Adam Lacki


Life's all about making memories🤙 Snowboard|BMX|Fast Cars 💓#strokesurvivor 💓 -Can't kill my Spirit 🕊️ --Documenting my Road2Recovery
This last 3 months during my recovery has taught me a lot of valuable lessons one of those being that you have to learn to love yourself and accept yourself for the person that you are..... none of us are perfect and we each have our own personal drawbacks but we each have our own personal unique values that we should also appreciate about ourselves.... learn to be your own best friend and keep striving to push yourself to be the best version of yourself everyday until you are content with the person that you have developed yourself into.... do not rush things and do not force things and be consistent and patient with the process of developing yourself... Here are nine photos of my routine that my doctor at physical therapy has shown me to do for the last 2 months and after 2 months of Performing these stretches two times or three times per week my body is getting more flexible and stronger with every position and direction as I rebuild my spine and rebuild my neck from those initial 10 days of being bedridden after the stroke I've been doing a full body rehabilitation and yoga is one aspect and one of the branches that consist within the full circle of healing for my recovery #DeadManWalking #CantKillMe #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #physicaltherapy #progress #healing #progressnotperfection #balance #coordinationtraining #health #brainsurgery #heartsurgery #bloodclot #stillalive #healthawareness #motivation #recovery #road2recovery #heart #brain #nutrition #gymmotivation #yoga #stretch #mindfulness #meditation #flexibility #rehabilitation
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3 days ago
It's officially been 3 months since I was discharged from the hospital and after a lot of consistency & discipline I'm finally starting to be able to feel some noticeable progress throughout my entire body including my heart being reconditioned to handle more strenuous activity and my brain being much more capable with being balanced and coordinated! 3 months ago there was no way I could even think or imagine to do an exercise like this and when we first started this exercise 8 weeks ago I was only being thrown a 5 lb medicine ball as that was all I could physically handle and now today we were using an 11 lb medicine ball!! I gotta admit it feels really good to finally start feeling some real progress....very rewarding and motivating! My strength is recovering quicker than my endurance so I still have a lot of work to do in terms of building up my stamina and endurance as I still get really out of breath and need to rest often throughout the day but I'm not going to let that discourage me and hopefully soon I'll be able to walk an entire mile without taking any breaks and then Ill push to be able to walk 2 entire miles without needing to sit down and that would be amazing if I can accomplish in the next 3 months. On a side note we are also using 2 lb ankle weights and targeting trying to rehabilitate my knees as I also have been recovering from a double knee injury where I tore both my patella tendons leg pressing 18 months ago.....that was not fun 🤣 #DeadManWalking #CantKillMe #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #physicaltherapy #progress #healing #progressnotperfection #balance #coordinationtraining #health #brainsurgery #heartsurgery #bloodclot #stillalive #healthawareness #motivation #recovery #road2recovery #heart #brain #nutrition #gymmotivation #balancetraining
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4 days ago
Grateful for another beautiful week of sunshine!! Feeling very lucky and fortunate to be experiencing such nice weather everyday making my recovery a lot more endurable....whenever I feel exhausted I can always count on the sun to restore my body and refresh my mind to handle more work towards my Road2Recovery! #DeadManWalking #CantKillMe #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #physicaltherapy #progress #healing #progressnotperfection #balance #coordinationtraining #health #brainsurgery #heartsurgery #bloodclot #stillalive #healthawareness #motivation #recovery #road2recovery #heart #brain #nutrition #gymmotivation #sunset #ilovesunsets #sunshine
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8 days ago
Decided to give myself the day off yesterday and enjoy some swimming at Lake Michigan... I'm learning it's good to give yourself a break from therapy & healing work and allow yourself to recharge to give yourself the energy to keep going stronger the next week ✌️ It was a bit of a challenge to make the trip and build the confidence to get into the water but I'm glad I made the effort because it felt really rewarding 😬 Sidenote: the water was COLD!! it was a RUSHHH 🌊 #DeadManWalking #CantKillMe #lakemichigan #tunnelpark #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #physicaltherapy #progress #healing #progressnotperfection #balance #coordinationtraining #health #brainsurgery #heartsurgery #bloodclot #stillalive #healthawareness #motivation #recovery #road2recovery #heart #brain #nutrition #gymmotivation
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16 days ago
