Maywa Aluna


◬ Listen the music from the silence. Nature whisper deep inside you ◮ Coach, Singer, Producer, Dj & Sound Alchemist, Musician @aluna_ritual_music
⬇️Act Vorstellung:⬇️ Hey Maywa✨🎶👋 @maywamusica von @aluna_ritual_music wird auf dem CAIA Tribe Gathering zusammen mit @steffenki_sonicalchemy , @ellaviemusic und @haptik_musik eine Kakaozeremonie mit Ecstatic Dance anbieten .🎧️👏 Maywa ist Sängerin, Komponistin, Stimm- und Verkörperungstrainerin sowie DJ und Musikproduzentin. Sie kreiert originelle Themen, inspiriert von der Magie der Natur, die wir sind.🎶🎤 Im Dienst der Frequenzen der Liebe channelt sie die Texte für ihre Medizinsongs, in denen sie den verschiedenen Welten, Elementaren, Pflanzen und Geistern eine Stimme gibt.❤️ Ihre Kunst führt die Zuhörer dazu, sich mit ihrer eigenen inneren Welt und ihren intimsten und verletzlichsten Aspekten und Gefühlen zu verbinden.🫶 Maywas Stimme und Klangkreationen fühlen sich an wie ein Gebet und eine Klangalchemie, die durch ihre Einfachheit und Reinheit die Herzen der Menschheit vereinen.🙏 Mehr von Maywas Musik findet ihr hier ➡️ ⬅️ #kakaozeremonie #ecstaticdance #dj #caiatribegathering #yogafestival #workshops #festival #caiaacademy #lebensgartensteyerberg #steyerberg
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2 days ago
We invite you to join us for a magical music production immersion this summer in Austria in collab with We will dive deep into advanced music production techniques like organic sound design, arrangement, collaborating, recording and processing vocals and instruments and we will share our personal tips and trick as well as philosophies that we have picked up on our journeys. In co-creation with the elements we explore our inner and outer landscapes with holistic practices like yoga, breathwork, voice activation and soundhealing at the outstanding Winklergut, a traditional farm in upper Austria transformed into a creative playground. The retreat experience will culminate into a celebration of Lúnasa Gathering at the weekend. In ancient celtic cultures Lúnasa was the honoring of the first harvest of the year. For these days we open the doors for the community to come together as a tribe and celebrate life. Check the link in the Bio for pricing, schedule and to sign up. We look forward to co-create magic with you! 🌟🪶✨️ @mosemusica @iyakuh @lo.renzo_music @luanaschwengber @maywamusica @steffenki_sonicalchemy #musicproductionretreat #medicinemusic #organicdowntempo #sonicalchemy #soundalchemy
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26 days ago
Concert & voyage sonore sensoriel Maywa nous guidera à travers un voyage sonore sensoriel vers la voix de notre corps en nous invitant à écouter notre authenticité la plus profonde. Un moment de détente et de reconnection magique à notre Essence et à la médecine de la nature. Une ouverture au plaisir de recevoir, où Maywa nous invitera à plonger profondément dans nos mémoires anciennes, à (re)découvrir la joie d’être présent et en vie. Victoria accompagnera par sa présence subtile et vénusienne l’expérience sensorielle de ce voyage pour vous faire vivre chaque sons à travers vos différents sens. ᪥ Infos pratiques : Horaires : Workshop : 10h30 - 18h Concert : 19h30 - 21h Info Réservations dans le lien en Bio 🔗 ᪥ Maywa : Chanteuse, compositrice, doula de la voix, du corps et de l’âme, DJ et productrice de musique. Alchimiste du son, Maywa créé des chants médecines inspirés par la magie de la nature, où elle donne une voix aux élementaux, plantes et esprits. Ses chants canalisés, sont comme une prière au service de la terre et l’humanité. Son art invite l’auditeur à se connecter à son propre monde intérieur et ses aspects et émotions les plus intimes et vulnérables. Avec amour et gratitude Maywa & Victoria
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27 days ago
