MSC Foundation


Taking immediate action that contributes to protecting and nurturing the blue planet and all its people 💙🪸
Celebrating 6 years together! 🎉 As we mark the 6th anniversary of the MSC Foundation, we are immensely grateful for your support. Together, we have made a difference, but we know we are just beginning! Thank you for being a part of our journey. 💙  #MSC #MSCFoundation #MSCGroup #Anniversary #partnership
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4 days ago
When Gamai arrived at @mercyships with a burn contracture, she needed urgent care. Thanks to the dedicated Mercy Ships team, Gamai received the life-changing treatment needed and found her smile again. With the new ship we're helping build, Mercy Ships will be able to continue providing life-saving care to many more patients like Gamai. Bringing hope and healing… and smiles. 🌟🚢💙 #MSC #MSCFoundation #MSCGroup #MercyShips #partnership #partnersofmercy
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14 days ago
This World Oceans Day, we embrace the theme “Awaken New Depths” as our Blue Planet needs our help more than ever. Caring deeply, we continue to answer the ocean’s call. 🌊 We understand that the health of our oceans depends on a united front. So, as well as launching our own initiative, the Super Coral Programme, we partner with leading organisations, leveraging our combined strengths to deliver concrete solutions. 💙 @unworldoceansday #mscfoundation #msc #mscgroup #marineconservation #partnership #coralrestoration #worldoceansday
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23 days ago
This World Ocean Day, embrace the Ocean State of Mind with Explora Journeys and the MSC Foundation.​ ​ Our commitment goes beyond travel; it’s about protecting and preserving our oceans. The MSC Foundation’s efforts to safeguard the marine ecosystem and our blue planet can be seen through their Super Coral Program at Ocean Cay.​ ​ Join us in safeguarding the beauty of our oceans for future generations. Together, we can make a difference.​ ​ #ExploraJourneys #OceanStateOfMind #SailUnique #OceanDay
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23 days ago
On World Environment Day, we’re thrilled to share exciting news from our coral nursery at Ocean Cay! 🌍🌊 Thanks to our Super Coral Programme experts, the nursery is growing significantly despite the threat of rising water temperatures. 🪸 Learn more at the link in our bio. 💙 #WorldEnvironmentDay #MSC #MSCFoundation #MSCGroup #OceanCay #CoralRestoration #MarineConservation #WED2024
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26 days ago
🌿 This superhero plant: 🌍 Captures and stores carbon up to 35 times faster than tropical rainforests, helping combat climate change! 🐠 Provides shelter and food for diverse marine life, supporting a rich biodiversity. 💧 Helps improve water quality, therefore reducing pollution and maintaining clearer waters. 🏖️Stabilizes the sea floor, protecting our shores. With Mission Blue, we've teamed up for a restoration programme to protect this vital organism around the island of Formentera, Spain. #MSC #MSCFoundation #MissionBlue #Partnership
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1 month ago
Today we celebrate International Day for Biological Diversity with exciting news, the MSC Foundation and Mission Blue are teaming up to improve marine conservation efforts! 🌊 Swipe to learn more about our strategic 3-year partnership spanning education and restoration initiatives. 💙 Find more details about this initiative through the link in our bio! #MSC #MSCFoundation #MissionBlue #partnership #marineconservation
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1 month ago
Pour la troisième année de suite, les candidatures pour notre programme environnemental @pangaea.x sont désormais terminées. Cette année, une nouvelle aventure incroyable : un hackathon en Côte d’Ivoire pour sélectionner une équipe de jeunes passionnés par l’environnement qui rejoindra notre programme en Europe. Bravo à tous les participants d’Europe et de Côte d’Ivoire ! Voir tant de détermination et de passion me rappelle qu’il faut oser rêver grand! Chaque initiative comme Pangaea X est une étape de plus vers la préservation de notre planète. Merci à nos partenaires @groupe_hexaom @mscfoundationofficial @africa_global_logistics Si vous avez soif d’aventure et de découvertes, suivez la page Pangaea X. Notre premier rendez-vous est la semaine prochaine à Assinie, en Côte d’Ivoire. “Allez au-delà de vos limites” et préparez-vous à être inspirés ! #PangaeaX #Exploration - For the third consecutive year, applications for our environmental program Pangaea X have now closed. This year, we introduced an incredible new adventure: a hackathon in Côte d’Ivoire to select a team of young environmental enthusiasts who will join our program in Europe. Congratulations to all the participants from Europe and Côte d’Ivoire! Seeing such determination and passion reminds me to always dream big! Each initiative like Pangaea X is another step towards the preservation of our planet. A big thank you to our partners @groupe_hexaom @mscfoundationofficial @africa_global_logistics If you thirst for adventure and discovery, follow the Pangaea X page. Our first rendezvous is next week in Assinie, Côte d’Ivoire. “Go beyond your limits” and get ready to be inspired! #PangaeaX #Exploration
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1 month ago
In light of Brazil's worst floods in over 80 years, with MSC we have launched immediate relief efforts. Five electric pulmonary ventilators have already been delivered and installed at Hospital Nossa Senhora Da Conceição in Rio Grande do Sul State, enhancing its capacity to provide life-saving care. Our hearts are with those affected. 💙 Learn more at the link in our bio. Credits: Nelson Almeida/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images @msccargo @msccruzeirosbrasil #MSC #MSCFoundation #MSCGroup #EmergencyRelief #brazilfloods
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1 month ago
Rebuilding Mozambique's Schools with 💙 After Cyclone Freddy devastated Pomene's schools, MSC Cruises South Africa raised $20,000 with the MSC Foundation to support the rebuilding of classrooms and providing materials. Swipe to see the impact 🤗 #MSCFoundation #MSC #MSCGroup #emergencyrelief #communitysupport
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1 month ago
As a graduate student working on our Super Coral Programme, Jarrod Little explores innovative ways to safeguard coral reefs against threats like rising ocean temperatures and pollution. His latest project focuses on triggering natural defence mechanisms in juvenile corals. By simulating predation in the lab, we aim to boost coral survival rates when they're outplanted on reefs. Saving costs, restoring health, and preserving biodiversity - it's a win-win! 💪 Swipe to see Jarrod in action ➡️ Each discovery brings us closer to a brighter, bluer future for our oceans! #MSC #MSCFoundation #MSCCruises #MSCGroup #SuperCoralProgramme #marineconservation #coralrestoration
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1 month ago
Through our eDNA analysis, we’ve unveiled 4,522 marine species on three MSC Cruises routes! (Including 17 IUCN Red List threatened species!) 😊   From majestic cetaceans like fin whales and sperm whales to microscopic phytoplankton, our findings paint a vivid picture of the ocean’s intricate web of life. 🐋   This programme by @mscfoundationofficial @naturemetrics and @msccruisesofficial is about utilising our resources to help make the best possible decisions for our planet’s future.   #MSC #MSCFoundation #MSCGroup #NatureMetrics #partnership #biodiversity
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1 month ago