Sara Sheehan


⟡˙⋆ here to HEAL, INSPIRE, LOVE ⟡˙⋆ @michaeltavonpoetry
There’s so much I love about my story—the good, the bad, and the ugly; it shaped me into this beautiful soul I’ve become. I’ve wished and prayed to be where I am today, but I wouldn’t be here without the constant work—the striving and dedication to my craft. I am living my dream. I am healing souls through not just my words, but my experiences. I’m constantly inspiring, spreading love, and being a force of positive energy. I am human too, and I love that the most. I don’t need to be perfect, nor am I judged. To have many platforms to share my thoughts, deepest feelings, and my journey is a privilege and one I’m forever grateful for. To know souls all over the world tune in to my posts every day, are buying my books, and listening to my spoken words—to know there are people checking for my next chapter is something special. I grew up without a voice, so writing has become my voice. It’s also my form of therapy. I have no fear when it comes to being incredibly vulnerable and leaving it all on paper. I feel superhuman when I’m in the zone. Sometimes I think I’m daydreaming. Sometimes it doesn’t feel real. To not clock in every day to a job I only did for the money, leaving anxious and unfulfilled. Pursuing my passion, living my dream, and making a living off doing what I love. Making enough to live comfortably, peacefully, and explore the world—that’s truly all I ever wanted; not fame, but fulfillment, purpose, and happiness. That’s the kind of love that never leaves you. To be self-made. To be an independent artist. To have done this all on my own without a publisher or anyone holding me back from every creative decision, I would choose it again. To be a free spirit with a pure heart. To be an honest soul, with a purpose as big as mine, I won’t ever take it for granted or ruin this gift I was given. I am truly, incredibly, and deeply grateful for everyone who has made this possible for me. It’s been an amazing ride.
416 25
2 months ago
Book: I Was Never Broken Vol. 4
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2 hours ago
July is our month 6 years together, 1 year married. 🤍🖤 There’s no heart I’d rather hold. There’s no soul I’d rather reside. There’s no person I’d rather love.
613 24
4 hours ago
I hope July is good to you… 💜✨
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2 days ago
3,121 11
3 days ago
The most special thing… this is my 6th birthday spent with you. I love growing older and wiser with you 🌻✨
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5 days ago
Today, I turn 31🌷🌞🌻🎈 My peaceful, soft era.
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6 days ago
The apology we all once hoped to get…
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6 days ago
This tattoo is so me 😍🌻🌝✨
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7 days ago
Loving myself, more.
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7 days ago
Part one of my new tattoo… can you guess what’s going in the middle 👀💕
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10 days ago
Today’s conversation 🙏🏼✨
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11 days ago