新道館 🤜🏻 New Era Martial Club


🔥全港首間主打電影動作特技的道館及培訓學校🔥 ⭐️傳承香港電影武術精神 ⭐️弘揚武術價值觀 ✨課程框架多元化,由淺入深 ✨培養身體素質、 技巧和創造力 ✨助你在電影特技及武術領域取得成就 ✨成為下一個的動作新星 🎬攜手創造屬於您的電影動作歷程,開啟一段獨一無二的特技之旅🌟
Thank you @scmpnews and @youngposthk !!! As a devoted educator it is but an honor to be featured in this article. ❤️ What can kung fu teach you? Check out our slideshow to learn more about New Era Martial Club, where students can learn martial arts and take movie stunt courses, and head to our link in bio to read the whole story. @andrew.pong @neweramartialclub #hongkong #hk #hkig #martialarts #kungfu #brucelee #kungfumovies #hongkongfilms #youngpost
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7 months ago
⭐️新道館 現正招生✨ 地點:鰂魚涌(C出口)海澤街28號東港中心908室 立即報名:9280 3222 🤜🏻一齊喺新世代打出名堂🔥 ⭐️NEW ERA - Now Enrolling✨ Suite 908, Eastern Harbour Centre, Quarry Bay, HK Enroll Now:9280 3222 🤜🏻Stunts set, NEW ERA set🔥 #吊威也 #電影特技 #高台跳躍 #空翻特技 #射槍動作 #功夫 #武術 #武打 #跆拳道 #韓式合氣道 #武術學校 #港島 #鰂魚涌 #新道館 #運動 #龐景峰 #kukkiwon #hongkongkukkiwon #aikido #hongkongaikido #kungfulife #hongkongkungfulife #NewEraMartialClub #hongkongkungfu #healthylife #sport #stuntman #stunt #somersault #andrewpong
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1 year ago
【⭐️中華文化日🎊】 好高興為 佛教葉紀南紀念中學 舉辦【中華文化日】,今年的活動精彩紛呈,節目豐富多彩,攤位更是別出心裁,同學及老師們都非常滿意! 今次新道館提為【中華文化日】提供以下各大主題活動: 1️⃣龍獅文化 2️⃣中國武術 3️⃣京劇戲曲文化 中華文化源遠流長,博大精深,希望今次【中華文化日】能加強同學對中國文化的認識,引起同學對中國傳統風俗及文化的興趣,促進中國文化傳承。 #吊威也 #電影特技 #高台跳躍 #空翻特技 #射槍動作 #功夫 #武術 #武打 #跆拳道 #合氣道 #武術學校 #港島 #鰂魚涌 #新道館 #運動 #中華文化日 #龐景峰 #kukkiwon #hongkongkukkiwon #aikido #hongkongaikido #kungfulife #hongkongkungfulife #NewEraMartialClub #hongkongkungfu #healthylife #sport #stuntman #stunt #andrewpong
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2 days ago
《葉振棠80告別樂壇演唱會》 - 大俠霍元甲 首先想多謝 「新道館 @neweramartialclub 」 團隊。 @3runace @ojeeso @sojimmy12300 @deardear_sun @winds_fung @_04._.18__ @_0.8.s.t.w.t._ @0830_zsh @martinlam09 @lau_wanhing 謝謝你的協助,我真的無法想像沒有你的幫助會是什麼樣子。呢一個演唱會嘅成功都係多得你哋。好高興可以遇到你哋同你哋合作。 最後同埋最緊要就係多謝 梁博恩 @pokyan_leung 師傅。在這個困難的時刻,感謝你及時給我鼓勵和支持。演唱會呢啲機會好難得,所以我必須要用心嚟同你講聲多謝,對我有信心做呢一場表演,俾呢一次機會我做一個大型演唱會嘅武術指導。 “Stunts set! NEW ERA set!” #吊威也 #電影特技 #高台跳躍 #空翻特技 #射槍動作 #功夫 #武術 #武打 #跆拳道 #韓式合氣道 #武術學校 #港島 #鰂魚涌 #新道館 #運動 #龐景峰 #kukkiwon #hongkongkukkiwon #aikido #hongkongaikido #kungfu #NewEraMartialClub #hongkongkungfu #healthylife #sport #stuntman #stunt #andrewpong
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5 days ago
《葉振棠80告別樂壇演唱會》 - 大內群英 首先想多謝 「新道館 @neweramartialclub 」 團隊。 @3runace @ojeeso @sojimmy12300 @deardear_sun @winds_fung @_04._.18__ @_0.8.s.t.w.t._ @0830_zsh @martinlam09 @lau_wanhing 謝謝你的協助,我真的無法想像沒有你的幫助會是什麼樣子。呢一個演唱會嘅成功都係多得你哋。好高興可以遇到你哋同你哋合作。 最後同埋最緊要就係多謝 梁博恩 @pokyan_leung 師傅。在這個困難的時刻,感謝你及時給我鼓勵和支持。演唱會呢啲機會好難得,所以我必須要用心嚟同你講聲多謝,對我有信心做呢一場表演,俾呢一次機會我做一個大型演唱會嘅武術指導。 “Stunts set! NEW ERA set!” #吊威也 #電影特技 #高台跳躍 #空翻特技 #射槍動作 #功夫 #武術 #武打 #跆拳道 #韓式合氣道 #武術學校 #港島 #鰂魚涌 #新道館 #運動 #龐景峰 #kukkiwon #hongkongkukkiwon #aikido #hongkongaikido #kungfu #NewEraMartialClub #hongkongkungfu #healthylife #sport #stuntman #stunt #andrewpong
