Nawal Bengholam


If Pocahontas and James Bond had an unruly love child... Made in 🇲🇦 What’s it like to be human for you?
On the occasion of @aaronscottlazar ’s birthday, the important thing to remember & celebrate is his fierce commitment to human rights. Happy birthday, baby…and thank you for the selfless ways you give to us all! 🎂❤️🧅 #ObradyShaw #ContractuallyObligated #TheOnion
72 10
10 days ago
A wonderful evening of artistry, inspiration, love, friends, and fun 🎭 #TonyAwards Thank you, my beloved @aaronscottlazar for a heart opening experience. It made me so happy to see you showered with so much love! Witnessing droves of people cross rooms and carpets to celebrate your talent and impact took my breath away ❤️ Thank you, @georgebrescia for styling us and @ceniany for my gorgeous head-turner! 💃🏻 And Thank you, @kchenoweth and @jillfritzopr for…your GODDESS ways 😉😍 Bravo @tonyawards and CONGRATS to all the winners/nominees!!! 🎉
507 102
11 days ago
So proud of my man, @aaronscottlazar . His ALS diagnosis changed our lives...for the better. Not only did it reveal his true mettle, it illuminated the profound depths of his spirit. This unexpected turn in our journey has brought our lives into sharp focus, imbuing them with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. It also brought us closer than ever. Our 3D reality is often quick to deem the unknown impossible, to fear it rather than embrace its potential for growth and discovery. When faced with the unknown, our initial response is usually one of fear or skepticism. This is a protective mechanism, designed to keep us safe from potential dangers, but it also acts as a barrier to progress and enlightenment. Embracing the unknown requires a shift in mindset, from one of fear to one of curiosity and openness. This approach is not just about expanding our knowledge of the external world, but also about exploring the depths of our inner selves, recognizing the limits of our perceptions and beliefs, and being open to the transformative power of new ideas and experiences. History is replete with examples of individuals who have pushed the boundaries of human knowledge and capability. I watch Aaron do it every day. My love, I am ever inspired by you and forever in love with you. Thank you for shining your light and embodying what is POSSIBLE ❤️💫♾️👑 #repost @thebroadwayshowtv @broadwaycom Editor-in-Chief @paulwontorek speaks with Broadway star Aaron Lazar about his career, ALS diagnosis, and what the song “The Impossible Dream” means to him Learn more at @broadwaycom , and tune in for @thebroadwayshowtv on @pix11news Saturday at 12 PM ET! #thebroadwayshowtv #broadwayshow #thebroadwayshow #Broadway For more information on ALS, visit
176 24
4 months ago
FLOOD YOUR FEEDS. FLOOD THE PICKET LINES. Wear your swag everywhere you go. Squint the sweat out of your eyeballs & keep going. Send a message to the AMPTP that they need ACTUALLY show up to NEGOTIATE today, not to waste time, play games, manipulate, divide, or bully. Yes, we did fall for alla that before, yes, we were scared, but in case you haven’t noticed, allow us to reintroduce ourselves… We will no longer go quietly. We will no longer play small. We will be LOUD. We will NOT settle for anything less than respect. We will NOT settle for anything less than a fair contract. We will NOT continue to suffer, so you can buy another yacht. We will set a just & powerful precedent for all the other departments who have been abused/have been hurting as long as we have. We will NOT fall for your scare tactics. We will use them as fuel to double down. We will stand behind our leadership & negotiating committee. One day longer. One day (literally) stronger. For as long as it takes. Because we MUST. For BOTH of our sakes. You are destroying this business. We are trying to save it. It doesn’t work without us (and you KNOW IT)…and you are making it impossible for us to be in it. Please listen to us. Please ACTUALLY hear us. Please put your egos & agendas aside…and let’s TALK… i.e. ACTUALLY negotiate. You WILL need to do that sooner or later, because WE are not going anywhere but these picket lines until you do. How about sooner? How about TODAY? ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽 #SagAftraStrike #SagAftraStrong #WGAStrong #Power2Performers
223 10
8 months ago
