Model Mother


5/6-5/12/2024 all Model Mothers receive a 20% discount on merch in the Etsy store! Use code IAMAMODELMOTHER20 at checkout! Happy shopping mamas! x
5 0
1 month ago
Mini Model Parent Tip! ✨ Don’t ask your agent everytime your child has gotten an option, “is this still holding?” Or “have they booked yet?” Or “can we release?” If something comes up & you really need to know, ok. But you don’t really have to know every. Single. Time. We’re onto that game. 😂 Yes it’s a last minute business & you’d like to have a plan- we all would. But it’s unlikely your agency wants to employee someone just to be releasing options all day every day. Because they’d have to. Just hang out & wait for the jobs to fall off like everyone else. Your agent will appreciate you. ✅
49 0
2 months ago
Don’t put your child model in a box! I get this a lot from parents whose kids do well commercially wanting them to do more “fashion” work. Work is work is work! 😘 #modelmother
80 4
3 months ago
“Will my child model have to miss school to model? If so, how much?” If your kiddo is going to be a model they will undoubtedly be missing some amount of school. How much really depends on a lot of different factors: your availability, client interest, etc. Some kids miss 1-2 days a week some seasons while others miss maybe once a month. It’s really very variable. Usually (not always) schools are ok with kids missing for modeling but again, it will vary school to school. For those of you whose children are already working- was the school ok with it? Do you go public, private, or home school? x #modelmother
34 5
3 months ago
If I’ve said it once I’ve said it 100x- you cannot compare what your kiddo is doing in this industry to what another kiddo is doing. EVEN IF they have the same curly hair, the same bright eyes, they are both wearing a size ABC, whatever. Just because that kiddo signed & started working right away, & yours signed 6 months ago & hasn’t had a booking DOES NOT mean your kiddo isn’t cut out for this, it doesn’t mean your agency is bad, it doesn’t mean that the casting director has favorites. It just means it hasn’t been your child’s turn yet. They might book one job, they might book 10 a week- who knows! It’s a journey, not a race. Have fun with it & with your kiddo and remember every family is walking their own path with their own special set of circumstances. Don’t compare. Comparison is the lack of joy after all. ✌🏻✨
42 3
3 months ago
That time I went on vacation & forgot to remind you that we’re running a MASSIVE 75% off spring break sale on The Game Planning Sessions! Sale ends 3/28, link in bio. x ☀️ #modelmother #nowcasting #momsonset
20 1
3 months ago
All the new model moms are after the clothes while the seasoned model mothers know it’s all about that child model money honey. 💸 #modelmother
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3 months ago
One thing about me is that I will always be honest with you, even if the answer isn’t what you want to hear. If you ask me what 1+1 equals, I’m always going to tell you 2. You can ask again & again. You can tell me someone else told you it was something else. You can ask if I am sure? You can even ask me how I came to the conclusion that 1+1 equals 2 & I’ll break it down for you. You see the thing is, if you’re a person who is so dead set that 1+1 equals 3 & you ask around & around you’ll eventually find someone who tells you 1+1 equals 3. That doesn’t mean I was wrong, or that the equation equals 3. It just means that you’re the kind of person who when presented with a situation you’d prefer to be different, you’ll keep asking until finally someone tells you what you want to hear even if it’s not true or right. & I’d implore you to take a deep breath & figure out why you live and breathe by your kiddo being photographed for some retail ecom websites. But that’s just me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ #modelmother
47 4
3 months ago
What are child modeling agents looking for in a model? Here’s why we can’t really answer that question. #modelmother
86 2
3 months ago
Topic requested by a Model Mother- Switching Agencies. There are a couple of different ways this one can be viewed so let’s explore them all, shall we?! (or at least the ones that will fit here! x) First, is being slow a reason for switching agencies? It depends. Is it slow because it’s slow for everyone or is it traditionally just slow for your child? There are times of the year when it’s slow for most. 1st Quarter is one of those times. In big markets fashion week is one of those times. Around holidays- one of those times. Second, your child is working but not necessarily with the clients you would like them to work with- is this a good reason for a change? Probably not. Your agency is not submitting your kiddo to some clients but not to others. I can say this 1000 x and I will have to say it 1000 more- your agent wants your kid to work. Your agent only makes money when your kid works. There is 0 point in being an agent/agency if you aren’t submitting all your kids for jobs they fit specs for. Third, your child’s agency doesn’t respond to your emails- and not just one or two emails that could have gotten overlooked, but like, ever. Should you make a change? Hmmm maybe consider it. This business requires team work between parent and agent so communication would be key. Here is the thing to remember- the grass is not always greener, sometimes it’s just different. & sometimes if it seems greener it’s actually not- it’s just timing. And sometimes it will be green AF & you can’t believe you sat out in the dirt for as long as you did. What I will say is if you’ve been through two or more agencies & are thinking about change again, maybe consider the fact that it’s not them, it’s you. Reassess your expectations & check that patience meter. Might save you a lot of unnecessary paperwork time. x #modelmother
31 1
3 months ago
The mom guilt is REAL amongst the model moms. Try to trust the process & know if there is anything you can do to get your child model work your agent will tell you- they want your kiddo working too! x #iamamodelmother
68 2
3 months ago
What makes a “difficult parent” onset? That’s a fair question! A few of you also pointed out that difficult parents actually get away with being difficult more often than not- also a fair statement, but we’ll get to that one later in the week.... 😬 Overwhelmingly parents of models have expressed feeling in a no mans zone of sorts- not feeling like they have a place on set because they’re worried if they speak up at all, they’ll be labeled difficult. & I’d love to talk more about this because I can totally see how this could happen & how you all might feel “held hostage” at times. I *think* that some of the things you’re worried about doing/saying would’t be seen as troublesome at all. Thus, below, are a few behaviors that clients may find to be DIFFICULT- *Hovering- being too close on set. Telling your child how to move/smile/ act while on set. *Being rude or having a superior attitude (being a diva) to other talent or crew *Demanding anything *Expecting input on hair/wardrobe etc. All of the above obviously being when your child is in a safe and reasonable situation. If things are sketchy, by all means DEMAND AWAY. That’s just a few examples. Model Mothers- have you ever had the displeasure of being onset with an unpleasant parent? Tell us about it below! (no names or identifying qualities please- be kind x)
37 1
3 months ago