Melissa Mukaiwa


⚡️Ceremonial Breathwork Facilitator @alchemyofbreath 🌹 Polarity & Tantra @wearesovrn 📿 Bhakti, Kirtan & Ritual @asenseofthesacred Free Classes👇🏾
🍃 ✨🧘🏾‍♀️OUR NEXT COMMUNITY PRACTICE 🧘🏾‍♀️✨🍃 Our next community event is taking place on Monday the 8th of July and will be led by local Women’s Healing Expert, Dr Monet Viljoen. @monetkhandroma has spent more than a decade in academia. In addition to her training as a Jivamukti yoga teacher, and other eastern fem-focused healing modalities; she has also curated a trauma-informed therapy approach which combines depth psychology, Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), Internal Family Systems (IFS), and somatic healing. Our session will include some gentle yogic movement, mantra, mudras and an energetic activation to help you build, conserve and better direct your energy towards your goals. Join our WhatsApp group if you’d like to attend (link in bio) Be sure to share with those you love! See you on the 8th! ❤️✨ #meditation #yoga #mindfulness #energywork #energyhealing #traumahealing #selfregulationtools #justbreathenamibia #justbreathe
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7 days ago
🧘🏾‍♀️✨🌻 Our First Winter Practice 🧘🏾‍♀️✨🌻 Our next Free Just Breathe Class will be led by Community Veteran - Didi Olivier. At a time of year when people are taking stock and turning inwards from the chill; Didi will be inviting us to stoke our inner fires by working with the innocence of our inner child. The session will be on Monday, 10th June from 17:45 - 19:00ish. It will start with some simple, accessible movement, followed by a deep guided meditation. Didi is a Journey Practitioner, Pranayama Breathwork Instructor and Reconnective Healer. She’s also a Just Breathe Meditation Teacher, EFT Practitioner as well as an Elemental Reiki Master. Learn more about her @hl_olivier and @healinnature_ Join the Just Breathe Whatsapp Group if you’d like to practice with Didi (link in bio). 
Hope to see you there. 💛🙏🏾✨ #meditation #yoga #mindfulness #energywork #energyhealing #traumahealing #selfregulationtools #justbreathenamibia #justbreathe #journeywork #breathwork
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1 month ago
If you’re a yoga teacher or in the healing arts, there’s a good chance that at least some of the wisdom you’re sharing originated from people of colour and those outside of your tradition. Profiting from a culture outside of your own while being unable to speak the language of liberation or hold traditions in a truly reverential way is exploitative and causes harm. Contrary to what infantilizing spaces would have one believe, it’s not that hard to both speak and act on these topics while remaining in the window of tolerance, especially if one actually understands what these terms mean. We should not celebrate nor perpetuate a culture that keeps us avoidant and spiritually immature. It causes harm and we can do better. Every training I offer includes a module called “Spiritual Spine” where we build resiliency and learn how to engage with perennial teachings and the collective in a more integruous way. Enrollment for my signature space-holding facilitator training - HOLD - closes tomorrow. Details in bio to join. ❤️ #mindfulness #meditation #breathwork #Vipassana #yoganamibia #yogawindhoek #energywork #energyhealing #sacredspace #spaceholding #facilitation #holdmentorship #selfregulationtools #justbreathenamibia #justbreathe
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2 months ago
My favourite pose is a balancing one. Though most people hate them, they’re the place where I feel most alive. Where even the slightest lapse of focus can have you failing. Where if you’re too rigid, you’ll buckle neath the mass of muscles that are constantly reorganizing for balance and strength. Where if you’re too soft, you’ll undermine the tensegrity that elevates your body beyond the beyond the beyond. For me, a balancing pose is a perfect harmony of opposing forces that takes you into an experience much greater than the sum of it’s parts. It’s how I feel when I’m teaching. It’s what’s happens when we HOLD. We start our space-holding facilitator mentorship on May 7th in exactly a week. Enrollment closes Friday. Link in bio to join and learn more. 📸: @aafrobeat #mindfulness #meditation #breathwork #Vipassana #yoganamibia #yogawindhoek #energywork #energyhealing #sage #palosanto #sacredspace #spaceholding #facilitation #holdmentorship #selfregulationtools #justbreathenamibia #justbreathe
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2 months ago
The healing arts industrial complex (along with its capitalist over-consumption culture) is putting many traditional clearing tools at risk of extinction. Creating a safe space doesn’t require a sea of sage-smoke or mountains of palo santo. Powerful as they are, clearing tools are meant to support, not carry you. They cannot compensate for an inability to hold safe and powerful space. Unless your lineage explicitly outlines a ritual that requires constant burning (and you are properly initiated to confront higher levels of density); you can begin to reduce your over-reliance on these tools by: 🍃 Using them sparingly and in special ceremonies only 🍃 Making sure your tools are ethically sourced 🍃 Growing and using local cleansing tools 🍃Learning to hold circle and clear spaces using sound, energy and higher frequencies Healing ourselves at the expense of the planet is not true healing. Be mindful of your consumption. Train yourself out of dependencies that cause collective harm. #energywork #energyhealing #sage #palosanto #sacredspace #spaceholding #facilitation #holdmentorship #selfregulationtools #justbreathenamibia #justbreathe
