Neill McCarthy


Make sure you live before you die
12 0
1 year ago
My new ride
12 1
1 year ago
Looks like I caught a swarm. Free bees!
14 5
1 year ago
Back at Perisher! Lovely friends, great snow, superb riding.
16 6
3 years ago
ANZAC Day in Kiama. Waiting to join the procession.
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3 years ago
I think I'm doing this lawyer thing to the satisfaction of my clients.
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3 years ago
Took a ride around the Royal National Park this afternoon. The Sea Cliff Bridge was fun!
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3 years ago
What a proud day. My daughter Grace's graduation at the University of Queensland on 12 February 2021.
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3 years ago
Minnamurra Falls. A really peaceful few hours out of the house, after the passing of my beautiful dog, Moxie.
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3 years ago
It's not Australia Day at my house today. It's Beeswax Day. Melting down nasty old comb, skimming off the cell casings, pouring the wax slurry into a bucket to set. The dirt falls to the bottom, leaving pristine wax on top.
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3 years ago
It's been years since I visited the Gerringong rock pool and it's popular, but dangerous, fissure.
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3 years ago