more personal listening experience in the middle of this digital chaos! Link in bio, or go straight to sarafontan.com 👾 PLAY! 👾 🛰️ The full album will be out on October 25th via @ganduladiscos , @aloud_music & @ex_in_ex
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9 months ago