Noelia Voigt


Venezolana Interior Design Author of “Maddie the BRAVE” One Love Workshop Facilitator Aussie mom
Recap of Miss USA finals night✨ I could not feel more blessed to have shared the stage with all of the 50 other incredible women. I thank this organization for bringing us all together and giving us the opportunity to love on each other, shine, and share our hearts with the world. I miss them all so much and can’t wait for a reunion! 🥹 • #missusa #missusa2023 #thedefinitionofpageantry
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8 months ago
I am still at a complete loss for words. After 7 years of chasing this dream of becoming Miss USA, it finally came true. After a whirlwind of ~72 hours, I am finally getting a chance to make this post. First and foremost, I thank God for all of the trials and tribulations that lead me to this enormous blessing. I prayed so hard that His will be done and that I feel peace, confidence, and faith. I felt exactly that. Thank you to everyone who has celebrated this win with me. It has been the most heartwarming thing to see so many people who know my story and my journey be so invested and supportive. This is a win for all of us! To think that seven years ago I was just starting my pageant journey and now I am Miss USA 2023. My mind is blown. To my family: your unwavering support and commitment to helping me see my dream come to fruition means more than you could possibly know. To my director @shannamoakler , thank you for all of your love, support, and guidance on this journey. You are an incredible director and I have loved every second of getting to be your state titleholder. Couldn’t have done this without you. To my pageant coaching family: @prpageantcoaches , I will be thanking you for the rest of eternity. You have believed in me since Day 1 and always told me you believed I could be a Miss USA one day, even when I myself didn’t believe it. I have grown and accomplished so much because of you all. We are family forever. To Laylah Rose, thank you for creating an environment for young women to shine and show their heart. We are so grateful that you are the new CEO of @missusa and I can’t wait for this year with you by my side. To the selection committee, thank you for believing in me and choosing me to be the representative for this country. I could not be more honored. To my teen queen @umasofias I can’t wait to take on this year with you! You are already like a little sister to me! As I always said, God’s timing is ALWAYS right. I’m so ready for this role and can’t wait to represent USA at Miss Universe in El Salvador on November 18th! Many more posts soon to come 👑✨
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8 months ago
God’s timing is always right. I still can’t believe that I am Miss Utah USA 2023 and will be competing at Miss USA later this year! I took the biggest risk of my life thus far by moving across the country to chase this dream of mine and it paid off in the best way. • I have to recognize the village that has surrounded me throughout my pageant journey. Mom, Dad, Natasha and Sean, Nicole, my heavenly sister Neomy, Tia Chana, Tio Manel, Christopher, Carlos, Paula, and so many more family members: I can’t thank you all enough for your constant support, encouragement, being my biggest cheerleaders, and believing in me from the beginning. Mom and Dad, you work so hard and sacrifice so much to be able to provide me with these opportunities and for that I am forever grateful. JH and the Hendrix family, thank you so much for supporting me in the pursuit of this dream since before I even met you all. It has been so hard to be away from you guys and Mila, but I thank you for encouraging me to chase this goal of mine and taking care of Mila while I do it. • (Continued in comments)
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11 months ago
My favorite Homemade Chicken Soup from the archives ✨ • For those of you who may not know, I am obsessed with soups. Chicken, tomato, french onion, pho, ramen, sancocho, you name it. I find cooking and baking to be extremely therapeutic for me, so I’m really looking forward to the Fall months to make all of my favorite warm and cozy soups. I made this chicken soup during a cold day back when I lived in Utah and it was perfection. I’m not exaggerating when I say I ate the entire pot of soup that day. If you have the time to make chicken soup from scratch by roasting your chicken and making the stock, give it a try. It’ll change your life! 🍲 Oh and one more thing: don’t wear a sweater with flared sleeves at the bottom when cooking 😂 • #cooking #souprecipe #soup #chickensoup #soupseason
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11 days ago
I feel like this could be an ad for @ralphlauren Do you see it too? What other brand could it be? Photo by none other than @fadilberishaphotography 🤍
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16 days ago
Not my typical IG feed post buttttt adding a little warmth to the hair this summer 🤎
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19 days ago
From vibrant jewel tones and earthy hues, join design student @noeliavoigt as she walks us through some of the rich tones she loved discovering in Spring Market showrooms.
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26 days ago
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1 month ago
Cannes, it was an absolute honor. Until next time ✨ • Thank you @nabilyounesofficial for this exquisite dress. I’ve never felt so beautiful! 🤍
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1 month ago
How do soft lines elevate a space? We’re head over heels for design student and influencer @noeliavoigt and her unique perspective from Spring Market. Follow @highpointmarket and @noeliavoigt for more Market insights all summer long!
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1 month ago
Quite a few firsts today! Cannes Film Festival Premiere Red Carpet and meeting the one and only Bella Hadid. I about passed out when she recognized me and told me she heard about the news of my resignation and that it inspired her since she recently stepped away from the modeling world. We had a moment talking about the importance of stepping away from things and people that drain you or are no longer good for you, for the sake of getting your mental health back to the happy state it was always in before. She is the kindest person and I’m so grateful we were able to share this moment together 🤍 • Thank you so so much to the wonderful, amazing, and talented @nabilyounesofficial for dressing me in this stunning gown for the carpet and premiere. It is one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen or worn, and I am so grateful that you allowed me to represent your brand at Cannes Film Festival. I can’t wait to see the red carpet pictures later on!
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1 month ago
Thank you to the incredible @emasavahl for sending me this gorgeous dress for Day 5 at Cannes Film Festival! It’s truly a masterpiece!
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1 month ago