Maria Freeman

@mariafrays  ->
🧠Hypnotherapist for Artists and CEOs 🔥I rapidly Erase your limitations & trauma 🚀Holistic approach & evidence based methods. 👇🏻Book a free call
How you were programmed into believing that there is something fundamentally wrong with you & how hypervigilance is affecting your life… Leave a comment POWER and I’ll show you how to fix it rapidly using evidence based methods ⚡️ #subconsciousmind #traumarecovery #childhoodtrauma #boundaries #subconsciousreprogramming #limitingbeliefs
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22 days ago
I know what to do, but I am still not doing it. Why? What to do? Procrastination or laziness? The truth is: avoiding or suppressing your feelings doesn’t help you, but only leads to passiveness and exhaustion.  Traumatic experiences and limiting beliefs created from it, will be always present and only progress with time, unless they are deactivated and Erased from your system. Only then you can have a space for inspired actions that lead to success in any sphere of your life. So, If you’re ready to step into your power, create the life of your dreams and become resilient, then let me show you how to erase your worries. Just DM me the word POWER⚜️ And receive information that I’ve collected throughout over a decade of research✅ #procrastination #selfawareness #spiritualjourney #healingjourney #healingquotes #motivation
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4 months ago
Do you feel like you got lost in tries to improve yourself? Well, I’ve been there many times. And it took me a while to figure out what I should do in order to feel good, enjoy the life and going after my goals and dreams without doubts or fears. DM me the word POWER, And let me show you HOW ⚡️ #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #spiritualquotes #healingjourney #enlightenment #selfdiscovery
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3 months ago
Weight loss is not about diets or workouts. It’s about self love and acceptance. I don’t count calories and don’t check my weight obsessively. I am not following any strict diets. I am eating anything I want. BUT. Because I erased traumas that made me feel as if I am ugly, fat, not beautiful, and stopped hating myself I DO EAT HEALTHY DAILY. I DO NOT LIKE JUNK FOOD (ANYMORE) I WALK DAILY. I GO TO THE GYM. And I do all of it from love. Because I truly do love myself and I simply can not not do it. It’s all about mindset, core beliefs and how you feel. I am saying it as a person who used to have eating disorders and couldn’t get myself to go to the gym. I know how it is. And I am absolutely sure and can guarantee you, that you do not need motivation. You just need healthy mindset and real self love. As literally anything else in our life. This is how you achieve success in any sphere. And if you want to know how to erase any trauma or limiting belief, so you can finally take care of yourself instead of torturing your body with diets, drugs or exercises you hate, then leave a comment POWER, and I will send you a link to my masterclass. #hypnotherapy #weightlosstips #subconsciousmind #traumarecovery #traumahealing
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1 day ago
Feeling like you’re carrying burden of others? Want to change it, but doesn’t know where to start? I’ve been in your shoes and I absolutely understand how it feels. And I am here to reassure you, this subconscious pattern is entirely possible to change. And you don’t have to waste years on your healing journey. Let me share with you my step by step process, and teach a technique that works rapidly and effectively, and allows you to change any subconscious patterns, traumas and limiting beliefs that prevent you from peaceful, successful life. ⚡️ Just leave a comment POWER, And I will send you a link to my free masterclass, that is going to happen this Sunday.✅ #successmindset #subconsciousprogramming #limitingbeliefs #traumarecovery #successtips #peoplepleasing #hypnotherapist
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8 days ago
There is only one way to your life success, And it’s not solely in imagination, goal setting etc. If you want to receive a free mini e-book with my step by step guide to your success and freedom, then leave a comment POWER ⚡️ #successquotes #successmindset #motivation #lawofattraction #manifestyourdreams #goalsetting #limitingbeliefs
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9 days ago
Looking for a man in finance with a trust fund? Are you sure??? #relationshipsadvice #relationshiptips
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12 days ago
Sometimes you’re not broken… #healingjourney
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13 days ago
Top 3 reasons why you don’t feel successful and what to do about it⚡️ For anyone who wants to go into details on this topic, and fix it - dm me and let’s book a free call ✌🏻 #entrepreneurship #businesstips #success #burnoutrecovery #highachiever
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16 days ago
How limiting beliefs created from traumas are affecting our lives👇🏻 In our past we might heard from our parents or caregivers that we good only if we receive good grades, doing homework or achieving results. Other times we couldn’t hear a single sweet word from their mouths. For them it might be a way to motivate us, but for us it’s a formed belief: I am worthy only if I work super hard and receive super results. Everything else is unimportant. With that it we might receive results in career or business, but other parts of our life might fall apart. We can’t show up for friends, family and loved ones, we self isolate and waiting for the right moment when we are successful enough to spend an ounce of focus on them. With that it can lead to a burn out and even depression. Our nervous system is not wired to hustle 24/7. And we need to allow ourselves to rest. This is the best investment you can do for yourself and your business. And on a long run it will bring you way better results. And you might say: it’s easier said than done. Of course! Limiting beliefs, programs and traumas are jot something you can turn off with a flip of a finger. But these are things that are possible to Erase from your life rapidly and forever. So you can enjoy your life and success in every aspect, not only in your career or finances. Check my Highlight Eraser to learn more about the technique that allows you to set your free from limitations ⚡️🚀 #limitingbeliefs #highachievers #traumarecovery #traumahealing #traumatherapy
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18 days ago
Suppressed emotions can lead to many unhealthy things: 1. Troubles in interpersonal relationships. 2. Issues with your career & business. 3. Issues with your health. Both mental and physical. 4. Addictions. How to unpress your emotions? 1. Start to open up. At first with yourself. Be brutally honest where you are at and what you’re feeling. Journaling can be at great help. 2. Meditation. Sit still with your emotions and let them overflow you. Feel them to the fullest until they pass. 3. Shake your body, scream to the pillow, punch the punching bag. 4. Start to open up to others. Your friends, your family or a professional. You might think that others don’t care, or you don’t want to appear as weak, but in reality it takes strength to be vulnerable, being open. If you need my help or you want to release any suppressed emotions rapidly and safely, then dm me and let me help you❤️ #mentalhealth #emotionsmatter #anxiety #burnout #angermanagement #angerproblems
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21 days ago
Remember, practitioners are also humans 😂 #therapymemes #therapistmemes #therapyhumor #hypnotherapist #hypnotherapy
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26 days ago