Journée Immersive au coeur du cacao & de la rose suivie d’un concert de Maywa Voix & danse de l’âme - Workshop 10h30 à 18h Immersion profonde au coeur des médecines du cacao et de la rose, pour aller explorer ta voix et ton mouvement authentique. Ces médecines nous accompagnent depuis des années, aujourd’hui réunies ensemble pour te proposer une expérience complète. L’invitation est d’aller à la rencontre de notre essence profonde et de la magie qui vibre en chacun de nous. Si tu cherches une journée pour te déposer, te ressourcer, te reconnecter à toi-même et partager cela dans un groupe, bienvenu(e) 🤎 Matinée : Voix et Cacao avec Maywa 🤎 A travers la médecine du cacao et au service de la médecine de l’amour, Maywa te guidera à travers une variété de techniques respiratoires et exercices sonores, pour libérer ta voix authentique et (re)découvrir le plaisir de chanter. Ainsi vibrant depuis ton centre de création, avec enracinement et partager ta fréquence unique au monde, dans un espace bienveillant et magique. 🌹 Après-midi : Danse et Rose avec Victoria 🌹 Victoria te proposera de goûter à la douce puissance de la médecine de la rose et t’ouvrir à recevoir les messages des mondes subtils. Cette fleur, archétype de l’amour inconditionnel, pure et mystique, t’invite à aller explorer différentes facettes de toi-même et a recevoir des hautes fréquences de guérison. Aussi, nous irons explorer les mouvements authentiques de ton âme à travers des pratiques corporelles guidées, pour reconnecter à ta sensualité et à ton intuition. Un moment de douceur et de renaissance pour acceuillir l’été. Cercle mixte. Ouvert aux femmes et aux hommes. Au béguinettes, Boitsfort Concert de 19h30 à 21h Infos & réservations dans le lien en bio 🔗
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27 days ago
Stream/ Download: Link in Bio ✨ ///////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Alegria is our magic spell to remember the the lightness of pure being. Niñitos 𓆃May we remember that we are children of the earth & the stars here to play and to create magic. Caminante 𓆃May we remember that we are wanders of light, here for a brief moment in time. Nowhere to go, nothing to achieve forever coming home, Here & Now Danza Del Fuego 𓆃May we remember and ignite the fire inside, to paint our path with the colors of love Medicina De Puro Amor 𓆃May we remember that we already are, all we are longing for. Here to transform our love for power to the power of love. Thanks to our family & friends who shared their artistic gifts and magic with us. Artwork: @art.cestral @haptik_musik (multi instrumentalist, backing vocals, production & mixing) @ellaviemusic (vocals, lyrics, guitar & production) (multi instrumentalist, backing vocals, production & mixing) @maywamusica (vocals) @quitosometimesmarcos (percussions & backing vocals) @brainticket777 (guitar) jimgalakti (trumpet) @brayuelita (backing vocals) @kala.yxperiment (backing vocals) Dajana (backing vocals) Tobias Liechti (double bass) #dancemeditation #cacaodance #ecstaticdance #cacaoceremony #organica #yogamusic #downtempo #worldelectronica #deephouse
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2 months ago
Hola Familia! Excited to share with you that 2 singles from our EP “Algeria” will be already released tomorrow. “Medicina de puro amor” came to us during a sound journey & after a cacao dance @haptik_musik on the flute Me singing and jamming on the guitar our family all around us Bathing in tribe love & bliss “Medicina de puro amor” The medicine of pure love… …which is revealed when we come home to the heart. Weeks later during the intensity of the full moon and with the magic of Cacao Maywa and I were jamming & weaving our hearts and voices together. So high on feminine energy we found ourselves in this “sexy medicine” vibe What came out is this new creation This song is a fusion Of the mundane and the sacred Of our vulnerable human heart and the infinite cosmic soul. Of sensuality and mysticism A deep remembrance that the love we are seeking for is in fact what we already are This song and this sisterhood has been such a deep medicine for my heart. ♥️♥️♥️ I am so proud and grateful to call this my first own music production. Together with the magic of @maywamusica ‘s out of this world voice @haptik_musik ‘s magic of mixing & percussion Tobi’s Lichti’s Deep Double Bass This is just a tiny preview of this Baby… It will be released tomorrow via @resuenomusic ♥️♥️♥️
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2 months ago
