

Leading the Digital Revolution in Infrastructure Condition Assessment and Risk Management.
Javier Aparicio de Niricson asistió a las XIII Jornadas Españolas de Presas, organizadas por el Comité Nacional Español de Grandes Presas (SPANCOLD) en el World Trade Center de Barcelona. Este prestigioso evento, celebrado desde 1985, reúne a profesionales para discutir temas críticos relacionados con la regulación y el uso del agua. Javier tuvo la oportunidad de interactuar con líderes de la industria y expertos en seguridad de presas, compartiendo ideas y experiencias sobre cómo Niricson está contribuyendo a la misión global de hacer la infraestructura más segura para todos. Los temas clave de la conferencia de este año incluyeron la seguridad de las presas y embalses, el impacto del cambio climático y el papel de las presas en la transición energética. Estas discusiones son cruciales a medida que navegamos por las nuevas regulaciones de seguridad de presas, conservación, mantenimiento y enfoques innovadores en planificación, diseño, construcción y operación. ---- Javier Aparicio from Niricson, attended the XIII Jornadas Españolas de Presas, organized by the Spanish National Committee on Large Dams (SPANCOLD) at the World Trade Center in Barcelona. This prestigious event, held since 1985, brings together professionals to discuss critical issues related to water regulation and use. Javier had the opportunity to engage with industry leaders and experts in dam safety, sharing insights and experiences on how Niricson is contributing to the global mission of making infrastructure safer for everyone. Key topics at this year's conference included the safety of dams and reservoirs, the impact of climate change, and the role of dams in the energy transition. These discussions are crucial as we navigate new dam safety regulations, conservation, maintenance, and innovative approaches in planning, design, construction, and operatio #DamSafety #makingInfrastructureSafer #Innovation #SPANCOLD2024 #spancold
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7 days ago
At this year's CBDG 27th Annual Conference, held at the Institution of Structural Engineers in London, Josh Folwer from Niricson and TarvGohel from Arcadis Consulting presented on "Innovative monitoring techniques using acoustic data collection devices mounted on drones and AI interrogation of results.“ The conference focused on the influence of intelligent engineering on concrete bridges, highlighting the material's intrinsic versatility, design flexibility, and natural durability. Discussions traced the historical advancements in concrete bridge construction and showcased the exponential leap in digital technology that is shaping the future of infrastructure. Their insights highlighted the significant advancements in technology that are revolutionizing the assessment and inspection of concrete bridges. As we continue to push the boundaries of construction and engineering, we remain committed to making infrastructure safer and more reliable. #CBDG2024 #InfrastructureSafety #ConcreteBridges #EngineeringInnovation #Niricson #ArcadisConsulting #AI #Niricson #Arcadis #MakingInfrastructureSafer #BridgeHealth
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11 days ago
We help our clients ensure the Safety and Reliability of Airfields with Digital Surveys and Condition Assessments. Airfield pavement defect detection is crucial for maintaining safe and operational runways and taxiways. At Niricson, we leverage AUTOSPEX to provide repeatable deterioration modeling for airfield maintenance. Our inspections and change detection capabilities enable precise data comparison over time, ensuring comprehensive and accurate assessments. Key benefits of our approach: - Change Detection: Monitor defect variations and trends over multiple inspections. - Reliable Deterioration Models: Construct accurate models to predict future issues. - Informed Decision-Making: Make data-driven decisions for long-term maintenance and safety. To learn more, visit: /airfields/ #AirfieldSafety #InfrastructureInnovation #PavementManagement #DigitalSurveys #AssetManagement #RunwaySafety #MaintenanceTechnology #Niricson #AUTOSPEX
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25 days ago
Commemorating National Dam Safety Awareness Day. May 31 marks National Dam Safety Awareness Day, a day established to remember the tragic South Fork Dam failure in 1889 and to emphasize the importance of dam safety. At Niricson, we are committed to making infrastructure safer by providing dam guardians from safety engineers to structural engineers and executives, with detailed insights into their structures, ensuring the reliability and safety of these critical assets. Dams provide essential benefits like flood control, hydroelectric generation, and water storage. Our patented inspection technologies, AUTOSPEX and DRONIC, offer precise, AI-backed defect detection and condition monitoring to help maintain the safety and functionality of dams and spillways. We are proud and committed to serving the industry in our capacity. Join us in prioritizing dam safety and ensuring these vital structures continue to serve our communities safely. #DamSafety #NationalDamSafetyDay #InfrastructureSafety #AUTOSPEX #Niricson #Innovation #Hydroelectric #FloodControl #WaterStorage
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1 month ago
Managed by the Yuba Water Agency, the New Bullards Bar Dam in Yuba County California, is the 5th tallest dam in the US, supplying water for Hydroelectric Power Generation, agriculture and fisheries. To deploy the digital condition survey and create the digital twin model, Yuba worked with Niricson, a Bently iTwin Ventures portfolio company, to capture a 3D reality mesh from thousands of drone-captured images, process it in iTwin Capture, and visualize it in #AUTOSPEX . Tim Truong, chief dam safety engineer at Yuba Water Agency, envisioned making the days of surveyors risking treacherous trails to collect data manually a thing of the past. He emphasized the remote operation and new capabilities of digital condition surveys, highlighting its value in tracking the dam’s stability over time, even in its somewhat isolated location. Compared to its previous manual monitoring system, digital condition surveys will provide far greater insights into what’s happening with the dam, creating a base for comparison year over year, and leading to better maintenance and capital planning. #NewBullardsBarDam #YubaWaterAgency #DigitalTwins #InfrastructureInnovation #Niricson
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1 month ago
