Nawal Bengholam


If Pocahontas and James Bond had an unruly love child... Made in 🇲🇦 What’s it like to be human for you?
Year Thirteen (2016) This is the year I started really stabilizing. I have fluctuated a lot ... I think you can see how my weight looks different at different times throughout the year... but this weight is my #setpoint weight that I was ready to stick with. Every day I work at maintaining my weight. #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney2016 #somanyweddingsthisyear #nicefrance🇫🇷 The first picture is for @laurenicahill and @bgud wedding at #higueraranch in #sanluisobispo
5 years ago
Happy Monday! May this week be filled with more comfy blankets, rosé, and brilliant TV ( @maiseltv ) 🎟
5 years ago
CONTOURS OF THE SUN - Every now and then I’m fortunate enough to collaborate with truly stunning actors, actresses, models, rivers, mountains, farm animals and the occasional broken dish. This Photoshoot with the #stunning @nawalbengholam was no exception. Thanks for the assist @melissakwagner ! People often ask me, I love your landscapes and travel photos, but can you do portraits or figure modeling shots?” That question always makes me laugh. I guess I feel that if I can find the beauty in a broken beer mug on a rain soaked street, pointing my camera at someone as #gorgeous as this and simply capturing the beauty that’s undeniably there is child’s play. I just haven’t wanted my page to look like I was one of those photographers who used his camera only as a way to perv out. But I guess it’s time to share a few figure shots as well, so buckle up, click that #follow button & get ready for some eye scorching beauty. #model #modeling #figure #sunset #littleblackdress #women #sexymodel #moroccangirl #moroccan #hot #hot🔥 #höt #curves #curvesaresexy #curvesarebeautiful
5 years ago
As we get ready to head to Malawi tomorrow to build our next school with @buildon , I am SO EXCITED to share the news we got this week! The school we started construction on in January in Nepal is COMPLETE!! Thank you to everyone who donated to help make this possible! Click on the link in my bio to read more about it or to donate if you feel inspired. We are still fundraising to send 10 kids from the Bronx, NY to build a school in Haiti. The work @buildon does here in the states in after school programs is amazing. Much love to each of you and have a great weekend!! @mauricemuchene @brooke_ahles
6 years ago
Who’s your woman crush today??💃🏼💃🏻 @nawalbengholam my sassy Moroccan #wcw with a heart of gold❤️ Great time supporting @gainalliance & their quest to end global malnutrition. VISIT to contribute to this amazing cause! #gainalliance #nonprofit #goodcause #support #la #ca #womancrushwednesday #womenunite
6 years ago
My #wcw goes to this beautiful creation! Hope you all are having a gorgeous evening under a very special moon in a very special year. Day 31 of 365. What do you celebrate today? #superbloodbluemoon ✨🌙
6 years ago
Post Goodbye Ceremony: Our #Builditforward #team fathered again on the field where we had #yoga every morning at 6am, still dressed in #tharu #ceremonial #garments pulled from our host family’s’ own reserves. Our team now includes our patient & caring translators & our team coordinator from Build On.. #buildon @buildon #asia #nepal #nepalese #ceremony #travel #travels #traveler #travelblogger #travelphotography #travelersnotebook #traveldiaries
6 years ago
#Community - This is what a community looks like. This is the literal manifestation of #ittakesavillage because that’s what it took to build this school with @buildon ‘s help. Everyone coming together, putting egos & stress aside, & helping build the future. #tharu #lohagadh #builditforward #nepal #nepalese #asia #teamwork #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #travel #travels #travelblogger #travelphotography #travelersnotebook #traveldiary
6 years ago