Mario Niccolò Messina


Blessed father of Grace and Giulio and husband of Valentina. Movie distribution rebel.
A special guest today, this cute little girl was 1 when we left Italy full of hopes. She is the reason behind every sacrifice, hope and decision of mine. Today she is here at V Channels to present our latest YouTube Award! Ladies and Gentlemen here for you Grace Messina hosting the YouTube Award Unboxing for V Portuguese reaching 1,000,000 subscribers!Everything I do, I do it for you.
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5 days ago
@vchannelsmedia sets another milestone by reaching 1,000,000 subscribers in its Portuguese channel V Portuguese. A special unboxing by the sweetest human being in the world: Grace Messina!
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5 days ago
This evening, @vchannelsmedia proudly served as one of the main sponsors of the @mometucollegefilmfest . I am thrilled about the special partnership between Mometu and V Channels, rooted in our mutual commitment to supporting future talents in the world of cinema. We share the same passion for creating opportunities. This collaboration between our production and distribution company and Mometu, an innovative AVOD platform, is exactly what the film industry needs. It’s a union of intentions focused on supporting young filmmakers, not exploiting them. I would especially like to thank @b_leezak , the first to fully embrace V Channels’ vision with courage and confidence. Thank you, Bryan. Thanks to the @freemometu team, and thanks to all the extraordinary talents gathered here this evening.
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11 days ago
We are thrilled to announce the start of production for our latest V Channels original, Accabadora, a thrilling supernatural horror based on the chilling true story of a traditional Sardinian figure who wielded the power over life and death. #TheAccabadora #VChannelsOriginal #HorrorMovie #TrueStory #Sardinia #ComingSoon #HorrorFans Valentina Cau Marco Piro Francesca Cau Francesca Romana Rendinelli
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22 days ago
E c’è che conoscendoci potrebbe pensare che quella precisa nel caso specifico della lavastoviglie siamo mia moglie Valentina Cau… e invece…
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22 days ago
An amazing adventure. 100 filmmakers. 100 stories. This is @vchannelsmedia
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22 days ago
Siete matti a fare un bambino dopo tre mesi. Siete matti ad andare in America con una bambina di un anno. Siete matti ad iniziare una impresa durante il covid. Siete matti ad ascoltare vostra figlia che chiede un fratellino. Se ce lo dite di continuo. Tanto vale essere matti. Con affetto. Grace, Vale e Nick.
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1 month ago
This summer we are Kicking things up a notch! @vchannelsmedia is proud to announce THE WORKOUT a @jamescullenb film Starring @peterjaenyla , @justjokingjk and @ashleemma !
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1 month ago
There’s nothing better than a nice curse… Abigail’s coming for ya! V Channels
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1 month ago
Auguri al mio grillo parlante preferito. Al mio cupido che mi ha regalato moglie per ottenere dei nipoti su misura dei suoi gusti. Auguri alla persona che mi ha insegnato a vedere al di là di quello dove gli altri puntano il dito. Ti amo sorellina mia. #21 e non sentirli
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1 month ago
E poi arriva quel giorno. In cui capisci che sei completamente fregato. E che gli eventi all’orizzonte saranno pieni zeppi di problemi.
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1 month ago
La Famiglia del Mulino Psicopatico.
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1 month ago