Naoki Nayati


• Curandero 🌱 • Medicine Wheel Teacher 🐆 • Men’s Work @thebrotherhood_uk 🔥 • Send a discovery email now to see how we can work together👇🏻
The gateway! Thank you so much to these powerful women!🙌🏻 It was amazing to watch these women work, and to implement the practices in everyday life since! This workshop was at @prolux_beautysalon a lovely little space in gorey!😍 Thank you to my beautiful partner @myriamrolle for the assistance and teachings🤍 Our next event is at @bhakti_healing ’s yurt, with our soul sister liz! August 25th 2024. Drop us a message to book 📖🤍
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1 day ago
I have seen 12+ kites and a few buzzards since Friday, including 2 kites and a buzzard yesterday. These birds are the archetypes of the East, adapted to Western society. Typically, they would be actual eagles and condors. This adaptation allows us to live within the values of the Q’ero traditions and live a similar life to the Pampamisayoqs in Peru, here in the UK. After the Q’ero came down from the mountains and shared their teachings about 50 years ago, their prophecy stated that their medicine, teachings, and wisdom must be shared with the world. This is precisely what they desire: to have these beautiful teachings spread far and wide. The eagle and condor represent the Hatun Apuchin, the place of the rising sun, the place where angels reside. To harness this archetype we must embody the ability to see situations from different perspectives and to remain above the drama of the world below. To see through the eyes of these birds is a gift to many. Seeing through the eyes of the eagle shows you have completed the East, or work in line with the Q’ero way. If you’re a student of mine, to have passed the east, you have dug your own grave, done vision quests in the wilderness, possess the ability to view things more objectively, to be playful in your ability to heal, and to be in Ayni with planet earth and all its inhabitants and much more. Thank you, great eagle and condor, for all your lessons, wisdom, and teachings. It’s a blessing to serve you. Urpichay sonqoy 🙌🏻🤍
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6 days ago
What a beautiful weekend working at @elementalhealingtemple with my team @myriamrolle @glen_murray @5th_element_healing supported by @olly_atman_ellis on our brotherhood workshop! Now heading back over to Ireland 🇮🇪 for some 🌱 Ceremonies, Cacao 🍫 ceremonies, healing events and initiating some more students into the path of a mesa carrier 🙏🏻🙌🏻👊🏻 See you soon 🇬🇧🤍
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8 days ago
🇮🇪 GATEWAY 2 🇮🇪 (Drop myself or @myriamrolle a message to book) We’re back - our first gateway in Ireland was a sold out success. A few people missed the opportunity, so to that end we’re teaming up with @bhakti_healing for another beautiful gateway, this time in liz’s amazing yurt! We’re super excited to be back doing what we love, offering the teachings of shamanism, showing people a new way of life. Thank you to all that come to the first one, we’re also looking at getting a south booked and ready for our Irish students in September (dates TBC). You don’t want to miss this one!😍 Thank you liz, we appreciate you 🤍
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16 days ago
🌿✨ Go on an adventure with your partner and sip a massive cacao in nature! Exploring the outdoors together allows you to step away from common worries and stressors in everyday life. You want to attract a shared sense of wonder and awe and Ireland definitely does this! Drinking ceremonial cacao also enhances this experience. Cacao is rich in theobromine, a gentle stimulant that boosts mood without the jittery effects of caffeine. It also contains phenylethylamine known as the “love chemical,” which enhances feelings of affection and connection. Scientifically, cacao triggers the release of endorphins, your body’s natural painkillers, promoting positive well being & reducing stress. The magnesium in cacao helps relax muscles and soothe the nervous system, great in a tranquil environment for deeper connection and communication with planet earth pachamama. When you’re in a natural environment it lowers cortisol levels, reducing stress and anxiety. The combination of physical activity, fresh air, and nature surrounding you rejuvenates both body and mind, allowing you to connect with each other on a nice deep level. 🌲🍃 So today, take your partner by the hand, go into into the forest/nature and share a BIG cup of cacao. Your relationship will thank you. 💚✨ #ShamanicJourney #CouplesAdventure #CacaoMagic #NatureLovers #RelationshipGoals #PsychologyAndLove #NatureTherapy #MindfulLiving
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24 days ago
@medicinefestival thank you for the beautiful offer, I lapped up the opportunity😍 What a pleasure it is to be serving some medicine here alongside my brothers @thebrotherhood_uk and another intimate ceremony for couples with my partner @myriamrolle !👀🔥 Thank you @theadventurepsychologist 🙌🏻 Keep your eyes peeled, there’s already a great lineup with lots of stuff happening! Artists, tribes, elders and much more from all over the world gather for this ceremony. Medicine has been a catalyst for change for me over the last few years. I can’t wait to offer that same change to your lives this year. Thank you!
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1 month ago
The Mesa Carrier! In the mountains of the Andes, the Q’ero tribes still offer ancient wisdom and spiritual practices. these have been passed down through generations. One of these is being a mesa carrier. We have 4 mesa carriers within @thebrotherhood_uk and we have another 3 lads ready to be initiated. It’s an honour to sit with this many brothers who practice the way of the Q’ero! What is a mesa carrier? Responsibility: Being a mesa carrier is more than a role; it’s a responsibility and a way of life. These individuals are initiated in to being a mesa carrier. A mesa is a bundle of ceremonial objects that serve as a connection to the spiritual world and the ancestors. Shamanic practitioners: We perform rituals, offer healing, and provide guidance, working on the balance between the physical and spiritual realms. Connection to Pachamama: The mesa is a bridge to Pachamama (Mother Earth), embodying her energy and wisdom. Through ceremonies and offerings, prayers and despacho’s, mesa carriers honor the earth, working towards harmony and balance in all aspects of life. A Path of constant Service: Being a mesa carrier requires dedication, humility, and a commitment to serving others. It’s a life long path of learning and spiritual growth. Once you get initiated it’s hard to view life from a place of ignorance ever again. #MesaCarrier #AndeanWisdom #QeroTribes #SpiritualGuidance #Pachamama #SacredTraditions #WisdomKeepers #HealingCeremonies #AncientWisdom #SpiritualJourney #CulturalHeritage #HarmonyWithNature
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1 month ago
Cacao Ceremony & Soplas in the Sun This week, we were away working at @crockstead_fields ’ intimate festival. We offered three cacao ceremonies, group healing, and one-on-one healing work. It was amazing to connect with new people. This is what life is about: deepening your community and relationships, being in gratitude to planet Earth and all her inhabitants, and helping one another. 🙌🏻 Here, @naoki_nayati is working on our brother @jamesallenwellness , who collaborates with , another group of beautiful brothers dedicated to helping heal men across the globe. Singing him the song of brotherhood and gifting him with the protection of mapacho tobacco—a beautiful plant @naoki_nayati works with most weeks. Cleansing and clearing any heaviness from the stomach and heart. Thank you, brother! 🤍🙌🏻
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1 month ago

