
#Healer #model 🪬 🧿🧘‍♀️✨👽 My desire is to preserve the sense of people's lives, to endow them with the strength & beauty I see in them.
Let‘s vibe, drink aloe & talk about selflove + how to gain confidence✨🦋💙 Ur presence has purpose. Früher habe ich mich selbst gehasst, weil ich nicht mein wahres Selbst ausgelebt habe, Dinge tat, die nicht in Übereinstimmung mit meinem Leben waren. & ich bin immer noch dabei, alles loszulassen,was mir nicht dient. Generell denken wir an unser zukünftiges Selbst, unsere Bestimmung in der ZUKUNFT, aber sweetheart, alles ist im JETZT, in der Gegenwart. &du fühlst dich vielleicht in diesem Moment verloren aber du bist nie verloren! Du bist genau da, wo du sein solltest. Über die Zeit habe ich irgendwie erkannt, dass wir unsere eigenen Dokumentarfilme leben, quasi unser eigenes Buch des Lebens (books of life),verstehst du? Und wenn wir uns verloren fühlen..sind wir gerade nur zwischen den Kapiteln. Wenn du dich auf deiner Reise verloren fühlst, wenn du dich unsicher fühlst, bedeutet das, dass du dabei bist, etwas zu entdecken. Wir können uns also auf die Entdeckung freuen. Bei der Selbstliebe dreht sich im Grunde alles darum wir selbst zu sein,authentisch in seiner eigenen Reise & sich wohl zu fühlen mit dem wer man selbst ist. 🦋Selbstliebe ist,unsere eigene Liebessprache zu verstehen,zu pflegen,zu verinnerlichen.Wir alle haben unsere eigene Sprache der Liebe & das bedeutet nicht, dass jeder andere die Gleiche hat die wir tun &das ist okay. 🦋Was ich ebenso gelernt habe ist, umso tiefer die Verbindung mit uns selbst ist, umso tiefer ist die Verbindung mit anderen schönen Wesen. Ja es stimmt,auf dieser Reise der Selbstliebe führen wir dieses positive Selbstgespräch mit uns, sagen Affirmationen auf, sind „lieb“ zu uns selbst. Aber wir müssen in der Lage sein, uns hinzusetzen & diese richtigen Gespräche zu führen.Genau wie Du sie mit Deinem Partner, besten Freund tun würdest. FORTSETZUNG VOM TEXT IM KOMMENTARFELD 💎 ————————
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3 years ago
Self-love is an energy cleanse. I see self-care and self-love as one. Loving yourself is the strongest form of self-care because love is the highest vibration you can give to yourself. Self-love is a big word too, so I think taking a moment to figure out what exactly that means for you is essential. I see it as having grace for yourself, letting go of the need for shame, letting go of the need to feel like you need to be in a different place than you are, and releasing being overly critical of yourself and of how far you've come. It's important to realize that you're doing the best you can, and sometimes we don't realize that. When you really look and focus on the now, you'll realize that you've done so much to get here. Sometimes just inner-standing and appreciating how far you've come and how much you've already evolved is the best form of self-love. Journeying in grace is always a sacred form of self-love as you work to attain your goals and manifest new levels and higher timelines💙 #selbstliebe #selbstliebelernen #selbstliebecoach #selflovejourney #schauspielerin
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2 years ago
as the chaos of the external world is intensified, remember to breathe. turn inwards. be discerning in what you are consuming. especially online. protect your peace. ask your soul "what do you need to feel safe within this body in this present moment?" and listen. be present with your body. ✨ #dukannstmirgernecaybringen
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2 years ago
Your favourite versatile model & actress 😂🦸‍♀️ Bob der Baumeister. From being in a Fashion Magazine to being the Front Cover Face of a known Industrial Company 🫨 well can‘t wait to hold the catalogue in my hands. Was a very lovely team to work with thank you! Copyright © Meusburger
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1 month ago
new polas - A muse is much more than appearance through photography. Who are you as a person? Her character, personality; How high is your vibration? Her iridescent eyes are only icing on the cake. Her radiant soul is a blessing from His gates. I let these words do the painting when her body's framed.🦹‍♀️ . . . #femalemodel #model #actress #schauspielerin #schauspieler #modelshoot #commercialmodel #turkishmodel #turkishactress #scoutme #modelsearch #modelo #fashionmodel #actriz #mexicomodel #oyuncu #türkoyuncu #heterochromia #veroneyes #blueeyes
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1 month ago
WOW !! THANK U 🙏🏽 THIS IS HUMBLING 🫠 Also credit pictures: @itsricozartner
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4 months ago
The feminine mystique, The moon knows! ✨🫀✨ Thank u! 📸 @itsricozartner |📍@scopestudio59
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4 months ago
Embrace the beautiful soul that you are, for within you lies an infinite well of love and light. Nurture your spirit, honor your worth, and let your authenticity shine like a beacon in the darkness. Remember, you are deserving of all the love and happiness in the world. So, embrace your flaws, celebrate your strengths, and always believe in the incredible power that resides within you. You are a masterpiece, and the world is a better place with you in it. 🌸💘 Photography: @itsricozartner
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6 months ago
The real growth is being more of yourself. The frequency of authenticity. Unconditional love for oneself and the courage to live a life free to express and embody all of who you are and who you are becoming. Portals of abundance and opportunity awaits. No need to claim.It's already yours✨🏹💕 🎥📸🎬Shooting for @adidas @adidasoriginals . . . . #femalemodel #model #actress #schauspielerin #schauspieler #modelshoot #commercialmodel #turkishmodel #turkishactress #scoutme #modelsearch #modelo #fashionmodel #adidas #adidasoriginals #adidasthailand #adidassuperstar #modelshooting #seoulmodel
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8 months ago