✨One month left, few spots still available. ✨ # Poland, 20-24 May. 🔥 Join us for this extraordinary Journey thru creation/production of Healing Music with amazing Artists. 🙏✨💚
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2 months ago
Praying for the sacred Waters 💧🐚🎼💎✨🌎within and without in this powerful eclipse 🎼♾️🌞🌚 Times, uniting our hearts 🤍and the Power of our voices and Sound. We are magic and water💧✨ Honoring the sun 🌞 inner fire, and our life force and the moon 🌚 within Let’s send prayers all together in our inner waters and all the waters of the planet 🌎 with your own intention and sound frequency The vision, light, colors, healing, sound and frequencies are interconnected🌿 In the second video you can see the sound wave appearing With the Light and the crystals Colors spectrum in the pure Magic of nature and water. I was singing and i could perceive the frequency’s moving in front of my eyes with this portal fractal of light and colors, like a sound wave 🎼🌊 I’m about to open soon a second group container of Freeing your authentic voice and embody your own unique sound frequency with a cycle of 4 sessions/ 4 worlds. 1 session/ month. Send me a DM for more infos or check my online course, infos about the 1✨1 sessions or the sacred group container in the link in my Bio 🌹 Deep gratitude and love to the heart of each other and the magic of every moment 🎼💎 May all beings be in peace and heal deeper and deeper Maywa 🐚
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2 months ago
The full video is in my YouTube channel (link in my bio 🎼🌹) Giving Thanks to my beloved blood family in Belgium, and dear magical soul family everywhere in the world, in Europe, central, south, and north America, in Asia, as well here in Belgium some dear friends soul family and inspirations @tatyana_hrechdakian & @kevinciardo . It is a true pleasure and honour to co-create with both of them and share with the world them magic & medicine. We created this journey some month ago during the winter time. Their love has touched me deeply, and I admire the family that they have created despite the challenges and gifts. Tatyana is an incredible medicine woman, creatrix, and mother. Together, Tatyana and I have facilitated and co-created circles using a mix of medicine to open our authentic voices and writing, giving birth to our souls. I am currently mentoring Tatyana to empower her to continue opening her authentic voice and express the wild woman that she is with her full potential. I invite you to enjoy the soulful and authentic offerings of Tatyana on her website or YouTube page. Kevin and I are exchanging our knowledge and insights about creating music, producing, DJing, and exploring to create from a place of simplicity, joy, and humility. I had a private ceremony with him, which I highly recommend you to check out on his website. During the ceremony, Kevin created a safe and sacred space where I felt confident to let go of everything that my body, heart, and soul urged me to release in this moment. This helped me to heal and to return fully to my power within myself. I was able to feel my ‘yes’ to life and the wild woman that I am in its full potential by returning to my source. The power of the breathwork that he introduced me to during the ceremony was intense and supported me to delve deep into my innermost self, into uncomfortable areas, and reconnect with my inner wild force in balance with all the facets of my soul that are present today. To discover my offerings to free your authentic voice and embody your unique sound frequency (link in my bio 🎼🌹) With pure love & gratitude
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2 months ago
De tu voz salen los colores Del universo Y esos colores son el alimento Para l‘existencia Que somos luz Y es aqui Donde quiero estar junto a ti Sisterhood Through our voices we release the colors of the universe. And those colors are the nourishment For the existence As we are light And it is here where I want to be By your side I honor this time With me With you Together For all The depths and the highs The love and the cries The holdings and being held The feelings and being felt The wild ones the little ones The embracing The eccentric The bold and The crazy Ones I love all these shades In you I love all these shades in me Again and again This is where I want to be Sitting right next to you under our orange tree Te amo hermana de mi corazon