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2 months ago
During my first Vipassana, the monks would have us close all our practices with these lines. More than 12 years later, and I’m still doing it. A heart-opening reminder that nothing we ever do is for ourselves and that our own practice is also service. Feel free to add it to your routines too. ✨🧘🏾‍♀️ #mindfulness #meditation #breathwork #Vipassana #justbreathenamibia #justbreathe #yoganamibia #yogawindhoek
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2 months ago
✨🍃🔥 Are You Upper or Lower Chakra Dominant? 🔥🍃✨ And are you working with the full range of the characteristics of each centre? Of course this framework is an oversimplification but I’m sharing just incase you find the contemplation useful. Important: I’m not advocating for hyper-independence and doing it all yourself. Even after you’ve done your work, there will always be scope to leverage your strengths and outsource the areas in which you have no natural inclination, power or interest. This inquiry isn’t about trying to squeeze your triangular self through a circle. It’s about investigating whether the shape you think you are is truly the wholeness of who you are or if the picture in your mind is incomplete and colored by woundings. Only you know. Goodluck in the unraveling. 🙏🏾✨ Disclaimer: I have no problem with new age teachings (ok some are the worst but also I teach some) was just poking fun 😊 #mindfulness #meditation #energywork #energyhealing #traumahealing #chakrahealing #sacredspace #spaceholding #facilitation #holdmentorship #selfregulationtools #justbreathenamibia #justbreathe #yoganamibia #yogawindhoek #polarity #tantra
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2 months ago
Seriously. Right now. Join me. 😊 One hand to belly. One hard to heart. Slowly and gently. Just breathe. #mindfulness #meditation #breathwork #traumahealing #selfregulationtools #justbreathenamibia #justbreathe #yoganamibia #yogawindhoek
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2 months ago
🧘🏾‍♀️✨🌻 Do You Have A Weak Energy Body? 🧘🏾‍♀️✨🌻 People with weak energy bodies are often reactionary, impulsive, must have the final word and can’t let things go. Sometimes they have addictions and compulsions that completely derail their lives. They might numb, disassociate and tap out when things get difficult. It’s important to know that moving within your window of tolerance or having a strong physical body doesn’t guarantee a strong energy body. Having big spiritual experiences doesn’t guarantee a strong energy body. All of us are growing into our ability to digest reality more effectively. All of us can benefit from learning how to build more resiliency in our energy bodies; especially in times like these. #mindfulness #meditation #energywork #energyhealing #traumahealing #sacredspace #spaceholding #facilitation #holdmentorship #selfregulationtools #justbreathenamibia #justbreathe #yoganamibia #yogawindhoek #polarity #tantra
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2 months ago
✨🍃🌻 Friday Plant Drop 🌻🍃✨ I know this isn’t a thing but can we make it one? Taking plant pics has been a secret practice of mine over the last few years and though I love a good meme drop, I reckon right now most of us need less thoughts not more. Also, nothing pulls you into presence quite like the impossible task of trying to capture the essence of a plant. Try it. It’s a beautiful, humbling thing. #mindfulness #meditation #selfregulationtools #justbreathenamibia #justbreathe #plants
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2 months ago
When holding healing spaces, one of the questions I get asked the most is “what’s happening with your hands”. In basic terms, it’s just energy moving. Sometimes it’s a reflection of what’s happening in the field. Sometimes it’s the anchoring of intent. Sometimes it’s a clearing of densities and dissolving of waste. These movements may be voluntary, but mostly they’re not. Regardless, this interplay ‘tween forces at the external level is not something you necessarily need to pay too much attention to — everyday phenomenology as natural as leaves rustling in wind. And as supportive as these movements may be, outer expression is not necessarily necessary. Some of the most powerful healing experiences you’ll ever have will happen at a level so subtle that there may be no movement at all. So if your external practice is devoid of spiritual bells and whistles, don’t worry. Less important than what’s seen externally is what’s happening internally. Place your focus only there -- the rest will move as it needs to. #mindfulness #meditation #energywork #energyhealing #traumahealing #sacredspace #spaceholding #facilitation #holdmentorship #selfregulationtools #justbreathenamibia #justbreathe #yoganamibia #yogawindhoek #polarity #tantra #mudra #kundalini
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2 months ago