Kyp Malone


I have been invited to play a benefit for abortion access by @noisefornow with @gailanndorsey on July 19th @unicornkingston through @gollypresents A little ways off but time does fly. Would love to see you there. /e/noise_for_now_x_golly
171 7
15 days ago
This Thursday June 6th @franciskiteclub is excited to host @wildlifefreeway and @lealeathomas duo with @sonic_monkeywrencher New moon vibes. Come get washed.
90 5
29 days ago
Saturday night @franciskiteclub is excited to host the musicians Michael Rider @michaelwrider & Vug Arakas @vugarakas for a night of heartfelt keys based songs. Doors are at 7, show starts at 8. Come through.
40 1
1 month ago
Listen to Days ep Do I Days @daaayyysss is Ned Riseley @nedriseley & Ethan Philbrick @ethanphilbrick We recorded this last summer on Nantucket at Caleb Cressman’s @calebcressman studio, a pretty sweet spot if you ever have the chance to work there. Isaac Silber @isilberis engineered the sessions. Fingal Dickens @fingal_dickens assisted My sweet bruv Gabe Galvin @fourfootstudios mixed it and engineered some additional tracking. I produced this record. I’m listening to it now. I think it’s smart, pretty and expansive for a collection of five songs. I love Ned & Ethan. I think you might also. Give it a listen Thanks Free Palestine
108 9
1 month ago
Monday May 6th @barsundown @mikel_patrick_avery and I will take part in the AFA artist series in which we will improvise music together, there are other couplings that night as well. Doors at 7:30, 7:45 showtime.
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1 month ago
Hi, here’s 90 seconds of me covering @joliehollandmusic ‘s song December 1999 from her debut album Catalpa May 1st, May Day, I’m going to open for @joliehollandmusic with @resonebula Hannah Marcus @franciskiteclub Doors at 7 Show at 8 Free Palestine
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2 months ago
A few weeks back with @jacksonscottmusic & @cristinacandela at @franciskiteclub It was hard to choose an edit from this performance. They’ve got real chemistry and she’s got INCREDIBLE moves. Had to be there. Hope to have them back.
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2 months ago
@manzoemily @bencopperhead and I are playing this Friday April 19th at the Sun View Luncheonette 7pm doors 8 o’clock show
243 5
2 months ago
This is tomorrow. Or it’s today. Or it already happened. Hope you were there, I heard it was great.
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2 months ago
@djpreskool invites us to join the dance tonight @franciskiteclub
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3 months ago
Sincere thanks for all of the birthday love. It’s truly appreciated, particularly in the midst of this fuckery. I’ve found myself in a crisis of meaning. Not just in the cliched middle aged man in the mirror way that a birthday at 51 can inspire. I mean if what is being perpetrated in Gaza and the West Bank and every other vector of murderous oppression around the world is okay, okay enough that we are letting it continue, then what matters? If the documented murder of tens of thousands of human beings and the protestations of millions in the streets & public forums against said murder and destruction isn’t enough to motivate the clown show in D.C. to do something to stop it what are we left with? I applaud the uncommitted vote campaign certainly but it somehow just underlines the illusion of choice offered to us in this oligarchy. The erosion of meaning that this genocide inspires infects everything. It is increasing alienation. I’ve avoided going out socially many times in the past 5 months for fear that I will run into some trusted friend who I haven’t seen since before October 8th and find out that they’re okay with what’s happening. That has happened & the results have been truly heartbreaking. Or that I’ll be cornered by someone telling me through some wellness haze that neutrality is the way forward in this sea of bloodshed or some ce la vie, party on and get yours etc… Is it virtue signaling to feel the need to share this? It seems like being against genocide is the lowest imaginable bar. I don’t feel virtuous and I’m not ok. The blood of the children, women and men who’s ruined bodies (in pieces or in whole) have been shown in video and photograph over the past few months is in part on my hands as a citizen of empire. And now we are being made complicit in an orchestrated mass starvation (again). We are funding this horror. I don’t want to be the dog in the meme in the burning room telling itself that “this is fine…” anymore, it’s literally making me lose my mind. Goddess bless Aaron Bushnell for inverting the spirit of that meme. Respect on his name and all of his relations. What a terrible act of love. Free Palestine
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4 months ago
Love party, Wednesday night February the 14th @franciskiteclub
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4 months ago