Team Niricson had engaging conversations with asset owners and engineers at the USSD 2024 Seattle conference. Harsh Rathod, Ph.D. and Joshua Fowler presented "Improving Condition Surveys of Large Concrete Spillways using Artificial Intelligence and Robotics", a study on the condition surveys deployed on Horse Mesa and Stewart Mountain dams, co written with YAVOR F. KUNOV, PE, Senior Civil engineer - Hydro Generation Department at Salt River Project. To learn more and have a direct conversation with our account team (link in bio) #ussd #ussd2024 #damsafety #niricson #innovation
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2 months ago
Visit us at Booth #75 at the USSD Seattle 2024 Conference on Amplifying the importance of the Dam Industry at the Westin Seattle (Grand Ballroom, 4th Floor), from April 22-26, to learn more about the future of infrastructure condition surveys and how a data-driven approach can help asset teams make more informed decisions and optimize capital planning and repair work. Harsh Rathod, Ph.D., and Joshua Fowler from Niricson, will be presenting "Improving Condition Surveys of Large Concrete Spillways using Artificial Intelligence and Robotics," a study on the condition surveys deployed on Horse Mesa and Stewart Mountain dams, co-written with Yavor F. Kunov, PE, Senior Civil Engineer - Hydro Generation Department at Salt River Project. From April 22-26, 2024, USSD will welcome more than 800 dam and levee professionals to the scenic city of Seattle, WA, for multiple days of knowledge exchange, networking, and fun. #ussd2024 #ussd #damsafety #niricson #niricsoninnovation #civilengineer #infrastructure #ai #innovation #MakingInfrastructureSafer
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2 months ago
Our team had great conversations with asset teams at CEATI. Harsh Rathod, Ph.D. and Joshua Fowler, from Niricson, presented “Decision Framework for Utilizing Technology Driven Datasets in the Context of Dam Safety” at the CEATI Hydropower Conference 2024, in Palm Springs, California. The presentation took a deep dive into how standardized and consistent way of doing inspection, which is technology driven and will be comparable year over year, can lead into creating a framework for better decision making in capital planning and maintenance work orders. Also when conducted on various assets, how it can lead in creating a better base for asset management in the long run. To learn more and have a direct conversation with our account team: /get-in-touch/ #niricsoninnovation #hydropower #ceati2024 #damsafety #civilengineering #civilengineer #innovation #infrastructure #ai #MakingInfrastructureSafer
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3 months ago
Visit us at Booth#007 at the CEATI 2024 Hydro Conference in Palm Springs, California on March 19-20, 2024, to learn more about the digital revolution for infrastructure condition assessment and risk management in the context of Dam Safety! Niricson CEO Harsh Rathod Ph.D. and Joshua Fowler, leading Niricson's business development, will be presenting “Decision Framework for Utilizing Technology Driven Datasets in the Context of Dam Safety”. CEATI International’s Hydropower Conference will focus on the opportunities and challenges that utilities are facing, with specific focus on retrofitting dams for extended life, extreme events and the increased need for flexibility, opportunities for power plant modernization and innovations in Hydropower. #niricsoninnovation #hydropower #ceati2024 #damsafety #civilengineering #civilengineer #innovation #infrastructure #ai MakingInfrastructureSafer
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3 months ago
The Mactaquac embankment dam near Fredericton, New Brunswick, is 31m tall and 202m long. It's vital for supplying 20% of the province's electricity via NB Power.​ NB Power took the initiative of digitizing the condition surveys of their concrete structures, using Niricson technology powered by AI and succeeded in:​ ✓ Optimizing access to the structure, for a more accurate condition survey, while eliminating uncertainties and safety concerns​ ✓ Creating a baseline for asset management, monitoring through time for better maintenance/rehab budget allocation.​ ✓ Converting the results to the maintenance design plans for the structure​ ​ Niricson Technology​ DRONIC™ patented multi-layered data collection and fusion architecture -along with a proprietary drone-equipped concrete sounding hammer​ AUTOSPEX™ - Niricson’s patent pending AI-backed defect detection, quantification, and tracking platform for digital infrastructure condition assessment.)​ Checkout the case study on our website! #damsafety #dams #civilengineering #civilengineer #innovation #infrastructure #ai #MakingInfrastructureSafer​
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3 months ago
Dams are critical assets that provide flood control, hydroelectric generation, and water storage benefits for our communities. At NIRICSON, using DRONIC™, our patented data fusion architecture, we digitize assets in a more detailed manner than ever to automate the inspection and create base condition surveys of dams and spillways. Subsequently, we visualize them in AUTOSPEX™, helping asset owners to objectively monitor cracks, spalls, delamination, and other defects on their assets as they progress over time.​ ​Checkout a recent case study here: /project/cataract-dam/ ​ Ready to experience the future of dam management firsthand? Book a demo with Niricson:​ /get-in-touch/​ #damsafety #dams #civilengineering #civilengineer #innovation #infrastructure #ai #MakingInfrastructureSafer​
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4 months ago
Meet our Chief Operations Officer Alejandro Di Tolla, a seasoned leader at Niricson. With over two decades of experience in C-level positions across several sectors, he has achieved astounding 10X growth consistently in disruptive startups and implemented multi-X growth strategies in startups, growth, and mature businesses. ​ ​ Alejandro's strategic prowess has consistently driven financial success and profitability, while his expertise in turnarounds and restructuring has led to transformative results reliably. He excels in optimizing processes, saving millions through automation and business transformation, and is renowned for fostering high-performing teams and cultures. ​ ​ With an MBA from the Albers School of Business and Economics at Seattle University, where he graduated with honors in 2004, his educational background complements his extensive practical experience. 🚀 #COO #Leadership #BusinessGrowth​
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4 months ago