The PEOPLE of Israel & the PEOPLE of Palestine are under attack. Suffering unspeakable atrocities. The PEOPLE - children, women, men, elderly people that have no hand in the conflict are losing their loved ones & their own lives in droves. To anyone amplifying anything other than compassion & humanity in the face of this senseless massacre - please stop. Just stop. The worst of humanity is on display in the region - please resist the urge to adjudicate from the safety of your couch. In allowing ANY prejudice to fuel the fire of hatred and divisiveness, TERRORISM WINS. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Their sole intent is the complete genocide of Jews. They are NOT freedom fighters. They are NOT fighting for Palestine. They are NOT fighting for Palestinians. They are singularly acting out of their blanket hatred for ALL Jews. There is no "yeah, but..." Their horrific pogrom can be no more justified than Hitler's. Palestinian people who have no affiliation with Hamas are painfully bearing the consequences of Hamas's barbarism. Individuals, children, families that have no hand in the extremist ideologies are caught in a heart-wrenching vortex of violence that they neither chose nor provoked. Each missile launched, each life lost, brings inconsolable sorrow to the PEOPLE of Israel AND the PEOPLE of Palestine who live under the shadow of Hamas’s brutality. We must separate innocent civilians from those who weaponize their plight, manipulating the narrative to foster hatred & division. People are not their government & they are not their terrorist factions. Let us amplify the voices of compassion & shared humanity, drowning out the clamors of hatred & division. Let us be relentless in our pursuit of a world where children can sleep without fear, where mothers & fathers need not mourn the loss of their beloved, and where every human can live in safety. I stand with the PEOPLE of Palestine & my heart bleeds for my Palestinian friends. I hold your pain with you & pray for your loved ones & your Holy Land. I stand with the PEOPLE of Israel & my heart bleeds for my Israeli friends. I hold your pain with you & pray for your loved ones & your Holy Land.
280 18
8 months ago
‼️UPDATE: Little Lilya is 16 days old today! She is still struggling with her oxygen and keeps having events where her heart rate drops and she desaturates/her lungs don’t inflate as much as they need to - so she is back to the higher oxygen, which extends her stay at the NICU. We are SO grateful for the incredible support & donations that have come pouring in over the past week!! If you haven’t yet, please consider donating and/or sharing, so we can reach our fundraising goal & help this family during this unspeakably difficult time. Thank you!! ——————————— 💫👼💫 ——————————— Our sweet friend, @moniaayachi , was due to deliver her baby on October 19. On the night of September 3rd, she started feeling excruciating pain in her lower abdomen. She was rushed to the hospital, where doctors found a rupture in her uterus that would have been been fatal to both her and the baby had they not done an emergency C-section right there and then. Lilya Ayachi-Celestino was born on Monday September 4th, at 33 weeks, weighing only 4.4 pounds. She is currently stable, though she can’t breathe or feed on her own just yet. She will likely spend weeks in the NICU until she is strong enough to come home...and if she is anything like her mama, her warrior spirit will prevail! Unfortunately, Monia and Heitor's insurance will not cover the extended NICU time. Their family out of pocket maximum is quite high and the current trying times make this even harder. Though neither of them is comfortable with asking, we are hoping that we can lean on our community to show this brand new baby that the world she was born into is kind and good. Please help us make that happen by donating to this fund. Every little bit helps! 💫LINK IN BIO 💫
171 8
9 months ago
Thank you to everyone who reached out to check on my family. They are all OK, thank God, and my heart breaks for the families of the over 1000 fatalities thus far 💔 The epicenter was in the rural area of the High Atlas mountains, about 44 miles southwest of Marrakech. The quake happened shortly after 11:00 pm when most people were sleeping and their homes collapsed on them. Mountain roads to that area are treacherous on a good day, so rescue efforts are slow and the death toll expected to rise. This was the strongest earthquake in Morocco in more than 120 years. Our planet is fucking angry, and it has every cause to be. Sending love to my fellow Moroccans/Algerians. If I haven’t spoken to you yet (because my brain is mush), please let me know if you/your families are OK and if there's any help I can facilitate!