Crazy muscle spasm in my left quadricep muscle 😬😬 Naturally I'm not surprised by this because after the stroke I was bedridden for the first 10 days not able to walk so for the last 2 months I've been rebuilding my legs and this has been a natural reaction from my leg muscles as I try to rebuild them 💪 thought it was pretty cool to see such a vivid muscle spasm as usually they're not so intense like they were today #DeadManWalking #CantKillMe #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #physicaltherapy #progress #healing #progressnotperfection #balance #coordinationtraining #health #brainsurgery #heartsurgery #bloodclot #stillalive #healthawareness #motivation #recovery #road2recovery #heart #brain #nutrition #gymmotivation #muscle #musclespasms #muscletwitch
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21 days ago
About 3 weeks after my stroke 03/16/2024 I lost about 10 lb of muscle mass as I was bedridden for the first 10 days and was not able to walk due to the severe brain damage suffered from 2 strokes in 2 days so I had zero coordination and no balance for about the first 4 weeks after the stroke...... (photo on the left I took on April 2nd while wearing my heart monitor💓) I was cleared by my doctors to be able to start exercising with light resistance bands......after about 6 weeks on May 15th (photo on the right) I start to successfully put on some weight again thanks to a lot of hard work and training.... it goes without saying the last 2 months of reconditioning my heart and reconditioning my brain while rebuilding my body have not been easy at all as during every workout I have to ignore a lot of brain fatigue and brain exhaustion and keep trying to stay focused.....fortunately I've been able to handle this challenge and progressively I am starting to feel stronger and more coordinated and I'm hoping that the worst is over and that the next 2 months will be much easier than the last 2 months 💪 #DeadManWalking #CantKillMe #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #physicaltherapy #progress #healing #progressnotperfection #balance #coordinationtraining #health #brainsurgery #heartsurgery #bloodclot #stillalive #healthawareness #motivation #recovery #road2recovery #heart #brain #nutrition #gymmotivation #staymotivated #dontgiveup #staypositive
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1 month ago
Almost lost my headphones!!! 😬 Been looking for them for the last 2 hours....checking every spot I could think of and finally I found them just laying in the grass in the backyard....must have fallen outta my pocket when I was doing sit-ups LMAO #persistencepaysoff 🤣 #DeadManWalking #gymmotivation #skullcandy #earbuds #gymlife #ineedmymusic
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1 month ago
Starting to do more challenging exercises at PT this week 😬 my therapist is focusing on retraining my brain to have more coordination and balance throughout my body and this exercise has been helping to re-stimulate my brain to have that mind muscle connection with my body 💪 #DeadManWalking #CantKillMe #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #physicaltherapy #progress #healing #progressnotperfection #balance #coordinationtraining #health #brainsurgery #heartsurgery #bloodclot #stillalive #healthawareness #motivation #recovery #road2recovery #heart #brain #nutrition #gymmotivation
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1 month ago
Understand that there are some things in life you simply can't control...The universe will throw curve balls at you all the time and you just have to do your best to be ready for it.... Don't exhaust yourself worrying about problems and focus on what you can do today to improve your life and spend your energy wisely to make something good of this life that you've been given ☀️✌️ #grounded #DeadManWalking #CantKillMe #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #health #brainsurgery #heartsurgery #bloodclot #stillalive #healthawareness #motivation #recovery #road2recovery #heart #brain #gymmotivation #staymotivated #focus #positivethinking #positiveenergy #mindset #mindovermatter
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1 month ago
After 8 weeks of therapy I finally was able to walk an entire half a mile without needing to take any rest breaks at a speed of 2.8 mph 😬 this is literally the longest distance that I have been able to walk in the last 10 weeks!! #DeadManWalking When I first started therapy 8 weeks ago I honestly did not have much hope as my brain was pretty damaged from the stroke and my coordination and balance was was negatively impacted so severely that I was bedridden for the first 10 days after the stroke and when I started therapy 3 weeks after the stroke I could only walk at 1.6 mph while holding both of the handrails of the treadmill.....honestly it was pretty scary to experience those first 3 weeks after the stroke....but now after 8 weeks of hard work I can walk almost twice as fast with only needing to hold one of the handrails! Literally thank God my balance and coordination is getting better as my brain and heart is finally feeling some positive recovery from the stroke! Regaining the ability to walk has been one of the biggest challenges since my stroke and these last 10 weeks have taught me a lot of patience, acceptance, discipline, and self-motivation ✌️ #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #health #brainsurgery #heartsurgery #bloodclot #stillalive #stillbreathing #healthawareness #motivation #recovery #road2recovery #notdeadyet #heart #brain #nutrition #gymmotivation #therapy #progress #physicaltherapy #rehab #ilovewalking #gettingthere
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1 month ago