Nayibe Carrillo Sanchez


Venezuelan, clinical psychologist, Pink Floyd die hard fan, catlover, expand yourself always, in all ways!!!
El video completo! 🥰
44 20
13 days ago
Fue un dia perfecto!! El cumpleaños que desee, con solo familia y amigos que son como familia. Solo agradezco a Dios por haberme dado la oportunidad de disfrutarlo con mis papas un año mas, y doy gracias por cada uno de sus deseos. It was the perfect birthday, surrounded with family and friends that are like family. Im so blessed to be able to spend one more year with my parents. Thank you for all the amazing wishes. @theviviennerose @norelyguedez @acarrillo1949 #felizcumpleaños #happybirthday #familyiseverything #blessed #love
82 54
14 days ago
A young teenager, persuaded me to watch this movie in Netflix, while getting our nails done on Saturday. For the longest I refused to watch it, because my heart didn’t want to continue to suffer for my country Venezuela, because my impression it would be yet another story of the journey of us as immigrants suffering through a dictatorship. So the movie is that and more, I feel that the end represents a Venezuelan who feels the need to go back and continue to fight the injustice, because at the end the government won and has managed to run out of the country 7.7 million people all over the world because, the “premium” life is reserved for a few only, often sponsored by family working abroad, and the rest who have aligned with a corrupt government who will answer sooner rather than later for the deaths, tortured, displaced, heartache and suffering they have inflicted over the course of 20+ years. They have left us with hopelessness, they have managed to define leaving Venezuela like “divorcing while being in love”. Im lucky to be a citizen in a country that has received my family and myself and has provided us with safety and opportunity for professional growth, but Im the exception and not the rule. Being hopeless has been my lingering feeling but after watching the movie today, I feel anger. Not saying is better, is just human. For every Simon coming to a country seeking asylum theres 100 chavistas that leeched off enough and now are looking for new places to continue their destruction. I hope for those, the fate they deserve. #simon #simonnetflix #venezuela #democracy #freevenezuela #madurocoñoetumadre #netflix
10 0
15 days ago
El momento mas feliz de mi vida !!! Mi chupe hermosa!!! @yilmar_v te vi, abracé!!!
39 7
26 days ago
You would think is an ordinary glass cup, but this is the demo of why family is everything for me, i felt that i lost this cup a week ago, a cup that I have been using for the last 14 years to drink my tea…silly right? But no, this cup followed me from Venezuela, Monterrey and now Houston. When i felt it was lost, my sister @mariela_vzlana just found how to replace it because she knew how important it was to me. Truth is I found it later, and now i have two. The seams of this shows how it was made, just the love of putting something together like she always does, im lucky, to have this wonderful family, putting together my fears, my anxiety and my constant stress. Family appreciation day. Thank you @mariela_vzlana . ❤️#family #blessed #mothersday
13 2
1 month ago
Day of Celebration! Not everyday you hit a 75th milestone of greatness, love and blessings. Love you mi Pks❤️ #happybirthday #family #houston #blessed
34 7
3 months ago
Mi peques, Feliz Cumpleaños! Que Diosito nos siga permitiendo la fortuna y bendición de seguir celebrándote cada año en familia, verte siempre tan fuerte y presente en nuestras vidas, es el mejor regalo! Te amo, bendición ❤️❤️❤️
28 7
3 months ago
You know when you say , “I laughed so hard, I almost peed myself”, well in my case unfortunately I did laugh that hard, but hey! Its a small price to pay, for the amazing fun time I had this evening, I haven’t laughed so hard in the longest, I screamed, danced, jumped and just had a blast, you would think it was bc the concert was so awesome, (which it was!), but I feel the music was just the backdrop of time spent with family, priceless!❤️ Thank you, @mariela_vzlana , @fasemacias , @anaflarosa and @jpnzvzla , you’re the cherry on top of a perfect Friday! #hombresg40años #hombresg #concert #friday #family #blessed
33 1
3 months ago
A little recap of NYE, I’m just lucky to be blessed in this family and friends, God is great. Here’s for a 2024 filled with blessings, challenges and lessons to be learned ! #2024 #nye #bringit #family
43 6
6 months ago