

Ascended love light. Wordsmith, Greensmith, a weaver of the word.
1,182 Paul Twitchell former Sraosha master from his book The Tigers fang, free to read at
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1 hour ago
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18 hours ago free, you decide if you are ready
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18 hours ago
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18 hours ago
For those who are ready to know more it's not cosmic consciousness, it's not a religion, it is an ancient science and it is entirely free and it's you who decides if your ready
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1 day ago
I fought the World and the World always won How could this be for one who was good and kind? Always fought fire with fire ignoring Soul's subtle intuitive desire to be and flow beyond the mind's fearful mantra that laid me low don't be kind are you blind I went inside sat by the tranquil pool watched thoughts like fish come and go met soul and knew there was more to me than the carnate body As the pure energy of light and sound * the life and creative source of all around some may say the word or breathe of God eternal love I had found Rose above this material notion I see this dream from the fifth plane of devotion self realised I now see logic and language is a self defeating travesty I close my eyes and now see the deeper infinite side of me a divine spark of light now travelling planes of golden light and sound and experiencing a love so beautiful and profound * SRAOSHA 🌈
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2 days ago
Forgotten lines the rhythm and rhyme the word of the divine ethereal gossamer translucent like a dragon fly's wing the iridescence of a crow feather Sun light shining through a cloud a fast fading effulgent dream but to the poet now lost and gone forever
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6 days ago
I never told all I once looked in and saw soul I had never seen in this being anything as beautiful as when I looked in and saw soul and now that vibrant clarity has me captivated "captivated " seems so inappropriate when it's freedom to be but that's logic and it says nothing at all I see when it speaks it's silent and when it's silent it speaks and knowledge doesn't have a place when you live in Akashar's grace the wisdom is to use what we all intuitively all know
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6 days ago
Dancing by the photocopier in my mukluk native American boots a moment the eternal child in me was free and authentic to be Don't ask me why or how there is no logic or thinking when intuitively dancing or singing but I feel my chilled and blissed out self when detached and observing I don't care what the other judges on perceiving I am living on the higher path just being and having fun basking and shining in the eternal Sun
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7 days ago
Jack daw Jack daw why do you dance around the steel crucible rusted in the Sun can you see life returning to the natural one
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13 days ago
Ben Okri
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15 days ago
Can't you see my head is lifting as thoughts like stars are shifting A myriad sparkles of crystal clarity dancing on the sea of lovely eternity and all a nothing I long to be
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16 days ago