MobileSurgeryInternational Mx


👨🏾‍⚕️Tratamiento integral de Labio y Paladar Hendido, Oaxaca - Mx 👌🏽 Todos nuestros servicios son gratuitos 🤝🏽 Apoyo psicosocial a familias
Trabajar con las y los especialistas de las jornadas médicas para bienestar de quienes menos tienen, es una satisfacción muy bonita que compartimos en equipo para que #NadieSeQuedeAtrásNadieSeQuedeAfuera .
9 days ago
Cada uno da, lo que recibe, luego recibe lo que da. ✍️🏻 #oaxaca #oaxaqueña #donaciones #viral
1 month ago
Say "hi" to Victoria from Oaxaca, Mexico! 🇲🇽 Before Victoria was born, her parents had never seen or heard of a cleft. So, when they saw Victoria, they were shocked! But their love for their newborn baby pushed them to find her the care she desperately needed. Thankfully, a nurse knew of Smile Train's local partner, @msimexico (MSI), and referred Victoria's parents to @drnicosierra and his incredible team of dedicated medical professionals. While MSI was a five-hour journey from their home, her parents were determined to get Victoria to her appointments… Now after a successful first surgery - Victoria is receiving dental care and nutrition support as she awaits her palate surgery. 💕✨
3 months ago
🟢 Comprometidos con nuestros valores ✅ seguimos trabajando y colaborando en beneficio de las y los niños Oaxaqueños. 🟢 ¡Sigamos adelante y dejemos huellas de sonrisas y gratitud en cada niña y niño que ayudemos en el camino! #ImagenDentofacialDigital #SigamosDejandoSonrisas #Oaxaca #estudiosdentales #Radiografias #tomografias
3 months ago
Say hi to Joana from Oaxaca! 🇲🇽 When Joana’s parents first learned about her cleft during her mother’s pregnancy, they were shocked. However, their love for their little girl was unwavering, and they refused to let her suffer. Thankfully, a doctor at their local health center knew of Smile Train’s local partner, @msimexico , and referred Joana’s parents to Dr. Nico Sierra and his incredible team of dedicated medical professionals. At 9 months old, Joana began receiving life-changing #cleft care! 💖
4 months ago
We’re bringing more passion and energy into 2024, just like Santiago from Mexico! 🇲🇽 Thanks to our local partner hospital, MSI Mexico, Santiago started his journey with Smile Train at just eight days old. #TransformationTuesday
5 months ago
Meet Santiago from Oaxaca, Mexico! 🇲🇽 When Santiago was born with a cleft lip and palate, his parents were shocked. Their baby boy was born in the midst of a global pandemic, and they feared this would make receiving cleft treatment difficult. Luckily, they found Smile Train’s local partner @msimexico . And at just 8 days old, Santiago began his cleft treatment journey! Check out Santiago now! 😊 #morepassion #morepassionmoreenergy #cheeky #transformation #lookatmenow #cleft #cleftstrong #cleftlip #smile #smile😊 #smiley #smiletrain
6 months ago
Tras el éxito del primer Torneo de Golf organizado por @edenred_mx , la empresa llevó a cabo la segunda edición que reunió a más de 120 amantes de este deporte. Mientras se divertían, compartían y competían en un formato a go-go en foursome, los participantes también aportaron a un fin filantrópico, ya que con la actividad deportiva se apoyó a dos fundaciones: @casadelaamistadmex y @msimexico ¿Quieres saber quiénes fueron los ganadores? Da click en el enlace de Stories y entérate. #ReformaClub #ClubSocial #ClubDeportivo #TorneoDeGolf
8 months ago
Esta semana en papel, ha salido la revista mensual de la . En la central, retrato tomado en 2022, a Gabi y su madre Gabriela, días antes de su operación. Gracias por visibilizar🔥 #lph #accesoalasalud #derechoshumanos ------------------------------------------------ #Directa571 | La fenedura palatina o llavi leporí és una malformació facial congènita que afecta un de cada mil infants arreu del món. A #Mèxic (on es coneix com a LPH, sigles de “labio paladar hendido”) s’ha detectat una de les taxes més altes. ▪️ Causa greus afectacions en l'alimentació, la salut i psicosocials. A la imatge, Gabo, en mans de la seva mare, set dies abans de l'operació que li permetrà refer el seu llavi, després d’una llarga espera. 📷 Fotografia de @jly_photos publicada a la revista mensual de la #Directa 📍 Santa Úrsula, Puebla de Zaragoza, estat de Puebla (Mèxic) ➡️ Subscriu-t'hi #Directa #SomPaper #Directa570
8 months ago
Feeling grateful, inspired, energized, happy, & motivated after spending the month with our team in Oaxaca🩵@jlplatamsi capturing the magic behind it all gives a small glimpse into what all the blood, sweat, & tears makes happen. The lives of these kids forever changed, as well as the hearts & minds of everyone that’s a part of it. The “before” & “after” and everything in between… thank you @msimexico 🦋
9 months ago
A few more Oaxaca, Mexico memories to share with all of you! MSI-Mobile Surgery International is changing the world 🌍 and currently changing a lot of lives in Oaxaca. It’s so much more than the surgeries, it’s the ongoing care and family they provide. These surgeons and their team give so much of their heart ❤️ it was so incredible to be part of it. I am so incredibly grateful for this trip and the shifts I experienced in my own heart ❤️ until next time Oaxaca ✌️ I’m coming back 🫶🏻 #msi #mobilesuurgeryinternational #cleftlip #cleftpalate #dental #dentalhygienist #teeth #motivatedbylove #nuskin #impact #changelives #oaxaca
10 months ago