Miss Ghostlight


So Much for Stardust will forever be one of the most beloved and dear @falloutboy albums. This emoji has a special meaning for me. The duality of life, the unity of opposites... and a symbol of bipolarity for me. Living with this diagnosis, I am faced with the darkness and light of our lives, and this mark on my skin will be a reminder that it is always worth continuing to fight. @falloutboy I love you 🩶 #falloutboy #tattoo
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1 month ago
Another drawing of amazing Ben 🌸 @billytalentband #billytalent #benjaminkowalewicz
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1 month ago
Отметили праздник Весны и Труда походом в парк. Погуляли на солнышке, поели мороженого, прокатились на аттракционах... точнее, прокатился мой молодой человек, я слишком боюсь высоты. Встречаем новый месяц с отличным настроением 🩶
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2 months ago
Happy Birthday @gerardway 🩶 You are inspiration and the ray of the sunshine. #gerardway #mychemicalromace
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2 months ago
Today is the birthday of a real god of rock and guitar, maestro of music, our dear and wonderful @ollie_t_gtr 🩶 Happy Birthday! 💫 #poetsofthefall #ollietukiainen
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2 months ago
When I saw this photo, I realized that I had to draw it 🩶 #markosaaresto #poetsofthefall
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3 months ago
Amazing Benjamin Kowalewicz from @billytalentband 🩶 #billytalent #benjaminkowalewicz
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3 months ago
I drew it a long time ago, but for some reason I didn’t post it. Love My Dark Disquiet with all my heart 🩶 #poetsofthefall
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3 months ago
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3 months ago
First drawing of the new year. Wonderful @mattjpwalst 🩶 @threedaysgraceofficial #threedaysgrace #mattwalst #3dg
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3 months ago
I haven't been here for a long time. These were difficult times, but now I’m here and even post my photo (this is a real achievement for me, since I really don’t like my appearance). Much has changed. Now I know that my “bad” and “good” periods in life are not the norm, that I can live differently, that I can be happy. I have bipolar affective disorder, I take pills and have already accepted my diagnosis. I finally understand what's wrong with me and can move on. I hope that this is the beginning of a long journey on which many good things await me 🖤
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9 months ago
When I feel so alone out here And freedom means I am lost, Still everyday I keep The faith that it will be alright For you reignite my lust for life.
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9 months ago