Noemí Planas


CEO at @winformusic . ¡El futuro es independiente!
"iHeartRadio makes more than $2 billion a year playing music but refuses to pay the hard working and talented people who perform and produce the songs that are the reason consumers tune-in in the first place. ... iHeart and lobbyist group the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) have spent nearly $100 million since 2020 lobbying Congress and spreading campaign contributions around to maintain the unfair status quo." Friend, colleague and @winformusic board member @richardjamesburgess guest column on @billboard about the unfair US anomaly of not granting artists and labels the terrestrial broadcasting right. More information at @a2im and #musicfirst
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4 days ago
The majors are suing #GenAI developers Suno and Udio for copyright infringement. In @winformusic Principles for Generative AI we defend that the use of music in any stage of AI development is subject to copyright, that all uses of music require explicit permission in advance of "training", and that creators are entitled to fair and appropriate remuneration for such uses on fairly negotiated terms. Working with ethical AI companies that respect creators' rights and standing up to bad actors who don't is the way to promote a sustainable ecosystem that works for everyone.
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7 days ago
What a great #A2IMIndieWeek ! Thanks @a2im for making me lose my voice 😂 See you in 2025!
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17 days ago
#A2IMIndieWeek Day 3 in reverse order: Czech party, Katz, Merlin cocktail, Taiwan happy hour, WINHUB breakfast.
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18 days ago
Second day at #A2IMIndieWeek . Reconnected with some old friends, discussed ways to improve the US artist visa situation, celebrated the great Louis Posen, attended the @billboard Indie Power Players party, and had the most fantastic dinner and interesting conversation with my fellow Power Rangers @gee.davy and @uscjasonpeterson .
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19 days ago
Great start to #A2IMIndieWeek yesterday with a @winformusic members lunch, a meet-up with Spotify and the @liberaawards . Don't miss the rest of the activities this week, including the WINHUB International Indie Breakfast tomorrow and panels featuring @richardjamesburgess (A2IM), @tdcarts (CIMA), @ninaradleymusic (AIM), Karla Rogožar (IMPALA), @dariodrastata (Runda) and more!
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20 days ago
In Rio de Janeiro 🇧🇷 for the #FAccT2024 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency. Interesting discussions about the intersection of art, technology and academia with #GenAI
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28 days ago
I look forward to presenting WIN's work at #A2IMIndieWeek , joining @richardjamesburgess , Josh Hurvitz, Karla Rogožar and Jeremy Sirota at the @a2im AGM on Thursday 13. Plus, we have some exciting announcements coming soon! Stay tuned to @winformusic for more info. 😎 👉
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1 month ago
WIN has published Principles for #GenerativeAI promoting safety, transparency, respect for copyright, a human-centered approach, ethics, and cross border consistency. Independents welcome technological developments that respect the value of music and creators’ rights and we look forward to collaborating with responsible AI developers and inspire policymakers around the world with these principles as a guide. See @winformusic for more details! #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #GenAI
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1 month ago
Muy orgullosa de este encuentro que hemos organizado @winformusic en el marco del @bimenet_ . La necesidad del diálogo interinstitucional y del sector público con el privado, la elaboración de estrategias a largo plazo que aúnen el apoyo a los aspectos artístico y empresarial de la música, el fomento de la asociatividad, y la construcción de un circuito estable de ferias en Latinoamérica han sido algunas de las conclusiones. Muchas gracias a los representantes de las instituciones públicas y organizaciones privadas de Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Canadá, España y Alemania que han participado.
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1 month ago
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1 month ago