Marco Buongiorno Nardelli


composer, media artist, physicist
installing… @currentsnewmedia
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25 days ago
CURRENTS2024, coming!!!
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1 month ago
first rehearsal of “Come un Orizzonte” for cello and electronics. Premiere in Santa Fe in June!
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1 month ago
Jacopo Baboni Schilingi l’ultima copia in tutta Roma…😉!
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5 months ago
“La Solitudine delle Moltitudini” at Ongaku no tomorrow concert hall
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7 months ago
impressions of Tokyo…
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7 months ago
Currents2023, closing weekend…
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
A few stills from the immersive room installation at the MEET in Milan last week. With Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Alice Grishchenko and Gabor Kitzinger
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1 year ago
I AM NOT A ROBOT, AM I? Networked soundscape, interactive electroacoustic sound installation (4-channel audio) by SoniLab for the exhibition “I AM NOT A ROBOT” – ON THE BORDERS OF THE SINGULARITY” at the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, Hungary (2022). SoniLab is the University of North Texas (USA) data sonification laboratory led by Marco Buongiorno Nardelli (creative director and composer), with Garrison Gerard, Christopher Poovey, Patrick Reed, Benjamin Shirey and Okan Yaşarlar (composers and sound designers).
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1 year ago