Dave Kerr


Gold Coast Australia POWERED BY SHEER DETERMINATION, A LOT OF HARD WORK AND OBSESSION 😜 My aim here is to inspire change
Authenticity was the prelude to change. Once I was comfortable with who I am and I let down the guard, my life changed in ways that I couldn’t begin to imagine. So much has changed! Everything has changed!Seems like a big task but it really isn’t. Trust me! The rewards, for me, of being authentic far outweigh the negative. In fact, I’ve not found a negative to this yet. Life is so much sweeter than I thought possible. Be you because you are beautiful!😊
153 11
1 month ago
WTF 😳 it’s so easy to forget just how far you’ve come. Equally it’s sometimes easy to not realise the damage you’re doing at the time or not even see just how bad things have become. It’s only when you go back through pictures you realise. I only wish I had more before pictures but I rarely stepped in front of a camera back then. SO DAMN PROUD!
430 56
4 months ago
May 14th 2024 Today marks the 3 month anniversary of my arrival to the Gold Coast. This has been without doubt the happiest time of my life! I’ve never experienced such peacefulness within myself and that peacefulness is allowing me to heal wounds that I didn’t think would ever heal. Absolutely there will be scars but a scar to me is ok. It’s a reminder of what I’ve been able to overcome. This is something that I’ve had to work towards and while it’s been a big task, it’s also come reasonably easy. I think that’s because this space I’m in right now was always meant for me. Timing is everything! My time is now! 😊🫶 #comfortableinmyskin #karmichealing #happy #goldcoast #proud #grateful #gratitude #thisismytime
132 4
1 month ago
July 4Th 2024 Great back, bum, legs and core workout this morning 😊
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12 hours ago
😬1am! July 4Th 2024 I’m not sure how I did this super early morning workout for so long. It was a struggle to get up but I still loved it🤪. Legs, bum, back and core were on the agenda this morning. I plan on doing 2 workouts a week at the gym and the remaining workouts in my building gym, at a decent hour 🤣. Was a bumpy start with this new gym but I did like it this morning. Certainly convenient being across the highway!Maybe it was my state of mind on Monday that found it rough. That’s highly likely ! 😊🫶
39 1
12 hours ago
July 3rd 2024 Just over a year ago, a very hopeful, optimistic and determined Dave was starting on a new path of health and wellness after a substantial deviation from a life that was sure to be full of illness and sadness. Less than a year ago, I couldn’t even do a single pushup! Fast forward to today where I’m fresh into a new morning challenge for myself of 100 pushups, and I’ve surprised myself again with the easy completion of 350 spread out over 14 sets of 25 😊. My new challenge for the coming weeks?…10 sets of 50. I believe I’ve added years back to my life in this last year, and I plan to live them well. So pleased! So proud! Onward and upward 😊🫶 #defyingagewithfitness #challengeyourself #bodytransformationjourney #lifetransformation #healthybodyhealthymind #positivevibes #believe #proud #grateful #😊 #🫶
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1 day ago
5pm July 2nd 2024 Today I had to really dig deep to find the energy and drive to get the job done. I continue to surprise myself of just how stubbornly determined I can be. This is what got me to where I am now. Still more work to do but it’s important to stop and give yourself some love. Ive come so far and it’s easy to forget that. I’ve started a morning routine including 100 pushups but this morning I lacked energy and couldn’t do one single pushups. I rallied myself for this afternoon’s workout and included most of the pushups I missed. I’ve also added compound weighted cardio to my workout and im really enjoying it.
69 1
1 day ago
2:30am July 1 2024 Journal, I’m at it again!! It was a bit of a weird workout this morning with mostly back and core being trained. I’m trialing a new gym right across the road from my building which is so convenient but at what price has that convenience come?! The jury is still out!!! 😐Honestly, Broadbeach is screaming out for a quality facility or maybe that’s just me. I’m a bit of a stickler for precision, quality movement with maximum gain and minimal risk. I’m not sure that’s what I got this morning. I can see my shoulders are off balance far more than usual, post workout. It’s annoyingly clear in these pics! This is a knock on effect from old injuries and something I can usually control . This morning I’m left hyper aware of the injury and honestly, sore!
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3 days ago
Midday June 27th 2024 God I love this!!! Fitness, for some, can be so addictive and I’m definitely One of the some. I’m really enjoying pushing myself just a little further with heavier weights and new routines. I’m also excited to start pushing back with my cardio fitness. Cardio is something I’ve neglected a bit since losing my weight but I’ll find the perfect balance that fits me. I want it and so all I need to do is reach out and grab it with both hands and don’t let go!! 😊🫶 #bodytransformationjourney #goldcoastfitness #positivity #fitnessaddict #fitnessmotivation #cardio #proud #happy #grateful
101 8
7 days ago
5pm June 26th 2024 It’s been quite a big adjustment going from almost a year of 1am workouts to my current 4pm workouts, but it’s doing me so much good. Who’d have thought you need sleep😳. This morning I woke up for the first time in 24 years not married. It’s official! I’m now divorced! The final tether to my old life is severed and it was a bitter sweet moment. Sweet, because I get to be my authentic self. This period of my life has been so great. Bitter, because I really did love her. She was my best friend for 24 years. We had a lot of fun but the final chapter of that book is finally finished. I’m definitely loving this new book though and I look forward to the next chapter. 😊🫶
84 5
7 days ago
5pm. June 24th 2024 Lately I’ve been doing a lot more working out at the gym in my building and I’m totally and utterly in my element! This feels so much more satisfying to me than any commercial gym workout I’ve ever done. Big statement from me, I know!! It’s a very small gym with only dumbbells and treadmills but it’s more rewarding for me because I get to put my knowledge to the test to come up with a workout that is effective and I’m nailing it! It’s close to my dream actually of having my own studio that I can train and also train others professionally. Somewhere I can share the elation that I’ve received over the last year or so of this body transformation journey. It feels like I’ve arrived home. The biggest reason why it feels like I’m home though??? It’s because one very beautiful person is by my side. I feel like the luckiest man alive to have found him. 🥰🫠 life is good!
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9 days ago