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5 days ago
葉振棠紅館開騷兼封咪 安歌不獻Sing 觀眾亮手機燈大合唱 棠哥之後帶觀眾走進武俠世界,唱出多首武俠劇主題曲《大內群英》、《小李飛刀》、《楚留香》、《天蠶變》及《萬水千山縱橫》,向顧嘉煇、黎小田、王天林、蕭笙致敬。當唱到《大俠霍元甲》時,龐景峰赤膊上陣,率武術隊在台上表演,大耍雙截棍,展開一場激烈打鬥,場面熱鬧。 原文網址:/ldy/showbiz/latest/20240624/1719213667145 #吊威也 #電影特技 #高台跳躍 #空翻特技 #射槍動作 #功夫 #武術 #武打 #跆拳道 #韓式合氣道 #武術學校 #港島 #鰂魚涌 #新道館 #運動 #龐景峰 #kukkiwon #hongkongkukkiwon #aikido #hongkongaikido #kungfu #NewEraMartialClub #hongkongkungfu #healthylife #sport #stuntman #stunt #andrewpong “Stunts set! NEW ERA set!”
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5 days ago
@xceed.hk “山水畫和武術都融合了古代哲學觀念,山水畫追求寧靜、自然和平衡,武術注重身心合一、內外兼修,兩者都強調審美價值和內在意義。這次特意邀請西藏白鶴拳第四代傳人一龐景峰 @andrew.pong#若水中創作,以武術招式隨筆,與吳冠中大師超時空對話,生成獨特的圖像,彼此相輔相成,體現了豐富多彩的藝術和體育形式。” “Landscape painting and martial arts both embrace ancient philosophy. Landscape painting seeks tranquility, naturalness, and balance, while martial arts emphasize the unity of body and mind. They both highlight aesthetics and inner meaning. We invited Andrew Pong, Tibetan White Crane Fist fourth generation decedent, to create artwork in #SentientPond Through sketches based on his martial arts movements, he engages in a transcendent dialogue with Wu Guanzhong, generating unique images that embody the richness and diversity of art and sports.” #MartialArts #KungFu #ImmersiveArt #MediaArt Hong Kong Museum of Art @hkmoa @neweramartialclub
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7 days ago
@tvbcomhk @alan_wu__ 吳兆麟性感爆肌 雙截棍+連環踢《功夫傳人》福祿壽訓練學院】 吳兆麟致敬李小龍,一身肌肉證明真係有練過㗎!除咗雙手雙截棍,仲有連環飛踢!勁啊! #吳兆麟《功夫傳人》 #TVB #TVB綜藝 #福祿壽訓練學院 #阮兆祥 #王祖藍 #李思捷#搞笑#福祿壽訓練學院 #翡翠台
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8 days ago
It wasn’t until he turned ten that he found a deeper meaning to this craft. He used to spend his summers in San Francisco, where his hero Bruce Lee was born; the summer when he was ten, he learnt that not only did his grandfather have schools in Hong Kong and Macau to teach White Crane kung fu, but he also had a branch in the US city. His grandfather was part of the thriving martial arts scene largely formed by the Chinese community in the Bay Area in the mid-20th century, who saw martial arts as a hobby and means of self-defence against the anti-Chinese sentiments and class struggles they faced in their new home abroad. The traditional craft of martial arts was often seen as a mark of pride they had brought from home. While Pong did not face the same level of racism as his grandfather’s generation did when he attended boarding school in the UK and university in California, he feels the same pride in how “my grandfather’s White Crane style is part of my [Chinese] heritage. It defines me.” His mother gave him some basic training in his teens, and he later started training seriously in a San Francisco dojo, or training hall, during his summer breaks in the city. Like Lee, who taught martial arts to both Chinese and non-Chinese students in the US, Pong also believes that his craft is a means to bring the world together. “I believe that martial arts and action