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3 months ago
𓆃The art of surrender, freeing the voice and listening For me, our voice-body instrument is the most potent tool to shape our reality and heal ourselves. The healing power of sound has changed my life, and I love to share with you how it can transform also yours. The art of surrender, freeing our voices and listening is an invitation to reconnect with our natural breath, to our body instrument, and authentic voice, remembering that we are vibration. Everything is frequency, and with this awareness, we can harmonize with resonance, liberate our voices and embody our full potential, realigning ourselves through simple, and regular practices. Tuning into the frequency of nature. A significant part of my practices is to harmonize or tune myself with the nature and Solfeggio frequencies. From this alignment, we can also unleash our creative expression with sounds, words, vibrations, embodiment in a playful way, and reconnect with our intuitive, free, wise, and wild nature. Deeply rooted into our body’s, breathing as trees from our roots, into the roots, heart, and womb of the earth. “We are nature. Listening to nature serves as my greatest inspiration for creating my music, sound journeys, and reality. Incorporating the natural rhythms and melodies of the elemental world around us enriches the depth and resonance of each creations, guiding listeners on transformative journeys of self-discovery and connection with the universe”. ✨Link in bio to sign up for our first retreat: “Sound alchemy”, healing music creation retreat in Poland from the 20 until the 24 of May with @steffenki_sonic_sourcery @naturritu and @sohum.sonic.alchemy 𓆃In May in Poland DM @holystick777 𓆃In Germany DM @steffenki_sonic_sourcery 𓆃In August in Austria DM @kakaochi_ And more infos coming soon 🪷 ✨Check the first free session of my course: «Open your authentic voice » or the 60% Off for the whole course, including a 15 min connection free call if you wish as well to receive 1 ✨1 sessions or dive deep into full mentorship design to your unique frequency. Link in Bio With pure love Maywa
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3 months ago
🐚🌊Singing to the ocean the new cacao song I created from my heart as an offering to @kakaochi_ from the frequency of mama cacao herself. New cacao song & release on the way for you 🤎 Sending prayers and gratitude to mama cacao for her infinite magic and love and all the family’s and community’s that are in service with her, supporting, planting, harvesting, preparing and taking care of this loving medicine with conscious devotion & nobles intention to uplift the frequencies of the earth & humanity and remember together that we are nature @kakaochi_ @seidukakao @mayamunay.yosoycacao @dalileokakao @brittawaechter @bruna.bortolato @cacaosource In service to the medicine of love and listening to nature, it is my honor & pleasure to guide you to open your authentic voice or deepen your connection to your voice and temple body instrument to create your unique sound alchemy, sound journey’s, songs or icaros and embody your own creation and dream life with depth, authenticity, simplicity and playfulness. ✨Check the first free session of my course: « Open your authentic voice » or the 60% Off for the whole course, including a 15 min connection free call if you wish as well to receive 1 ✨1 sessions or dive deep into full mentorship from your intention. 𓆃link in Bio ✨DM me in private if you wish to join as well one of the creative & soulful sound alchemy retreat i will be part of this spring & summer in Europe with an incredible team of artists, teachers & soul family & tribe @ellaviemusic @haptik_musik @steffenki_sonic_sourcery @naturritu @sohum.sonic.alchemy @luanaschwengber @iyakuh @mosemusica @jakare_music 𓆃In May in Poland DM @holystick777 𓆃In July in Germany DM @steffenki_sonic_sourcery 𓆃In August in Austria DM @kakaochi_ With pure love Maywa
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3 months ago