Emmannuel S. Self


I hate pictures, plain and simple. YouTubes: Kid2dakrazx, 22aaa #PracticingPolyglot , #225batonrouge , #blerd , #prowrestlingtrainee , #brokeaf
One thing about me, I'm-a do that lionstomp
98 19
10 months ago
"I sure do hope I can still do this" #wrestlingtrainee #wrestlingtraining
95 24
9 months ago
Me trying to do some cardio, peep my face
52 14
8 months ago
@king_hoka1 is definitely someone I wanna stay on the good side of. You see how big he is!? That's Tongan toughness, right there. Also, check him out. Dude is cool with it.
3 3
2 days ago
Two of some of the coolest bros I met made me an honorary Jamaican today. Peep the @thekentishbros when you got time, wrestling fans.
17 1
2 days ago
Saw #demolitionman the other day for the first time and it opened my mind up to how I see politics a little bit. Specifically the Republican Party. The stereotypical republican voter see themselves as Edgar Friendly but in real life, they're Simon Phoenix and I'm open to explain to further about that to anyone that's willing to hear my theory. Also #RIPBillCobbs
1 0
6 days ago
Checking out @salvagemarinesofficial on @crackle_tv for two reasons: 1. I'm just now remembering that I have an account on Crackle. 2. I support the everloving heck outta @cierafosterofficial to a point where I'm pretty sure she's sick of hearing about it.
3 2
6 days ago
Republican White women be like "I'm not racist, my husband's black"
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7 days ago
I swear, this was supposed to be funny. I try to be a good person because my life sucks and I know pain enough to not wanna give that to anyone else. I don't think "hurt people hurt people" make sense and I'm plenty hurt.
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16 days ago
Based on a real conversation I had: How to go Viral
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20 days ago
Hold up
4 0
20 days ago
I will not apologize for this but I'm willing to meet some folks in the middle about it
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1 month ago