150 32
9 months ago
Striking is serious business…and today’s @Disney picket was SERIOUSLY FUN ✊🏽💃🏻🍦 So great to walk (and hold) the line with @duncanci @hereisnatalia @ellenhollman @katrinalaw @cynthiaaddairobinson @vanessacater @keithandreen @jonhuertas @mandymooremm , @nicole.cyrille @tracy_andreen , the entire cast/creative team of @ncisla , and one very special/union STRONG white German Shepherd. **Come for the labor dispute, stay for the Fitbit steps 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ #ThisIsWhy #SAGAFTRAstrong #SAGAFTRAstrike #Power2Performers
395 21
11 months ago
YES, WE CAN. Because we MUST. Because it’s not only about US. At the heart of our collective action, let us hold front and center the immortal words of the labor movement: "An injury to one is an injury to all.” We are not only striking for ourselves, we strike for all the unheard, the undervalued, the disrespected, the marginalized. Each picket line is a symbol of strength, defiance, and hope - sending a clarion call, a message of resolve and solidarity that resonates with our brothers & sisters across industries, across borders, reminding them that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE, and inspiring them to rise up against systemic injustice, to advocate for themselves. This is why IT MATTERS that those with a platform use their visibility to amplify & inspire. Each strike is not an isolated event; it's a battle cry for justice, an assertion of dignity, a beacon lighting the path for others to follow...reminding everyone of the inherent power workers hold when they band together and refuse to accept the status quo. We are the dominoes that can set off a movement, the spark that can ignite a flame of possibility, a ripple effect of empowerment and change. We are the union. We are the workers. And when we strike, we strike for everyone. KEEP GOING ✊🏽📢💪🏽🌍 #ThisIsWhy #YesWeCan #SAGAFTRAstrong #SAGAFTRAstrike #Power2Performers #WGAStrong #UnionStrong #LaborRights #WorkersUnite #StandWithUs #SolidarityForever
241 12
11 months ago
While we wait for official word from our National Board, a manifesto for my creative brethren. To our industry overlords: you've underestimated and infantiled us long enough. You've believed us disposable and permeated that belief into our fragile hearts. You've threatened our brothers and sisters, moustache-twirled menaces of homelessness, compromised healthcare and pensions for people who have lined your pockets for a lifetime, and destroyed an entire ecosystem where artistry was once an honorable & sustainable pursuit, where people made an honest living that could support their families with dignity & security. An ecosystem that includes countless departments and businesses whose livelihoods are tied to ours. You have mercilessly put us all below the line of your gluttonous profit margins. And all along, you've tricked us into believing we were lucky to have your occasional scraps, normalizing famine and angst. This stops now. We are not disposable. We are the custodians of empathy, we bridge gaps and break down barriers, we bring unity to a divided world, we challenge societal norms, provoke introspection, and illuminate the beauty of human complexity. We evoke profound emotions that transcend the boundaries of time, culture, and language. We are truth-seekers and catalysts of change. We inspire, heal, and uplift. We make the world a better place...your world. We make YOU better...though you deign neither recognize nor reward it.  No, we are not disposable. We will no longer let you, or ourselves, believe that we are. And we will be quiet no more. A lifelong, oft thankless, sacrifice at the altar of this noble profession has made us resilient as fuck. Your negotiators ain’t got nothing on our parents, and they waved the white flag on reason (read: ‘respectable’ careers) long ago.  We'll break you too. We've got decades of training in the arts of uncertainty & unemployment, more issues than your servile trades, therapists on speed-dial, and a rabid hunger for an audience...we 'bout to roll in to the picket lines like a chorus line. (We LOVE a chorus line).  Your move.  #SAGAFTRAStrong #WGAStrong 🚨Go to @cbactingstudio for strike updates.
482 67
11 months ago
Three years together today… and now the rest of our years together! ❤️ Here’s to a lifetime of being nerds in love! #TeamLazgholam #TwoLessFishInTheSea #CincoDeFirstDate
1,058 253
1 year ago
In a world that’s often mad, the only sane course of action is to defy & transcend it, as only the quixotic among us can. May we continue to reach for the impossible ❤️✨ Beyond the glory of @aaronscottlazar @lukefraziermusic @theamericanpops 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
102 13
1 year ago