Crystal McDonald


State Appointed Titles available for ages: 4-Mrs. For more information email: @crystal_trey_mcdonald
You were created on purpose, for a purpose. No one can fulfill your goals, dreams and passions. It’s up to you! My recent goals included: Winning a National Title ✅ Starting Fierce Angels Fashion ✅ What are your goals? Keep goaling - I’m here to cheer you on! 🏆 Goal Coach - Jennifer Daly 🫶 #lifecoach #goalcoach #cheeringonmoms #fierceangelsfashion #keepgoaling #goalgetter #keepworking #onlyoneyou #designedforapurpose #createdforapurpose
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20 days ago
Not only do people need our help through storms and tornadoes but animals do as well! Sunday we had the opportunity to connect with 10 different animals groups as they gathered together at Mile’s for Hope. We dropped off a collection of cat and dog food, blankets and toys. If you have an animal services department near you, I would encourage you to reach out and see how you can help. They are seeing tragedy too. 🙏 #helpsavetheanimals #adoptdontshop #blanketsforbuddies #milesofhope #pageantgirls #crownforacause #nationalelitemiss #nationalelitemrs2023
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29 days ago
We Remember We Honor We Thank You Happy Memorial Day 2024 #memorialday #memorialday2024 #thankyouforyoursacrifice #nationalelitemiss #nationalelitemrs2023
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1 month ago
Did you know that more than 14 million tons of plastic enter the ocean each year, outpacing efforts to remove it? This is Greta the Great White, made completely of plastics found in the Gulf of Mexico. It takes all of us to help keep our beaches and oceans clean. My family and I found empty bags of chips, bottles and tons of trash in general and cleaned it up. Thank you city of Galveston for having us out to help spread awareness of how we can work together to better our home. 🌎 #saveourearth #beachcleanup #galvestontx #nationalelitemiss #nationalelitemrs2023 #pageantgirl #crownforacause
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1 month ago
Thank you @muzziesprom for being a @national_elite_miss gown sponsor! I had so much fun trying on some gorgeous dresses! Thank you for helping me find the right one to pass my crown on in July! #muzziesprom #nationalelitemiss #nationalelitemrs2023 #pageantgowns #pageants #mrspageant #nationalpageant #houstontx
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1 month ago