are a universal language that transcends cultural barriers. Jackie Chan didn’t know how to communicate [with English speakers] but then people loved him for [his action movies],” he says. “Back in the 1960s, some Chinese people in [San Francisco’s] Chinatown were offended when Bruce Lee was teaching [white people] kung fu. But as a Chinese person, you should be proud that other cultures are learning or celebrating what you do. Martial arts are not something that should be exclusive to Asian communities. Anyone coming from Antarctica to Africa can learn it for all I care. Different types of martial arts should be celebrated globally. I’m happy to learn theirs as well.” Published by: @tatlerhongkong Author: @zabrinalo #Hongkong #movie #kungfu #martialarts
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1 month ago
It’s impossible to miss the Bruce Lee figurines and posters inside New Era Martial Club, a martial arts studio in Hong Kong’s Quarry Bay district. The founder, Andrew Clifford Pong, is the grandson of Chan Hak Fu, a second-generation practitioner of the White Crane style of kung fu, and grew up watching a lot of martial arts and action movies by the likes of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Today, the 34-year-old has accumulated almost 30 action film and drama credits. Most of these were produced in Hong Kong or mainland China, but some, including this year’s releases Agent Recon and 2Alone, are Hollywood productions. It’s not surprising that Pong went down this career path, given that it’s something of a family tradition: his mother, Sharon Kwok, is a former martial arts actress of American, German and Chinese heritage; his father, Chin Siu-ho, is a martial arts actor of Chinese descent, best known for starring opposite Jet Li in Fist of Legend (1994). His parents’ busy work schedules meant they had little time for him, and the big screen became “the only way to see them; and that translated into me watching old-school action and kung fu films from Hong Kong, such as Fist of Legend”. As a child, Pong dabbled in ice-skating and ballet, but martial arts remained his favourite hobby because of the “the flashy, fancy things like tumbling, chucking and a lot of gymnastics. I didn’t particularly think about becoming a full-time martial artist. I just thought it was fun.” Published by: @tatlerhongkong Author: @zabrinalo #Hongkong #movie #kungfu #martialarts
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1 month ago
Fourth-generation white crane kung fu artist Andrew Pong on redefining the modern meaning of martial arts in film. The martial arts and movie stunt studio founder Andrew Pong wants to bridge cultures through his craft, as he tells Tatler in this series on a new generation of Eurasian action and martial arts film stars who navigate their identities and find new purpose from the craft. Published by: @tatlerhongkong Author: @zabrinalo #Hongkong #movie #kungfu #martialarts
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1 month ago