What does Intimacy mean?
Do you think intimacy has to be a sexual partner?
How do we be intimate and not sexual?

Intimacy is a lovely word, one often misunderstood.
It’s commonly used to describe sexual activity within misunderstanding groups. People are overlooking the other options of intimacy (emotional, spiritual, and intellectual)
Intimacy is a shared experience between 2 people, with a mutual understanding that the experience allows them to deepen their expression and is a situation filled with love & kindness. 
Why don’t men be intimate?
From my experience it’s probably because subconsciously they have a fear about vulnerability.
This could be used as a weakness against you rather than the opportunity for growth and a pathway to deeper understanding and connection.

How to be more intimate; Hug your brothers.
Show them you care through intimate acts. Listen to their words, pick them up not put them down.
Deepen surface level conversations, philosophise more. With love The brotherhood 🤍
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1 month ago
Love & Relationships Relationships haven’t always been my strong point. In fact, up until Myriam, I was pretty shit. I was always doing the wrong things or acting in ways that weren’t beneficial to the relationship. I only ever thought about myself, as I wasn’t sure what being part of a team meant within a intimate loving relationship. I was so content that I didn’t need anyone else, I would indirectly push my partner away because I couldn’t set my ego aside. It’s taken many failed relationships, lots of disagreements, trials and tribulations, many discussions about my future with ayahuasca and how I need to change the way I think and act to be in a mutually understanding, long lasting monogamous relationship. I have done the open relating & polyamory etc. It was amazing during that time, but it no longer serves me and hasn’t done for a while now. I am fully dedicated to my partner, fully devoted to us as a couple: our needs, our dreams, and our desires. Love has taken many forms for me, but this relationship is the first where I feel I can truly implement all the lessons learned in past ones with ease and fully be myself. I could talk about how amazing this relationship and the love I feel are, but it would do it an injustice. For this is something you have got to experience and feel yourself. Thank you for the support, love, and kindness! You’re a true little warrior, I’m so happy we get to do life together. I love you with all my heart 🤍👏🏻
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1 month ago
Naoki will be teaching "The Gateway" with myself assisting on Sunday the 9th of June @8am in @prolux_beautysalon . This is an introduction to shamanism. In this workshop, you will learn a number of different tools to help start you on your journey to get back into balance with yourself and Mother Earth. This will include: - Opening and closing space - Smudging - Kintu prayers - Apuchita - Nawee healings - Water/flower blessing - Journeying for a shamanic power animal The Gateway is also Naoki's first point to the medicine wheel. After this course, you can then decide whether you would like to delve deeper into shamanism or not. The exchange is €150 for the full day. There’s also a 25% non refundable deposit to secure your space. (Limited spaces) If there are any further questions, please reach out 💚 Loads of love, Myriam & Naoki.
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1 month ago
I’ve been teaching a gateway course and just finishing up with a west course at the moment, so I haven’t been very active here or on the brotherhood account lately. But it’s truly fulfilling to share these teachings with others. It’s wonderful to be able to pass on what I’ve learned about Shamanism over the years and give back. My approach to Shamanism is pretty down-to-earth, focusing on empowering people rather than scaring them, teaching practical ways to improve their lives alongside spiritual insights. One thing I’m passionate about instilling in my students is the idea of making real, tangible changes. It’s great to explore the spiritual side of things, but it’s equally important to apply that knowledge in ways that make a real impact. I encourage starting with small changes, consistently applying new practices, and sticking with them until they become second nature before moving on to the next thing. Instead of spreading yourself too thin across a bunch of tasks, I believe in focusing on one thing at a time, mastering it, and then moving on. It’s all about prioritizing what matters most and tackling those challenges first.
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1 month ago