

galbi jamil
WAR ZONE 🚫 At the Age of 20 and already did my very first show in Paris that cost me more than 2 millions pounds without any sponsorship I did this show just to tell the true story of what it’s like growing up in war zone and I did this show for the history of how is it possible for 20 years old man without experience to design more than 300 pieces of clothing by himself. Almost 40 models that were casted by world iconic Anita Bitton (Establishment) that haven’t even care of her big tittle nor her budget but the love, she casted the show with her team (Lorenzo and Gabriella) just for love, almost impossible to find this type of people in life time! It’s very impossible for young person like me to get someone like Julien and Marie that were willing to help in very last minute, to prepare the show in less than 3 weeks My inside is full of tears and I’ll smile here Really appreciate everyone involved
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5 months ago