Ryan Michelle


Elder millennial mum, varietal nerd, have a twitch channel check me out at Nerdryn on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
First weekend of camping of the year and it rained the whole time, we ended up making the best of it and plan on going again. #campingnh #bearbrookstatepark #campfire #dogsofinstagram #lunabelle #goldendoodle #beginnercampers #instagram #nerdryn
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1 month ago
Tuxedo is such a pretty kitty. Love my old boy. #catsofinstagram #tuxedocat #bestboy #catmom #seniorcat
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2 months ago
A nice relaxing relaxing way to start my day. Thank you to my personal barista and pancake chef @omgxparagon . Here's hoping you all are having as happy a holiday weekend as I am. #instagram #holidayweekend #latte #nerdryn
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7 months ago
I don't go out and socialize much but last night was my Mum and David's annual backyard Martini Madness. It's always so nice to see everyone who shows up. Thank you @arias_all_the_way and @davidkuhman for a wonderful evening.
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10 months ago
Had a wonderful time at the Incubus concert last night. Thank you so much to Mum and Dad2 for the amazing birthday gift. #incubus #concert #nerdryn #instagram #40andfabulous #birthdayweek
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10 months ago
Perfect way to endy birthday weekend! Thanks to my amazing bf Ian (@omgxparagon ) I get to finally get a tulip x-ray tattoo. #Instagram #nerdryn #tattoo #tulips #blackandwhite #40andfabulous
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10 months ago
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10 months ago
If you are in the area come visit me at Fan Expo Boston today and tomorrow. I'll be working with the Danny Trejo at his signing booth. #birthdayweekend #dannytrejo #nerdryn #instagram #fanexpoboston #celebrrityhandler
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10 months ago
When your partner makes you a coffee the way you like it with a cute af surprise on top. Love you @omgxparagon . #lazysunday #latté #heart
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1 year ago
My amazing bf, in charge of making brunch, ends up making the most satisfying looking (and tasting) pancakes. Thank you @omgxparagon . #brunch #pancakes #bestbf #nerdryn #instagram
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1 year ago
I'm live on Twitch right now! Come join me while I play Destiny 2. Twitch.tv/nerdryn #nerdryn #twitch #stream #destiny2 #girlgamer #poorlyplayedvideogames
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1 year ago