

We are a forward-looking consultancy powered by 350+ multidisciplinary experts in 5 countries. We offer insight and inspiration in a changing world.
Yeah, it's wild, but it really is that time of the year again: our Trainee Program is open for applications! 🪩 If you know you're ready to grow professionally and excited to bring something new to the table, make sure to apply by 4.8.2024. 🤝 The link to all of the information and application form can be found in our bio.
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1 day ago
We couldn't be more excited and honoured to be one of @helsinkipride_ !!re!!_039;s main partners this year, as well as proud of the beautiful campaign we have had the opportunity to create together with them! ❤️✨ This partnership is an amazing opportunity for us to support an important cause and learn more about inclusivity, helping us to become even better as a company. We are proud that one of the features of Miltton is being a workplace where everyone feels they can be themselves. This is a cherished aspect of our culture, consistently reflected as high results in our equivalent employee survey questions. We believe that bringing together people from different backgrounds is key to success, and we aim to create an environment where everyone feels truly welcome. From all of us, to all of you: Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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4 days ago
Jos SuomiAreenan helle ja minglaaminen alkavat väsyttää, kannattaa torstai-iltapäivä viettää hiljaisuudessa hyvää kirjaa lukien! 📚 Milttonlaisia on tänäkin vuonna Porissa sankoin joukoin, ja tällä kertaa järjestämme Förlagetin kanssa kolmen tunnin lukumaratonin, ilman älylaitteita, ilman jutustelua. Lukumaratonin vetäjänä toimii johtava neuvonantajamme Alku Sirén. Tarjoilemme pientä purtavaa ja iltapäiväkahvit lukemisen lomassa. Havulinnaan lähtee kuljetus Porin keskustasta kello 13. Havulinnasta on myös kuljetus takaisin Poriin, latautuneina takaisin minglaamaan. 🙌 Jos siis hengähdystauko kiinnostaa, käy ilmoittautumassa bion linkistä!
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7 days ago
Climate Leadership Coalition calls for action over the campaign “Clean is growth”. The campaign raises awareness for CLC network’s policy recommendations to drive Europe’s competitiveness, clean industries, and climate goals forward. The voice of forerunner, climate-driven Nordic organisations is stronger together. Now, more than ever, it is the right time to highlight clean industries as a crucial topic both at the EU and national levels. Miltton helped CLC to communicate the message for the public and created a social media campaign concept, visuals and content for CLC and its partner organisations to share in different social media channels. Peep more about our services form the link in bio. 🔗
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19 days ago
Miten tekoäly muovaa geopolitiikkaa ja miten käy Suomen? 🤔 Näitä ja monia muita kysymyksiä pohditaan uudessa Tekoälyn rajamailla -podcastin jaksossa. Kaius Niemen vieraiksi jälleen saapuvat Nordic West Officen Risto E. J. Penttilä ja Annastina Haapasaari sekä Milttonin Alku Sirén. Kuuntele jakso Spotifysta, Apple Podcastista sekä nettisivuiltamme, linkki biossa.
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20 days ago
Sustainability communications are in a state of flux – and more needed than ever. ​ On Wednesday morning, we discussed with 140 of our clients and partners how to do sustainability communications in a winning and relevant way. 💡​ ​ In turbulent times and with new regulation, reports are taking on a new shape, and communications must be even stronger and more credible. As Finland's largest reporting house, shaping reports to comply with CSRD and finding winning comms solutions is our core competence. ​ ​ Read more about our reporting services on our website. Link in bio.
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26 days ago
Promoting oneself and one's workplace doesn't come naturally to everyone! The employer should help the able and willing employers to find the motivation and skills to become better communicators in their professional networks. Read the tips and tricks from the employee ambassador programs we have planned and supported at Miltton over the years from our website, link in bio. 🔗
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27 days ago
2024 is the craziest election year ever. Almost half of the world population will be heading to polling stations this year. What might seem straightforward now, can look completely different next year. Politics change everything. Be prepared. We can help you navigate through different election periods smoothly, contact us at (link in bio).
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29 days ago
Tänään Milttonin vaaliteltassa pohditaan eurovaalien vaaliasetelmia Suomessa. Miten Suomen 15 meppipaikkaa jakautuvat, ja mitä tulos merkitsee kotimaan valtasuhteille? Katrin ja Villen vieraiksi saapuvat Jussi Kekkonen, Milja Henttonen sekä Sauli Hievanen.🎙️ Uuden jakson löydät tietysti Spotifysta, Apple Podcastista sekä sivuiltamme, linkki biossa.
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29 days ago
Have you come across a Ghost Scoot? Electric scooters are a fun and handy way to get around the city when used wisely, but there's room for improvement in attitudes. Together with our client, @pohjolavakuutus and @op_ryhma we placed white-painted ghost scooters in risky spots in Helsinki and Turku to remind everyone that safety should be a priority even when scooting. Let's keep scooting fun, not fatal. Wishing everyone a safe graduation weekend!
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1 month ago
On taas tiistai, eli aika kokoontua Milttonin vaaliteltalle! 🎧 Päivän jaksossa sukelletaan europarlamentin jakolinjoihin, valtatasapainoon ja näiden eurovaalien kohtalonkysymyksiin ympäri EU:ta. Katrin ja Villen kanssa keskustelemaan saapuvat Miltton Networksin toimitusjohtaja Max Mickelsson ja johtava neuvonantaja Janina Mackiewicz Helsingistä sekä Miltton New Nordicsin toimitusjohtaja Annika Arras Tallinnasta. Uuden jakson löydät tuttuun tapaan Spotifysta, Apple Podcastista sekä sivuiltamme, linkki biossa.
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1 month ago
Miltton, in collaboration with Meta, organized a five-person panel as part of the Miltton Futures series to discuss the future of social media and its societal impact. The panelists shared their thoughts and concerns about the spread of false information and how social media platforms influence society. Read more about these topics from our website. Link is in our bio.
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1 month ago